Examples of Volume of production in a sentence
A proposal for the development of a standard for cardamom was placed on the priority list for standardization at CCSCH4.a) Volume of production and consumption in individual countries and volume and pattern of trade between countriesWhen compared to the volume of other agricultural products internationally traded, the volume of dried SCH are miniscule, however, SCH are have higher monetary value per kg or lb.
The three parameters that are generally applied by the Governments to define SMEs are: Capital investment in plant and machinery Number of workers employed Volume of production or turnover of business.
The three parameters that are generally applied by the Governments to define SMEs are: Capital investment in plant and machinery, Number of workers employed, Volume of production or turnover of business.
Volume of production has a significant impact on the unit costs for the Hollister operation because of the relatively small size of the operation.
See https://echa.europa.eu/ Natural exposure: non-anthropogenic release of the substance Anthropogenic exposure: release of the substance through human-made activities Volume of production: tonnage manufactured and/or imported per year to the European Economic Area (EEA), which is published (or registered) on ECHA database (data may be claimed confidential and may not be available).
Viewed at: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/2019/indexeh.htm; and data provided by the authorities.Chart 4.15 Volume of production, 2009-19Source: National Bureau of Statistics, China Statistical Yearbook 2019.
Average fish prices correspond to first selling point net prices as reported to FAO.EUR exchange rate calculated on the basis of Hungarian National Bank's mid-market foreign exchange rate of 31.12.2013.2.5 - Volume of production recirculation system201387.00tonnesResearch Institute of Agricultural Economics 2 - Production volume of intensive aquaculture system20132,197.00tonnesResearch Institute of Agricultural EconomicsProduction refers only to food fish.
Brief introduction Mode of publishing Volume of production (if publish in physical form) Example: Brief introduction A film on 20 items of the Representative List of the ICH of Hong Kong for introducing the meaning of ICH to primary students.
The three parameters that are generally applied by the Governments to define SMEs are: ▪ Capital investment in plant and machinery▪ Number of workers employed▪ Volume of production or turnover of business The definitions in use depend on the purposes these are required to serve according to the policies of the respective countries.
Since large cardamom is a high-priced commodity and is getting recognized in the international trade for its pleasant and savory flavor, developing a Codex standard for large cardamom will supply high quality and safe products to protect consumer’s health and will help improve fair trade.b) Volume of production and consumption in individual countries and volume and pattern of trade between countriesGlobal production data for cardamoms is not available separately.