WIIN Act definition
Examples of WIIN Act in a sentence
The WIIN Act of 2016, §2103, provided “states with two additional options to calculate the maximum allowable Administration and Technical Assistance set-aside that can be taken for capitalization grants awarded after 12/16/2016.
WHEREAS, Legislation passed Congress (WIIN Act of 2016) to improve and update the Ririe Reservoir winter Flood Control Rule Curves to improve the water supplies of the water users, and WHEREAS, Mitigation, Inc.
The baseline costs for this rule are the costs of compliance with EPA’s 2015 CCR final rule, as the provisions of this rule modify the provisions of the 2015 CCR final rule or modify the implementation of the 2015 CCR rule by WIIN Act participating states.
Existing Litigation [Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1)]: A discussion on litigation resulting from the WIIN Act Loan Conversion.
It reauthorized the DWSRF and includes key provisions of the SRF WIIN Act, which provides streamlined access to WIFIA financing for SRFs. The following are the provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act and AWIA that are applicable to the Hawaii DWSRF.
Any remaining Allocated Monies appropriated as part of the WIIN Act, including any State Matching Funds, shall be distributed to the City in accordance with that Act.
If the Allocated Monies will be sufficient to complete the excavations and service line replacements of all lead and galvanized steel service lines in the City, based on the evaluation conducted under Paragraph 29, then the Reserve Monies must no longer be retained as required under Paragraph 27 and will be distributed to the City for the purposes identified in section 2201(b) of, and in accordance with, the WIIN Act.
After the Completion of Service Line Replacement, any portion of the Reserve Monies remaining shall be distributed to the City in accordance with the WIIN Act.
Of the $87,000,000 Allocated Monies, $20,000,000 will be the State Matching Funds appropriated by the State of Michigan related to the WIIN Act.
In the March 2018 proposal, the Agency proposed six alternative performance standards which participating states (i.e., those which have an EPA-approved CCR permit program under the WIIN Act) may adopt and sought comment on additional alternatives.