Roomer means a person occupying a dwelling unit that lacks a major bathroom or kitchen facility, in a structure where one or more major facilities are used in common by occupants of the dwelling unit and other dwelling units. Major facility in the case of a bathroom means toilet, or either a bath or shower, and in the case of a kitchen means refrigerator, stove or sink.
NBOME means the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, an organization that prepares and administers qualifying examinations for osteopathic physicians.
Outdoor cultivation means live plants growing in an area exposed to natural sunlight and
Harvest lot means a specifically identified quantity of marijuana that is, cultivated utilizing the same growing practices and harvested within a 72 hour period at the same location and cured under uniform conditions.
Seaplane means an aircraft that is capable of landing and taking off on the water.
TELRIC means Total Element Long-Run Incremental Cost.
Holocene means the most recent epoch of the Quaternary period, extending from the end of the Pleistocene Epoch to the present.
Cannabis retailer means any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains usable cannabis from cannabis cultivators and cannabis items from cannabis manufacturers or cannabis wholesalers, and sells these to consumers from a retail store, and may use a cannabis delivery service or a certified cannabis handler for the off-premises delivery of cannabis items and related supplies to consumers. A cannabis retailer shall also accept consumer purchases to be fulfilled from its retail store that are presented by a cannabis delivery service which will be delivered by the cannabis delivery service to that consumer.
Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an
PNode has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
obsrvd_agnt_cd ;"count erparty_identifier";"entty_rl";"cntrct_id";"instrmnt_id";" reporting_reference_date" Alpha-numeric Semicolon-separated string of all column names. Field names are put in double quotation marks. 1 reporting_agent_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 2 obsrvd_agnt_cd Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 3 counterparty_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 4 entty_rl Variable characters (25) 25 counterparty-instrument role type 5 cntrct_id Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 6 instrmnt_id Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 7 reporting_reference_date Date reporting reference date
Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Total tetrahydrocannabinol means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.
Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.
MECOD refers to the Multiple Exchange Carriers Ordering and Design Guidelines for Access Services - Industry Support Interface, a document developed by the Ordering/Provisioning Committee of the OBF, which functions under the auspices of the CLC of ATIS. The MECOD document, published by ATIS as ATIS/OBF- MECAB- Issue 3, February 1993, establishes methods for processing orders for access service which is to be provided to an IXC by two or more telecommunications providers.
Double check valve assembly means an assembly composed of two single, independently acting, check valves including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve.
Summer Season in any year, means the Season commencing on 01 April in that year;
Single Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in a single homogeneous phase and which does not require that the product container be shaken before use.
Cluster development means a subdivision with lots clustered in a group of five or more lots that is
Transient space marketplace means an online marketplace through which a person may offer transient accommodations or hotel rooms to individuals. A "transient space marketplace" allows transient accommodations or hotel rooms to be advertised or listed through an online marketplace in exchange for consideration or provides a means for a customer to arrange for the occupancy of the transient accommodation or hotel room in exchange for consideration. A 'transient space marketplace' shall not include an online marketplace operated by or on behalf of a hotel or hotel corporation that facilitates customer occupancy solely for the hotel or hotel corporation's owned or managed hotels and franchisees, and shall not include a travel agency or an online travel agency.
Cropland means land used for the production of adapted crops for harvest, alone or in a rotation with grasses and legumes, and includes row crops, small grain crops, hay crops, nursery crops, orchard crops, and other similar specialty crops.
Ambulatory surgical center means any public or private State licensed and approved (whenever required by law) establishment with an organized medical staff of Physicians, with permanent facilities that are equipped and operated primarily for the purpose of performing Surgical Procedures, with continuous Physician services and registered professional nursing service whenever a patient is in the facility, and which does not provide service or other accommodations for patients to stay overnight.
apron means a defined area intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance;
Ozone season means the period of time beginning May 1 of a year and ending on September 30 of the same year, inclusive.
Dewatering means the removal of water for construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. It may require Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged.