Woman definition

Woman means a person who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States and who is of the female gender.
Woman means a female human being whether or not she has reached the age of majority.
Woman means a person who is a citizen or

Examples of Woman in a sentence

  • Minority Business Enterprise (MBE): a certified business that is (1) at least fifty-one percent (51%) owned by one or more minority individuals, or, in the case of a publicly owned business at least fifty- one percent (51%) of the stock is owned by one or more minority individuals; and (2) whose daily Other Business Enterprise (OBE): any business which does not otherwise qualify as Minority, Woman, Disadvantaged or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise.

  • YES NO Unknown X 1 A DBE is a Disadvantaged, Minority, or Woman Business Enterprise that has been certified by an entity from which EPA accepts certifications as described in 40 CFR 33.204-33.2015 or certified by EPA.

  • Certified Minority Business Enterprise MBE* Certified Woman Business Enterprise WBE* Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DBE* Certified Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise DVBE* List items of the Services the Proposer made available to DBE firms.

More Definitions of Woman

Woman as used in this policy means a non-minority woman who has 51% ownership, interest, holds the professional or contractor license necessary for operation as well as management, control, and have technical expertise directly related to the primary product or service of the business.
Woman means a female of any age.
Woman means a person who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States and who is of the female gender. (30 ILCS575/2). Your business must also be at least 51% unconditionally and directly owned by women who are U.S. citizens. The woman or women must manage daily operations, make long- term decisions and hold the highest officer positions available. They must also work at the business full-time during normal working hours, although there is no minimum amount of time for the business to be considered operational.
Woman means any female 18 years of age or older.
Woman means a female person of any age.
Woman means a woman employed, whether directly or through any agency, for wages in any establishment.
Woman means a female person.