Examples of Works Councils in a sentence
The original European Works Councils Directive2 was meant to follow the expansion of un- dertakings on a transnational scale by steering its impact on inter-company industrial relations, according to the principle by which “if economic activities are to develop in a harmonious fashion, undertakings and groups of undertakings operating in two or more Member States must inform and consult the representatives of those of their employees that are affected by their decisions” (Preamble, 9th Recital).
Trade Union Membership and Works Councils in West Germany, März 2007.
Paid leave for an education programme related to the work on the editorial board and/or the editorial committee Analogous to the provisions of the Dutch Works Councils Act, a journalist who is on the editorial board and/or editorial committee but not on the Works Council is entitled to paid leave for attending a study programme related to their work on the editorial board and/or the editorial committee.
The Works Council's participation as defined in the Austrian Labour Code [Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz/ArbVG] shall remain unaffected.
Reference is made to the rules concerning European Works Councils etc.
In contrast to employee representation via works councils at establishment level (betriebliche Mitbestimmung), which is found in many European countries in various forms and which has also played a role as a template in the formulation of legislation on European Works Councils (94/45/EC) in the EU,1 Germany has not been able to convince its neighbours or the EU to adopt its system of (quasi) parity board-level representation.
Reference is made to the at any time valid regulations on European Works Councils.
If and to the extent that the schemes governing the working conditions of journalists also concern other employees (journalists and/or non-journalists) in the company or the group of companies, the obligations contained in the Dutch Works Councils Act will replace the provisions referred to in this article.
Union Organizing and the Role of Works Councils in German Industrial Relations,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 63: 275 – 93.
A list of overseas locations with Works Councils is attached as Schedule 5.11.