Examples of WTO Member in a sentence
Export information by product:As China is best suited to provide this information, as opposed to another WTO Member, China should notify this information promptly.
As China is best suited to provide this information, as opposed to another WTO Member, China should notify this information promptly.
Reason why no foreign trade has taken place As China is best suited to provide this information, as opposed to another WTO Member, China should notify this information promptly.
Domestic activities where state trading enterprise also trades products internationally:As China is best suited to provide this information, as opposed to another WTO Member, China should notify this information promptly.
After Ecuador had become a WTO Member on 26 January 1996, Ecuador as well as Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the United States requested consultations with the EC on its banana regime by letter dated 5 February 1996 and circulated to Members as document WT/DS27/1 on 12 February 1996.