Your pet definition
Examples of Your pet in a sentence
Your pet has gone missing from your home or has disappeared (lost, stolen).
A diagnostic test must be carried out to confirm the presence of the stones/crystals.• Liquid food, used for up to five (5) days while Your pet is hospitalised at a veterinary practice, providing the vet confirms the use of the liquid food is essential to keep Your pet alive.
EMERGENCY PET COVERIf Your pet animal is with You and first becomes sick or is injured when You are more than 100 kilometres from Your Home whilst using Your Caravan We will pay up to $1,000 toward veterinarian fees.
What Insurers will not pay1 Any benefit if Your pet was being used for any commercial purpose (unless specifically stated on Your Certificate of Insurance).2 Any benefit if Your pet dies during the course of a surgical operation unless the operation is being carried out by a Veterinary Surgeon in an attempt to preserve the life of Your pet or as previously agreed by the Insurers.
For example (but not limited to) any aggressive tendencies or aggressive behaviour shown, any incidents where your dog has caused injury to a person or another animal, or any health conditions which may affect how your dog behaves.• Your pet passes away.• Your pet is over the age of 8 years at the start of your policy.If you have any doubts, please contact us and we will be happy to help.