Yurok Reservation definition
Examples of Yurok Reservation in a sentence
Real property on any rancheria that merges with the Yurok Reservation pursuant to sub- section (b) of this section that is, on October 31, 1988, held by any individual under a lease shall continue to be governed by the terms of the lease, and any land assignment existing on Octo- ber 31, 1988, shall continue in effect and may pass by descent or devise to any blood relative or relatives of Indian blood of the assignee.(Pub.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the management of the unallotted trust land and as- sets of the Yurok Reservation until such time as the Yurok Tribe has been organized pursuant to section 1300i–8 of this title.
No lands or interests in lands may be acquired outside the Yurok Res- ervation with such funds except lands adjacent to and contiguous with the Yurok Reservation or for purposes of exchange for lands within the reservation.
Pursuant to the authority of sections 465 and 467 of this title, the Secretary may ac- quire from willing sellers lands or interests in land, including rights-of-way for access to trust lands, for the Yurok Tribe or its members, and such lands may be declared to be part of the Yurok Reservation.
No lands or interests in lands may be acquired outside the Yurok Reservation with such funds except lands adjacent to and contiguous with the Yurok Reservation or for purposes of exchange for lands within the reservation.
The Secretary shall be responsible for the management of the unallotted trust land and assets of the Yurok Reservation until such time as the Yurok Tribe has been organized pursuant to section 1300i–8 of this title.
Pursuant to the authority of sections 465 and 467 of this title, the Secretary may acquire from willing sellers lands or interests in land, including rights-of-way for access to trust lands, for the Yurok Tribe or its members, and such lands may be declared to be part of the Yurok Reservation.
At the same time that the dams deprived the Karuk and other tribes, including the Yurok, of their connection to the river, the power from the dams did not serve the tribes:It is a cruel irony that the hydropower facilities on the Klamath River do not provide power to most of the Yurok Reservation downstream of the dams.
Nearly 80% of the Yurok Reservation is without a connection to the electric grid.
For example, the Cultural Fire Management Council aims to facilitate the practice of cultural burning on the Yurok Reservation and Ancestral Lands.