Examples of Zilla Panchayat in a sentence
Commissioners Public Relation, Ban Ganga Bhopal.2. Engineer in Chief Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority Bhopal.3. Managing Director M.P. Road Development Corporation, Arera Hills, Bhopal.4. Chief Engineer, Central Public Works Departments, Nirman Sadan Arera Hills Bhopal.5. All Divisional Commissioners.6. All Collectors.7. Chief Executive Officers, Zilla Panchayat (all).8.
As the line departments will play catalytic role in implementation of the programme, the role of the District Collector/Magistrate/CEO Zilla Panchayat shall be pivotal.
Further, the concerned O&M Divisional Officers are attending concerned Zilla Panchayat meetings.
As per the instructions issued by Government of Karnataka, the fund accounts of Zilla Panchayat and Taluk Panchayats were required to be maintained in 3 parts: Fund I – Account for all receipts and expenditure of Central Plan and Centrally Sponsored Schemes including State Share, Non-Plan Central Grants and Grants under Recommendation of Finance Commission.
PRIs at the district, block, and village level are the Zilla Panchayat (ZP), Panchayat Samiti (PS), and the Gram Panchayat (GP) respectively.
The following schemes are being implemented under Zilla Panchayat Grants.
The Karnataka Zilla Panchayat (Finance and Accounts) Rules stipulate that Head of the Departments/Drawing and Disbursing Officers of the Zilla Panchayat (ZPs) shall attend promptly to the objections issued by the Accountant General.
Individual departments thereafter transfer the funds to Sachiva, Zilla Panchayats for Zilla Panchayat and District Development Officer for GPs as grants-in-aid.
The environmental conditions can also affect the process, inducing chemotaxis and hapoptaxis, or simply influencing the bacterial Brownian motion and the gravitational forces.
Four such meeting rooms are envisaged for this part.Training Delivery: SPRC is envisaged to conduct training for Zilla Panchayat ERs, district level support functionaries, master resource people, service providers, and members of regional PRCs. Apart from these, SPRC may also conduct training for neighbouring block level ERs and support functionaries and block level resource people.