GENERAL TERMS Cláusulas de Ejemplo

GENERAL TERMS. 1.1. In accordance with these provisions, the seller guarantees that the product corresponding to this guarantee is in perfect condition at the time of delivery. 1.2. The Guarantee Term for the Product is two (2) years from the time it is delivered to the purchaser. 1.3. In the event of any defect in the Product that is notified by the purchaser to the seller during the Guarantee Term, the seller will be obliged to repair or replace the Product, at his own cost and wherever he deems suitable, unless this is impossible or unreasonable. 1.4. If it is not possible to repair or replace the Product, the purchaser may ask for a proportional reduction in the price or, if the defect is sufficiently significant, the terminations of the sales contract. 1.5. The replaced or repaired parts under this guarantee, will not extend the guarantee period of the original Product, but will have a separate guarantee. 1.6. In order for this guarantee to come into effect, the purchaser must provide proof of the date of purchase and delivery of the Product. 1.7. If, after six months from the delivery of the Product to the purchaser, he notifies a defect in the Product, the purchaser must provide proof of the origin and existence of the alleged defect. 1.8. This Guarantee Certificate is issued without prejudice to the rights corresponding to consumers under national regulations.
GENERAL TERMS. 1.1. In accordance with these provisions, the seller guarantees that the product corresponding to this guarantee is in perfect condition at the time of delivery. 1.2. The Guarantee Term for the Product is two (2) years from the time it is delivered to the purchaser. 1.3. In the event of any defect in the Product that is notified by the purchaser to the seller during the Guarantee Term, the seller will be obliged to repair or replace the Product, at his own cost and wherever he deems suitable, unless this is impossible or unreasonable. 1.4. If it is not possible to repair or replace the Product, the purchaser may ask for a proportional reduction in the price or, if the defect is sufficiently significant, the terminations of the sales contract. 1.5. The replaced or repaired parts under this guarantee, will not extend the guarantee period of the original Product, but will have a separate guarantee. 1.6. In order for this guarantee to come into effect, the purchaser must provide proof of the date of purchase and delivery of the Product. 1.7. If, after six months from the delivery of the Product to the purchaser, he notifies a defect in the Product, the purchaser must provide proof of the origin and existence of the alleged defect. 1.8. This Guarantee is issued without prejudice to the rights corresponding to consumers under national regulations. 1.9. For this guarantee to be effective, the purchaser must strictly follow the Manufacturer’s instructions included in the documentation provided with the Product, in cases where it is applicable according to the range and model of the Product. 1.10. When a time schedule is specified for the replacement, maintenance or cleaning of certain parts or components of the Product, the guarantee will only be valid if this time schedule has been followed.
GENERAL TERMS. 1.1. In accordance with these provisions, the seller guarantees that the product corresponding to this guarantee is in perfect condition at the time of delivery. 1.2. The Guarentee Term for the Product is two (2) years from the time it is delivered to the purchaser. The manufacturer of the product extends the guarantee of the GRP vessel to five (5) years from the date of manufacture. 1.3. In the event of any defect in the Product that is notified by the purchaser to the seller during the Guarantee Term, the seller will be obliged to repair or replace the Product, at his own cost and wherever he deems suitable, unless this is impossible or unreasonable. 1.4. If it is not possible to repair or replace the Product, the purchaser may ask for a proportional reduction in the price or, if the defect is sufficiently significant, the terminations of the sales contract. 1.5. The replaced or repaired parts under this guarantee, will not extend the guarantee period of the original Product, but will have a separate guarantee. 1.6. In order for this guarantee to come into effect, the purchaser must provide proof of the number of manufacture of the Product. 1.7. If, after six months from the delivery of the Product to the purchaser, he notifies a defect in the Product, the purchaser must provide proof of the origin and existence of the alleged defect. 1.8. This Guarantee Certificate is issued without prejudice to the rights corresponding to consumers under national regulations.


  • Términos Generales a. Usted acepta que cualquier disputa o reclamación que surja de estos Términos ("Reclamación") o se relacione con estos se regirá por la xxx xx Xxxxxxxx del Norte sin dar efecto a ninguna disposición o norma de conflicto xx xxx o disposición. Cualquier demanda, acción o procedimiento legal que surja de un Reclamo o se relacione con el mismo se instituirá exclusivamente en los tribunales federales de los Estados Unidos o los tribunales de Carolina del Norte, en cada caso ubicado en el Condado de Wake. Usted acepta renunciar a todas y cada una de las objeciones al ejercicio de la jurisdicción sobre usted por dichos tribunales y el lugar donde se celebre el juicio en dichos tribunales. b. Acepta cumplir con todas las leyes aplicables y las políticas de la plataforma de streaming que está utilizando para transmitir cualquier Torneo. c. Estos Términos son solo para beneficio de usted y de Psyonix, y nada aquí, ni explícito ni implícito, tiene la intención o conferirá a otra persona o entidad, ningún derecho, beneficio o recurso legal o compensación de ninguna naturaleza bajo o en razón de estos Términos. d. Si se requiere alguna conversión de moneda en relación con el cálculo de la compensación total y / o los montos de la contribución del patrocinador establecidos en la Sección 2 (a), dicha conversión se realizará al tipo de cambio al contado publicado por la Junta de Gobernadores del Sistema de Reserva Federal en Estadísticas Release H.10 para la fecha que es cinco (5) días hábiles antes del día en que se pagaron y / o se proporcionaron tales cantidades. e. Estos Términos, junto con las Directrices de la Comunidad, los Términos de Uso de Psyonix (disponibles en xxxxx://, el EULA del Juego y la Política de Privacidad de Psyonix, constituyen el acuerdo completo entre usted y Psyonix con respecto a su operación y uso del Juego durante un Torneo de acuerdo con estos Términos y reemplaza cualquier acuerdo previo, ya sea escrito u oral, relacionado con el tema de estos Términos. Ninguna renuncia a estos Términos por parte de Psyonix se considerará una renuncia adicional o continua de dicho término o condición o cualquier otro término o condición, y cualquier falla de Psyonix para hacer valer un derecho o disposición bajo estos Términos no constituirá una renuncia a tal derecho o disposición. Si un tribunal de jurisdicción competente considera que alguna disposición de estos Términos es inválida, ilegal o inaplicable por algún motivo, dicha disposición se eliminará o se limitará a la extensión mínima tal que las disposiciones restantes de estos Términos continúen en plena vigencia y efecto.