PERSONAL INFORMATION. Personal Information" means information about a particular individual that, on its own or in combination with other information, identifies DISCONTINUATION. Prior to Seller's discontinuing the manufacture or sale of any Good identified in any Order issued by Edusa during the preceding twelve months: (a) INDEMNIFICATION & INSURANCE. Seller will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Edusa, its affiliates, and their successors, assigns, officers, directors, employees, U.S. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS. If an Order is issued under a U.S. Government contract or higher-tier subcontract, the following Federal Acquisition Regulation
PERSONAL INFORMATION. The Teacher/Worker freely and voluntarily authorizes the University to collect, use, transfer, store, consult, process and in general to handle the personal information which he/she has provided to The University, pursuant to the provisions in Law 1581 of 2012 and Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013, which is contained in the databases and the file property of the University, for the necessary internal purposes, such as issues related to his identification document, identification number nationality, country of residence, address, telephone, marital status, corporate and personal e-mail address, salary and bank account.
PERSONAL INFORMATION. You consent the electronic treatment of your personal information, as necessary for the agreed service, and for other products and services which may be of interest to you and of which you will be informed in due time. Your personal information will be treated confidentially. MALCO will take the necessary measures to comply with Spanish legislation on the protection of personal data (Organic Law 15/99). You have the right to access, rectify and, if you wish, cancel your personal data by means of a written petition addressed to MALCO. You likewise authorise MALCO to transmit your data to other companies in the group or other companies with which the company may reach collaboration agreements, to improve the agreed service and for credit control, whether in Spain or abroad, in any case complying with Spanish legislation regarding the protection of personal information. If you decide to breach this contract, your personal data may be revealed or handed over to third persons, as necessary to facilitate the collection of any due amounts. The CUSTOMER expressly gives their free consent to MALCO to use their data with XXXXX’x geolocalization system. MALCO can directly access to the CUSTOMER’s personal data without prior notice for security or commercial reasons. The CUSTOMER is also aware and expressly gives their free conset to MALCO to track the rented vehicle with XXXXX’x geolocalization system.
PERSONAL INFORMATION. Personal Information" means information about a particular individual that, on its own or in combination with other information, identifies an individual, in any form and any media. Seller may access, collect, or process Personal Information during its performance under an Order. Seller must keep all that Personal Information confidential uses it only as necessary to perform Seller's obligations under an Order, and promptly notify Solventum of any judicial process that might require its disclosure. Seller will, at Solventum's option, either return or destroy all that Personal Information on Xxxxx'x request. In addition, Seller will: (a) create, obtain, process and use Personal Information only in compliance with all applicable Laws; (b) restrict access to Personal Information to only those Seller employees as is necessary to perform Seller's obligations under an Order; (c) ensure that all Seller employees with such access have obligations as strict as Seller's obligations under this Section and have been informed of those obligations; (d) use security measures to protect all Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration or destruction; (e) maintain any records that include Personal Information in accurate and current form; DISCONTINUATION. Prior to Seller's discontinuing the manufacture or sale of any Good identified in any Order issued by Edusa during the preceding twelve months: (a) Seller will fill all current Orders for that Good; (b) Seller will give Xxxxx at least six months' prior written notice of that discontinuation; and (c) Edusa will have the right to issue a last-time buy Order for, and Seller will deliver, that discontinued Good at its then-current price in an amount up to Edusa's largest twelve-month purchase volume (based on Orders issued). INDEMNIFICATION & INSURANCE. Seller will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Edusa, its affiliates, and their successors, assigns, officers, directors, employees, and agents for, from and against any claim, liability, loss, damage, lien, judgment, duty, fine, civil penalty and cost, including attorneys' fees and litigation expenses, arising out of: (a) Seller's failure to comply with any of its obligations under an Order (including these Terms), which may include, without limitation, those relating to a resulting Good recall or other reasonable action Solventum takes regarding any such failure; and (b) claims arising out of handling, packaging, labeling, storage, treatment, ...