FORTUITOUS EVENTS AND FORCE MAJEURE. The following are contractually assimilated to force majeure and may constitute grounds for the termination or suspension of one of the parties’ obligations: any event that the defaulting party could not reasonably have foreseen or controlled on the date hereof in view of the inevitable, unforeseeable and uncontrollable nature of the event in question, particularly government actions, war, terrorism, raw material shortages, failure on the part of the Parties’ suppliers or subcontractors, transport interruptions, shortages or social actions, viral contamination, epidemics, earthquakes, fire, explosions, flooding, strikes, lockouts, embargoes, fortuitous occurrences, and any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the defaulting party, provided that the party invoking the force majeure event has promptly informed the other party and has made reasonable commercial efforts to avoid or remedy said force majeure event and provided that neither party may be obliged to settle a disruption or industrial dispute. If the force majeure event persists ninety (90) days after notification, either party may terminate the Order by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or equivalent, and said termination will take effect immediately.