Adherence to terms and conditions. Respondents who wish to submit their responses to this RfE should note that they should abide (in true intent and spirit) by all the t erms and conditions contained in the RfE. If the responses contain any extraneous conditions put in by the respondents, such responses may be disqualified and may not be considered for the selection process. T001222800/2021/BYO/HRV Issued on: January 08, 2021 Page: 18 of 31
Adherence to terms and conditions. The Consultants who wish to submit their responses to this RFP should note that they should abide (in true intent and spirit) by all the terms and conditions contained in the RFP. If the responses contain any extraneous conditions put in by the respondents / bidders, such responses may be disqualified and may not be considered for the selection process.