Rules   for   responding   to   this   Rf E नमूना खंड

Rules   for   responding   to   this   Rf E i. The Respondents should use the formats prescribed by the Bank in submission of the RfE Response ii. All responses received after the due date/ time as per schedule mentioned in the ‘ Important Information for R fE’ given in the beginning of the R fE would be considered late and would be liable to be rejected. iii. Documents not required as part of the RfE should not be provid ed. iv. Unsigned responses would be treated as incomplete and are liable to be rejected. The proposal s once submitted cannot be withdrawn/ modified after the last da te for submission of the proposal s unless specifically permitted by the Bank. v. The Bank reserves the right to not to allow/ permit changes in the technical requirements and not to evaluate the offer in case of non -submission of the technical details in the required format or partial submission of technical details. vi. Respondents at no point in time can excuse themselves from any claims by the Bank whatsoever for their deviations in confirming to the terms and conditions and other schedules as mentioned in the RfE circulated by the Bank. Respondents shall T001229069/2021/BYO/HRV Issued on: March 06,2021 Page : 13 of 34 be fully responsible for deviations to the terms & conditions etc. as proposed in the RfE. vii. If related parties (as defined below) submit more than one Proposal per category, then both/all Proposal s submitted by related parties are liable to be rejected at any stage at the Bank’s discretion: a. Proposal s subm itted by the holding company and its subsi diary b. Proposal s submitted by one or more companies having common director/s c. Proposal s submitted by one or more Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firms having common partners d. Proposal s submitted by one or mo re companies in the same group of promoters/ management e. Any other proposal in the sole discretion of the Bank is in the nature of multiple proposal s. * * * T001229069/2021/BYO/HRV Issued on: March 06,2021 Page : 14 of 34
Rules   for   responding   to   this   Rf E i. The Respondents should use the formats prescribed by SIDBI in submission of the RfE Response . ii. All responses received after the due date/ time as per schedule mentioned in the ‘Important Information for RfE’ given in the beginning of the RfE would be considered late and would be liable iii. Documents not required as part of the RfE should not be provided. iv. Unsigned responses would be treated as incomplete and are liable v. SIDBI reserves the right to not to allow/ permit changes in the technical requirements and not to evaluate the offer in case of non -submission of the technical details in the required format or partial submission of technical details. vi. Respondents at no point in time can excuse themselves from any claims by XXXXX whatsoever for their deviations in confirming to the terms and conditions and other schedules as mentioned in the vii. If related parties (as defined below) submit more than one Proposal then both/all Proposal s submitted by related parties are liable to be rejected at any stage at SIDBI’s discretion: a. Proposal s submitted by the holding company and its subsidiary . b. Proposal s submitted by one or more companies having common director/s . c. Proposal s submitted by one or more Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firms having common partners . d. Proposal s submitted by one or more companie s in the same group of promoters/ management . T001222800/2021/BYO/HRV Issued on: January 08, 2021 Page: 20 of 31 e. Any other proposal in the sole discretion of SIDBI is in the nature of multiple proposal s. T001222800/2021/BYO/HRV Issued on: January 08, 2021 Page: 21 of 31