Declaration नमूना खंड

Declaration. I/We hereby declare that I/We have read and understood the above scope of works & services and the same shall remain binding upon me/us in case the above-mentioned work is entrusted to me/us. Signature of the authorized person: ……………………………………………. Name of the signatory: ( ) (in block capital letters): Status of the signatory i.e. proprietor/ partner: Section-J अनुबंध के िनयम और शत� /
Declaration. The general information and guidelines given in the tender document are hereby accepted unconditionally and shall be complied with. Signature of Bidder: Name: Stamp Telephone: Fax E-mail SECTION – III GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1.
Declaration. ¬ I. I/We declare that no Director/Employee of Airports Authority of India is/are a Director/Partner of my/our firm/Company/Partnership/Proprietor. II. The General Conditions of Contract given in the tender document are hereby accepted unconditionally and shall be complied with. Signature of Bidder: Name: Stamp Telephone: Fax E-mail SECTION-IV ANNEXURE-1 DETAILS OF BIDDER (To be submitted in Envelope - I) All individual firms applying for tender are requested to complete the information in this form.. 1. Name of firm: 2. Head office address: 3. Registered office address: 4. Telephone: | Mobile: Contact person name & Designation : 5. Fax : | E-mail: 6. Place of incorporation/ Year of incorporation / registration: Status of Firm: Corporation or Public limited / Private Limited / Partnership firm/ Individual Proprietorship Firm Registration No. Signature………………………………. Name & Design ………………………. Bidder / Authorized Signatory Company Stamp / Seal ANNEXURE-2 UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER (On company’s Letter Head) (To be submitted in Envelope - I) Ref No ……………. Date : ……………. To The Airport Director, Airports Authority of India, Dibrugarh Airport, Mohanbari-786012. Subject: Unconditional Acceptance of terms &conditions Sir, Reference may please be made to your tender no. AAI/DIB/APD//CNS/IT/2017 for Annual Rate Contract for supply of Printer Cartridges for Dibrugarh airport. 1. I/We have read and examined the Tender documents for “Annual Rate Contract for supply of Printer Cartridges for Dibrugarh airport, Mohanbari. I/We have thoroughly understood the Tender documents containing terms & conditions and other instructions of the contract given and hereby agree to abide by it, in its entirety without any deviations and ambiguity for the above work. 2. I/We have noted that after accepting the Tender terms & conditions including finalized specifications in its entirety, it is not permissible to put any remarks/conditions (except unconditional rebate on price if any) in the Tender enclosed and the same has been followed in the present case. In case, this provision of the Tender is found violated after opening Financial Bid, I/We agree that the Tender shall stand rejected and AAI shall without prejudice to any other remedy be at liberty to forfeit absolutely the full xxxxxxx money. 3. I/We agree to keep Tender validity for 180 days from the date of submission thereof. 4. I/We offer to work at the rate given by me/us as per financial bid enclosed duly signed and it is co...
Declaration. I/ We have read and detailed scope of work of contact explicitly mentioned above and accept the same to execute the contract, if awarded. Place: Date: Signature of Contractor Name Designation Seal of the firm 7.11