Evaluation Process नमूना खंड

Evaluation Process. 7.1.1. The Bank has adopted a two (2) step processes in which the Bidder has to submit following bids in separate files at the time of submission of bids as stipulated in this document. a) Eligibility Criteria and technical bid b) Commercial Bids 7.1.2. The Bank shall first evaluate the ‘Eligibility Criteria and Technical Bids’. ‘Commercial bids’ shall be opened for only the shortlisted bidders after eligibility and technical evaluation. The final selection will be done based on Quality cum Cost Based System (QCBS) wherein Relative Technical Bid Score will get a weightage of 80% and Relative Commercial Bid Score a weightage of 20%. 7.1.3. The evaluation by the Bank will be undertaken by a Committee of officials or/and representatives formed by the Bank and its decision will be final. 7.1.4. All the documentary proofs are to be submitted along with the bid in this regard. 7.1.5. Bidders must not present any reference as credential for which it is not in a position to present the verifiable facts/documents. SIDBI would not consider any statement as a credential if same cannot be verified as per its requirement for evaluation. 7.1.6. During evaluation, Bank at its discretion can ask the bidders for clarifications, if required. 7.1.7. Bank may waive off any minor infirmity or nonconformity or irregularity in a bid, which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such a waiving, does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder. 7.1.8. Normalization - SIDBI reserves the right to go for normalization process after technical evaluation and accordingly may request all the bidders to submit revised bid (technical or commercial or both) to avoid any possible ambiguity in evaluation process or make apple-to-apple comparison or to bring further transparency in the evaluation process. 7.2.
Evaluation Process. Offers will be evaluated in the following stages: Stage I Offers will be evaluated against the stipulated minimum eligibility criteria. Offers not complying with the eligibility criteria will be rejected summarily. Stage II A technical evaluation of proposals will be carried out. Offers received without fulfilling the following conditions shall not be evaluated. (a) If offer is incomplete and/or not accompanied by all stipulated document (b) If any of the terms and conditions stipulated in this document is not accepted and Letter as per Annexure - I is not submitted. Stage III Short-listing of Service Providers based on the technical evaluation. Stage IV Product demonstration of the makes and model submitted by the respective Service Provider will be done by the service provider. Stage V Opening of commercial Bids of only those Service Provider whose product have qualified after product demonstration. Intimation to this effect would be given by emails to shortlisted bidders. 12.
Evaluation Process. 7.1.1. The Bank has adopted a three (3) bid processes in which the Bidder has to submit following bids in separate envelopes at the time of submission of bids as stipulated in this document. a) Eligibility Criteria b) Technical Bid c) Commercial Bids 7.1.2. The Bank shall evaluate first the ‘Eligibility Criteria’ bids and based on its evaluation, ‘Technical Bids’ shall be undertaken for evaluation at the second stage. ‘Commercial bids’ shall be opened for only the shortlisted bidders out of technical evaluation. The final selection will be done based on Quality cum Cost Based System (QCBS) wherein Relative Technical Bid Score will get a weightage of 70% and Relative Commercial Bid Score a weightage of 30%. 7.1.3. The evaluation by the Bank will be undertaken by a Committee of officials or/and representatives formed by the Bank and its decision will be final. 7.1.4. All the documentary proofs are to be submitted along with the bid in this regard. 7.1.5. Bidders must not present any reference as credential for which it is not in a position to present the verifiable facts/documents. SIDBI would not consider any statement as a credential if same cannot be verified as per its requirement for evaluation. 7.1.6. During evaluation, Bank at its discretion can ask the bidders for clarifications. 7.1.7. Bank may waive off any minor infirmity or nonconformity or irregularity in a bid, which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such a waiving, does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder. 7.1.8. Normalization - SIDBI reserves the right to go for normalization process after technical evaluation and accordingly may request all the bidders to submit revised bid (technical or commercial or both) to avoid any possible ambiguity in evaluation process or make apple- to-apple comparison or to bring further transparency in the evaluation process. 7.2.
Evaluation Process. 18.1.1 The Bank has adopted a three (3) bid processes in which the Bidder has to submit following bids in separate envelopes at the time of submission of bids as stipulated in this document. i. Minimum Eligibility Criteria ii. Technical Bid (includes presentation) iii. Commercial Bid 18.1.2 The Bank shall evaluate first the ‘Eligibility Criteria’ bid and based on its evaluation, ‘Technical Bids’ shall be evaluated at the second stage. ‘Commercial bids’ shall be opened for only the shortlisted bidders out of technical evaluation. The final selection will be done based on Quality cum Cost Based System (QCBS) wherein Relative Technical Bid Score will get a weightage of 75% and Relative Commercial Bid Score will get a weightage of 25%. 18.1.3 The evaluation by the Bank will be undertaken by a Committee of officials or/and representatives formed by the Bank and its decision will be final. 18.1.4 Normalization - SIDBI reserves the right to go for normalization process after technical evaluation and accordingly may request all the bidders to submit revised bid (technical or commercial or both) to avoid any possible ambiguity in evaluation process or make apple-to-apple comparison or to bring further transparency in the evaluation process. 18.2
Evaluation Process. The Trust has adopted a Two (02) bid evaluation process in which the Bidder has to submit following bids in separate envelopes at the time of submission of bids as stipulated in this document. Pre-qualification/ Minimum Eligibility Bid Commercial Bids The Trust shall evaluate first the ‘Pre-qualification/ Minimum Eligibility Bid and based on its evaluation, ‘Commercial bids’ shall be opened only for the short-listed bidders. The evaluation will be undertaken by a Committee of Officials or/ and representatives formed by the Trust and its decision will be final. During evaluation of Bids, the Trust, at its discretion, may ask the Bidders for clarifications of their Bids. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing (Letter/e-Mail), and it should be submitted within the time stipulated by the Trust. No change in the price of substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. The Trust will award the contract to the successful bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the Lowest Commercial bid (L1). 4.2