Article 14 Primjeri odredbi

Article 14. In dependence on high school type as well as syllabus which has been completed in the high school student has finished, he/she might have different schedule of compulsory courses during the first and second semesters. The decision on compulsory courses schedule, in dependence on previous education, will be made by the Xxxxxx of the University.
Article 14. The tribunal shall render its final decision within five months of the date on which it is fully constituted unless it finds it necessary to extend the time-limit for a period which should not exceed five more months.
Article 14. Costs of Provided Assistance
Article 14. Individual Syllabus of the final year of student’s master program is determined by the decision of the College Academic Council, based on the joint proposition of student and his/her mentor, depending on the chosen narrow scientific field, elective courses, research programme and other proposed sources of ECTS scoring and according to the Pan-European University Statute.
Article 14. Individual Syllabus of the student’s doctoral program is determined by the decision of the College Academic Council, based on the joint proposition of student and his/her mentor, depending on the chosen narrow scientific field, elective courses, research programme and other proposed sources of ECTS scoring.
Article 14. The Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall adopt/ approve the Rules of Procedure of the Secretariat and may decide on amendments thereto.
Article 14. The competent authorities of the concerned Parties may agree to carry out a post-project analysis or monitoring. The specific content of the post-project analysis shall be agreed among them and according to their national legislation.
Article 14. To settle disputes through regional processes, the High Contracting Parties shall constitute, as a continuing body, a High Council comprising a Representative at ministerial level from each of the High Contracting Parties to take cognizance of the existence of disputes or situations likely to disturb regional peace and harmony.
Article 14. Cross-border Surveillance
Article 14. Facilities and Immunities in Respect of Communications and Publications