Article 14 Primjeri odredbi

Article 14. In dependence on high school type as well as syllabus which has been completed in the high school student has finished, he/she might have different schedule of compulsory courses during the first and second semesters. The decision on compulsory courses schedule, in dependence on previous education, will be made by the Xxxxxx of the University.
Article 14. To settle disputes through regional processes, the High Contracting Parties shall constitute, as a continuing body, a High Council comprising a Representative at ministerial level from each of the High Contracting Parties to take cognizance of the existence of disputes or situations likely to disturb regional peace and harmony.
Article 14. The competent authorities of the concerned Parties may agree to carry out a post-project analysis or monitoring. The specific content of the post-project analysis shall be agreed among them and according to their national legislation.
Article 14. The tribunal shall render its final decision within five months of the date on which it is fully constituted unless it finds it necessary to extend the time limit for a period which should not exceed five more months.
Article 14. Facilities and Immunities in Respect of Communications and Publications Article 15 Exemptions
Article 14. The Lessee is responsible for any damage, destruction or loss of leased equipment, no matter what are the reasons for those circumstances (other than force majeure), and the Lessee commits to inform the Lessor about these circumstances, without pričinjenu štetu Zakupodavca. U cilju izbjegavanja bilo kakve dvojbe, Ugovorne strane su suglasne da je Zakupnik odgovoran popraviti samo one strojeve koji su bili u dobrom radnom stanju na početku zakupa, i da bi se izbjegla bilo kakva dvojba, bilo kakva nova oprema, uređaji i pokretnine koje stekne Zakupnik će ostati u vlasništvu Zakupnika, a u slučaju prestanka i raskida Ugovora, Zakupnik zadržava pravo da navedene pokretne stvari premjesti na svoje odredište (odnese sa sobom/proda), te one ostaju njegova imovina i vlasništvo i kao takve on može s njima raspolagati ili ih dati nekoj trećoj strani po svojoj volji u bilo kojem trenutku.
Article 14. The Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall adopt/ approve the Rules of Procedure of the Secretariat and may decide on amendments thereto.
Article 14. The Serbian Party may provide direct radio or other communications links and associated equipment at its own expense. Implementation of a decision to do so shall be coordinated with the MFO Force Commander. Avoidance of any interference with MFO communications is the responsibility of the Serbian Party. Frequencies (including satellite frequencies) are to be mutually determined between the Serbian Party and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Serbian Party shall furnish evidence of such coordination to the MFO. Except for those operational matters addressed in Article 11 of this Agreement, the MFO Headquarters in Rome, via the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Rome, shall be the channel for all official communication between the Serbian Party and the MFO. Article 15 Mail to deployed personnel may also be posted through United States military mail channels to the MFO at the address below or such other address as the MFO may notify to the Republic of Serbia in writing from time to time: Name [ ][in Latin script] MFO South Camp/Serbian Contingent Unit 31530 APOAE09804 Mail properly addressed to the deployed personnel and received at the above address will be transported by the MFO to the Serbian Contingent Commander/senior national representative of the Serbian Armed Forces. For outbound letters and parcels, the postage is sold at South Camp.
Article 14. Cross-border Surveillance
Article 14. This Contract is made up of 4 (four) identical copies, each of which the contracting party retains 2 (two) copies.