FORCE MAJEURE Primjeri odredbi

FORCE MAJEURE. 18.1 Neither party will be in breach of the Agreement nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under the Agreement if such delay or failure results from a hindrance beyond its reasonable control (“Force Majeure”). In the event of a Force Majeure, the parties agree to suspend the affected party's obligations until the Force Majeure situation ceases to exist.
FORCE MAJEURE. Article 10 In the case of events defined as force majeure, the Executor and the Client are entitled to a reasonable extension period for the performance of the obligations arising from this subject matter of procurement, in accordance with the Law on Obligations (OG 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18). The notice of force majeure is urgently obliged to send the parties in writing, providing all the necessary information, and the performance of the obligations under the contract will be agreed by the parties for the period after the event defined as force majeure ceases or will decide that due to the event of force majeure, the contract will not be realized. HANDOVER LOG OF GOODS Article 11 The duly delivered subject of the procurement shall be confirmed by the Handover Minutes, drawn up by the Client and certified by all participants in the handover. The performance of the Contract shall be deemed to have taken place on the date of signature of the Handover Minutes. The executor is obliged to submit: Izvršitelj je dužan prilikom primopredaje dostaviti: • jamstvene listove, • ateste i certifikate proizvođača opreme, • komplet tehničke dokumentacije (upute za rukovanje, instaliranje i servisiranje). Gore navedena dokumentacija čini sastavni dio Zapisnikom o primopredaji. U jamstvenom roku prava iz jamstva moraju obuhvaćati minimalno slijedeće: • usluge popravka i otklanjanja svih nedostataka i kvarova na isporučenoj opremi za vrijeme i pod uvjetima jamstvenog roka; • ukoliko u roku za otklanjanje nedostataka i kvarova (rok popravka - zamjene počinje teći od dana prijave nedostatka ili kvara, te isti može iznositi najviše 45 dana), ne otkloni nastali kvar ili nedostatak, Izvršitelj je dužan zamijeniti robu kojoj nije otklonjen kvar ili nedostatak novom robom istih tehničkih specifikacija, o svom trošku. Naručitelj može umjesto zamjene robe novom robom istih tehničkih specifikacija, naplatiti jamstvo za otklanjanje nedostataka. Izvršitelj odgovara za materijalne i pravne nedostatke koji bi nakon predaje ugovorene robe bili uočeni na robi. Ukoliko Izvršitelj i nakon prigovora od strane Naručitelja ne otkloni nedostatke u odnosu na isporučenu robu, Naručitelj ima pravo raskinuti ugovor jednostranom izjavom, te pravo na naknadu štete.
FORCE MAJEURE. “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any contingency beyond the reasonable control of either party, which interferes with, or prevents, the fulfillment of obligations or the maintenance of obligations, by such party, in particular but not limited to (i) war (whether declared or not), hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies, extensive military mobilisation; (i) civil war, riot, rebellion and revolution, military or usurped power, insurrec-tion, act of terrorism, sabotage or piracy; (i) currency and trade restriction, embargo, sanction; (iv) act of authority whether lawful or unlawful, compliance with any law or govern- mental order, expropriation, seizure of works, requisition, nationalisation; (I) plague, epidemic, pandemic, such as Covid-19, natural disaster or extreme natural event; (i) explosion, fire, destruction of equipment, prolonged breakdown of transport, telecommunication, information system or energy; (i) general labour disturbance such as boycott, strike and lockout, go-slow, occupation of factories and premises.
FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be deemed to be in default or in breach of this Agreement if such Party is unable to perform because of circumstances beyond such Party's reasonable control. Such circumstances (hereinafter referred to as Force Majeure) may occur in any part of the world.
FORCE MAJEURE. Force majeure and other unforeseeable or on the part of the supplier non-controllable hindrances (e.g. riots, traffic problems, and so on) as well as accidents non-controllable by the supplier or its subcontrac- tors, interrupt the delivery obligation of the supplier for the duration of such circumstances, even if such circumstances arise at some of the supplier’s subcontractors, even in case that at this time the supplier is already in delay.
FORCE MAJEURE. 24.1. It shall not be considered a breach of Contract if either of the Contracting Parties fails to fulfil its obligations arising from this Contract for any reason beyond the party’s control which the Contracting Party could not foresee and the consequences of which it could not avoid or eliminate. Force majeure is any event or predvidjeti, te je neovisan od volje Ugovornih strana i izravno sprečava pogođenu Ugovornu stranu u izvršenju Xxxxxxx. Višom silom smatrat će se primjerice, ali ne isključivo sljedeći događaji: ratovi, štrajkovi, nemiri, pobune, sabotaže, teroristički akti, građanski neredi, elementarne nepogode (potres, poplava, udar xxxxx, oluja, suša, djelovanje xxxx x xxxxx), epidemije, eksplozije, eksplozije koje nisu posljedica nepravilnog i nepažljivog rukovanja i koje se xxxx xxxxx predvidjeti, a nisu posljedica dotrajalosti materijala i opreme, poremećaj rada prijenosnog i distribucijskog sustava, kibernetički/internetski napadi, neispravnosti i kvarovi na uređajima i mreži, odluke Vlade Republike Hrvatske iz članka 26. Zakona o energiji (mjere ograničenja trgovine pojedinim energentima i/ili energijom, posebni uvjeti trgovine, mjere ograničenja izvoza ili uvoza energije, posebni uvjeti za izvoz ili uvoz energije, mjere obvezne proizvodnje energije, obveza isporuke energije samo određenim kupcima, način i uvjeti za formiranje cijena i nadzor nad cijenama, posebni uvjeti obavljanja energetskih djelatnosti), značajni poremećaji u radu Opskrbljivačevih dobavljača (npr. nastup događaja više sile u odnosu na jednog ili više Opskrbljivačevih dobavljača i/ili na prijenosni i/ili distribucijski sustav) za isporuku električne energije iz ovog Ugovora smatra se višom silom koja utječe na Opskrbljivača.