Article 21. Student is responsible for the violation of the study obligations in accordance with the Rules on disciplinary accountability of students, which proposes fair and objective processes of decision on disciplinary questions, defines minor and severe violation of student's obligations, as well as discipline bodies and regulates disciplinary action. For minor violations of student's obligations, a disciplinary fine such as "warning" or "reprimand" is pronounced, but for the severe violations of student's obligations, a disciplinary fine such as "strict reprimand" or "expelling" from the Pan-European University is pronounced. Annual lecturing is organized in two semesters or in a maximum of eight modules that are smaller than 6 weeks. Academic year is defined by metrics of studies which fulfils clauses from the University Statute.
Article 21. Student is responsible for the violation of an obligation in accordance with the Rulebook on disciplinary accountability of students, which proposes fair and objective processes of decision on disciplinary questions, defines minor and severe violation of student's obligations, as well as discipline bodies and regulates disciplinary action. For minor violations of student's obligations, a disciplinary fine such as "warning" or "reprimand" is pronounced, but for the severe violations of student's Za lakše povrede obaveza studenata izriče se disciplinska mjera "opomena" ili "ukor", a za teže povrede izriče se disciplinska mjera "strogog ukora" ili "isključenja" sa Panevropskog univerziteta.
Article 21. Representatives
Article 21. Transitional Measures for Agreements in force
Article 21. The Council of Senior Officials shall lay down binding guidelines for the activities of the Executive Director and rules governing the preparation, acceptance and implementation of projects submitted to the Fund, taking into account the rules regulating the rights and duties of the Executive Director set forth by the Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.
Article 21. Student is responsible for the violation of an obligation in accordance with the Rulebook on disciplinary accountability of students, which proposes fair and objective processes of decision on disciplinary questions, defines minor and severe violation of student's obligations, as well as discipline bodies and regulates disciplinary action. nepristrasni mehanizmi rješavanja disciplinskih pitanja, definišu lakše i teže povrede obaveza studenata, disciplinski organi i propisuje disciplinski postupak. Za lakše povrede obaveza studenata izriče se disciplinska mjera "opomena" ili "ukor", a za teže povrede izriče se disciplinska mjera "strogog ukora" ili "isključenja" sa Panevropskog univerziteta.
Article 21. Criteria for office
Article 21. This Agreement shall apply provisionally from the date of its signature and shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the notification by which the Serbian Party informs the MFO of the fulfilment of the entire procedure necessary for its entry into force. The Serbian Party is aware of the importance of continuity of service in units with the MFO. Accordingly, the deployed personnel will not be withdrawn without adequate prior notice to the Director General of the MFO, which shall be deemed satisfied by the following provisions on duration and termination. This Agreement shall be in force until one of the Parties informs the other Party, with six months written notice, of its intent to terminate this Agreement or until such time as the Governments of Israel and Egypt may mutually agree to terminate the mandate of the MFO. This Agreement is done in two originals each in the Serbian and English languages. In case of discrepancies in interpretation, the English text shall prevail. In Belgrade, on 29th March 2023. In Rome, on 3 April 2023. FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA FOR MULTINATIONAL FORCES AND OBSERVERS In view of the fact that the Egyptian-Israeli Treaty of Peace dated March 26, 1979 (hereinafter, "the Treaty"), provides for the fulfillment of certain functions by the United Nations Forces and Observers and that the President of the Security Council indicated on May 18, 1981, that the Security Council was unable to reach the necessary agreement on the proposal to establish the UN Forces and Observers, Egypt and Israel, acting in full respect for the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, have reached the following agreement:
Article 21. Subcommittee on Trade in Service
Article 21. Duration of Privileges and Immunities