Article 29 Primjeri odredbi
Article 29. Student can make a payment on tuition fee and/or other services provided by the Pan-European University in instalments, in accordance with the Rules on tuition fees and prices of services charged at the Pan-European University. If student makes his/her payments on tuition fee in instalments, he/she is obliged to pay the consecutive instalments by the dynamics anticipated in the Rules on tuition fees and prices of services charged at the Pan-European University. Fulfilling of obligations of paying the first instalment is a condition for enrolment in the current school year. Fulfilling of obligations of paying the middle instalment is a condition for attesting of the first semester and enrolling the second. Fulfilling of obligations of paying the last instalment is a condition for attesting and ending of current academic year. Student will not be allowed to take the exams in particular periods if he/she did not fulfil his/her obligations of paying all instalments which were due before that exam period. Student will not be allowed to enrol the following academic year if he/she did not fulfil his/her obligations of paying all instalments from the previous years.
Article 29. The Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall lay down rules regulating the rights and duties of the Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director, the manner in which they are to be performed as the terms of office of the Executive Director and the Deputy Executive Director.
Article 29. Student defines the Syllabus and curriculum of the final year of master studies together with mentor. Syllabus includes elective study program, detailed specification of the other sources of ECTS scoring, research program with xxxxx and flow charts of the research activities, and the xxxxx chart of the final master work. Student is obliged to make a payment for educational and other intellectual services provided by the Pan-European University in the amount defined by the authorised body of Pan- European University and according to the conditions of the Tuition Fee Invoice for the academic year 2022/2023. The Tuition Fee Invoice is issued to the student when enrolling the University and composes integral part of this Contract. The costs of the services which are invoiced are in accordance with the Rules on tuition fees and prices of services, to be charged at the Pan- European University. The costs of services are defined and brought up to date by the Managing Board of the Pan-European University for every academic year. Student makes payment immediately for the services occurring once which are not invoiced, in accordance with the Rules on tuition amounts and prices of services charged at the Naknade za školarinu i druge edukativne usluge zavise od studijskog programa kojeg je upisao student, tipa studija, obima dopunskih obrazovnih usluga, godine studija, geografske regije u kojoj se nalazi mjesto boravka studenta ili drugih parametara koji utiču na tržišnu poziciju Panevropskog univerziteta i njegovih organizacionih jedinica u kojima se organizuje studijski proces. Naknade za školarinu i druge edukativne usluge u tekućoj godini mogu da se razlikuju u odnosu na ranije školske godine. U slučaju promjene kursa KM u odnosu na EURO u toku studija, Panevropski univerzitet zadržava pravo da sve preostale obaveze studenta preračuna u EURO valutu prema srednjem kursu CBBiH koji je bio važeći na xxx sklapanja Ugovora o studiranju, a student se obavezuje da sve dalje uplate obaveza na ime školarine vrši u KM valuti primjenjujući srednji kurs CBBiH za EURO na xxx izvršene uplate.
Article 29. Decisions by Xxxxxxxx on admissibility and merits
Article 29. Student defines the syllabus and curriculum of the studies together with mentor. Syllabus includes elective study program, detailed specification of the other sources of ECTS scoring, research program with xxxxx and flow charts of the research activities, and the xxxxx chart of the final doctoral work. Student xx xxxxx da za obrazovne i druge intelektualne i edukativne usluge odn. servise koje studentu isporučuje Panevropski univerzitet, odn. njegove ovlaštene organizacione jedinice, izvrši plaćanje u iznosu i prema uslovima Fakture za školarinu i za ostale obrazovne usluge u akademskoj 2024/25. godini. Faktura za školarinu i za ostale obrazovne usluge ispostavlja se studentu prilikom upisa akademske godine i čini sastavni dio ovog Ugovora. Cijene usluga koje se fakturišu definisane su Konkursom za upis i usklađene su sa Pravilima o visini naknade za studiranje i cijeni usluga na Panevropskom univerzitetu. Cijene usluga ažurira i donosi Upravni odbor Panevroposkog univerziteta za svaku akademsku godinu. Student uplaćuje neposredno jednokratne usluge koje se ne fakturišu, u skladu sa Pravilima o visini naknade za studiranje i cijeni usluga koje se naplaćuju na Panevropskom univerzitetu. Naknade za školarinu i druge edukativne usluge zavise od studijskog programa kojeg je upisao student, tipa studija, obima dopunskih obrazovnih usluga, godine studija, geografske regije u kojoj se nalazi mjesto boravka studenta ili drugih parametara koji utiču na tržišnu poziciju Panevropskog univerziteta i njegovih organizacionih jedinica u kojima se organizuje studijski proces. Naknade za školarinu i druge edukativne usluge u tekućoj godini mogu da se razlikuju u odnosu na ranije školske godine. U slučaju promjene kursa KM u odnosu na EURO u toku studija, Panevropski univerzitet zadržava pravo da sve preostale obaveze studenta preračuna u EURO valutu prema srednjem kursu CBBiH koji je bio važeći na xxx sklapanja Ugovora o studiranju, a student se obavezuje da sve dalje uplate obaveza na ime školarine vrši u KM valuti primjenjujući srednji kurs CBBiH za EURO na xxx izvršene uplate.
Article 29. Cooperation in Common Centres
Article 29. The Deputy Secretary General shall assist the Secretary General in fulfilling their mandate, and will be specifically responsible to:
Article 29. Student defines the syllabus and curriculum of the studies together with mentor. Syllabus includes elective study program, detailed specification of the other sources of ECTS scoring, research program with xxxxx and flow charts of the research activities, and the xxxxx chart of the final doctoral work. Student is obliged to make a payment for educational and other intellectual services provided by the Pan-European University in the amount defined by the authorised body of Pan- European University and according to the conditions of the Tuition Fee Invoice for the academic year 2022/2023. The Tuition Fee Invoice is issued to the student when enrolling the University and composes integral part of this Contract. The costs of the services which are invoiced are defined by the Public announcement for enrollment in accordance with the Rules on tuition fees and prices of services, to be charged at the Pan- European University. The costs of services are defined and brought up to date by the Managing Board of the Pan-European University for every academic year. Student makes payment immediately for the services occurring once which are not invoiced, in accordance with the Rules on tuition amounts and prices of services charged at the Pan-European University. Compensations for tuition fee and other educative services in the current year can differ from the previous years depending on the type of the study program, amount of the additional educational services that are delivered, study year, region of the student residence and other parameters that influence on the University market position. If the exchange rate of KM currency was modified towards EURO, Pan-European University reserves the right to recalculate the students' remaining liabilities, according to the middle exchange rate applied in Central Bank BiH valid for the day of the conclusion of this contract. In this case the further students' payments will be executed in KM currency xxxxxxx the EURO middle exchange rate of the Central Bank when the payment was done.
Article 29. Disputes between the Bank and any party with which the Bank has entered into an agreement (other than a member of the Bank), shall be resolved in accordance with the terms of said agreement. The Bank shall strive to ensure that the relevant documents include a provision referring any disputes to the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation or to similar arbitration tribunals in other member states.
Article 29. The Assembly shall: - Adopt the Articles of Association and decide on its amendments; - Elect the bodies of the Association, - Decide on the adoption of acts, - Enter into agreements and arrangements. - Decide on association in alliance and other forms of association and joining international organizations; - Determine guidelines for goals and tasks and plan and program of work in accordance with them; - Consider and adopt the reports of the Board of Directors and other bodies of the Association; - Consider and adopt the financial plan and the final report of the Association; - Decide on applications, objections and appeals; - Form various bodies, committees and commissions to perform certain tasks; - Determine the amount of membership fees; - Make decisions on the termination of the association.