Investigations and information Primjeri odredbi

Investigations and information. The Borrower and the Agent undertake:
Investigations and information. The Borrower undertakes: (a) to take such action as the Bank shall reasonably request to investigate and/or terminate any alleged or suspected act of the nature described in Article 6.8; (b) to inform the Bank immediately of:
Investigations and information. The Borrower undertakes: (i) to take such action as the Bank shall reasonably request to investigate and/or terminate any alleged or suspected act of the nature described in Article 6.8; (ii) to inform the Bank of the measures taken to seek damages from the persons responsible for any loss resulting from any such act; (iii) to facilitate any investigation that the Bank may make concerning any such act; (iv) to inform the Bank immediately of any investigations concerning the integrity of the members of the Borrower’s administrative body or managers; (v) to inform the Bank immediately, to the extent permitted by law, of any material litigation, arbitration, administrative proceedings or investigation carried out by a court, administration or similar public authority, which, to the best of its knowledge and belief, is current, imminent or pending in connection with Criminal Offences related to the Loan or the Project.
Investigations and information. The Borrower undertakes: (i) to take such action as the Bank shall reasonably request to investigate and/or terminate and/or undertakes to cause the investigation and/or the termination of any alleged or suspected act of the nature described in Article 6.07; (ii) to inform the Bank of the measures taken to seek damages from the persons responsible for any loss resulting from any such act; (iii) to facilitate and/or ensure the facilitation of any investigation that the Bank may make concerning any such act. Unless the Borrower shall otherwise specify in writing to the Bank, the Borrower shall be responsible for contacts with the Bank for the purposes of Article 6.07.
Investigations and information. The Borrower undertakes: to take such action as the Bank shall reasonably request to investigate and/or terminate any alleged or suspected act of the nature described in Article 6.8; to inform the Bank immediately of: any measures taken to seek damages from the persons responsible for any loss resulting from any such act; any investigations concerning the integrity of the members of the Borrower’s administrative body or managers; and to the extent permitted by law, any material litigation, arbitration, administrative proceedings or investigation carried out by a court, administration or similar public authority, which, to the best of its knowledge and belief, is current, imminent or pending in connection with Criminal Offences related to the Loan or the Project; to facilitate any investigation that the Bank may make concerning any such act. Taxes, duties and fees The Borrower shall pay all principal, interest, indemnities and other amounts due under this Contract gross without deduction of any national or local impositions whatsoever; provided that, if the Borrower is obliged to make any such deduction, it will gross up the payment to the Bank so that after deduction, the net amount received by the Bank is equivalent to the sum due. The Borrower shall pay all Taxes, duties, fees and other impositions of whatsoever nature, including stamp duty and registration fees, arising out of the execution or implementation of this Contract or any related document and in the creation, perfection, registration or enforcement of any Security for the Loan to the extent and if applicable. In such cases, the Borrower shall ensure that the proceeds of the Loan and/or any technical cooperation funds shall not be used for financing of customs duties and Taxes levied by, or in the territory of, the Borrower in respect of all goods, works and services procured by the Promoter for the purposes of the Project.
Investigations and information. The Borrower undertakes (and shall procure that the Promoter and the Intermediary undertakes, as the case may be):

Related to Investigations and information

  • Opšte odredbe Podnosilac zahteva za dozvoljeno prekoračenje računa uz potpisani zahtev treba da dostavi: - fotokopiju lične karte ili obrazac s podacima sa elektronske lične karte, odnosno fotokopiju pasoša; -izveštaj iz xxxx podataka o ukupnim kreditnim obavezama odnosno zaduženosti Klijenta i njegovoj urednosti u izvršavanju obaveza (Izveštaj Kreditnog biroa); - dokaz o zaposlenju i zaradi Klijenta za poslednja tri meseca koje je izdao poslodavac, a za penzionere, dokaz o penziji (poslednjih 6 penzionih čekova ili Uverenje o visini penzije Republičkog Xxxxxx za invalidsko i penzijsko osiguranje zaposlenih), s izjavom Klijenta da se mogu koristiti za proveru plaćenih poreza i doprinosa, a ako je Klijent poreski obveznik u smislu zakona kojim se uređuje porez na dohodak građana – sadrži i podatke o ostvarenom godišnjem prihodu koji je Klijent ostvario i propisanim porezima i doprinosima koji se plaćaju iz tog xxxxxxx; - odgovarajuću dokumentaciju koja se odnosi na instrumente obezbeđenja (dokaz da je sa društvom za osiguranje zaključio ugovor o osiguranju Klijenta od posledica nesrećnog slučaja i nezaposlenosti i polisu vinkulirao u korist Banke) i za koga se analizom dokumentacije utvrdi da ispunjava uslove za dozvoljeno prekoračenje računa. Xxxxx xx pozvati Klijenta da dopuni dokumentaciju ukoliko se analizom dostavljene dokumentacije to pokaže kao neophodno. Banka Klijentu daje ponudu za dozvoljeno prekoračenje računa na odgovarajućem obrascu ponude propisanom xx xxxxxx Narodne banke Srbije. Ponuda se daje u papirnoj formi. Banka može Klijentu koji ispunjava uslove odobriti dozvoljeno prekoračenje računa, u kom slučaju Banka i Klijent zaključuju Ugovor o dozvoljenom prekoračenju računa kojim se utvrđuju rok, kamata i drugi uslovi pod xxxxxx xx se dozvoljeno prekoračenje računa koristiti. Uz ugovor, Banka Klijentu uručuje Pregled obaveznih elemenata dozvoljenog prekoračenja računa. Banka dozvoljeno prekoračenje računa odobrava na rok do 12 (dvanaest) meseci. Visina dozvoljenog prekoračenja računa zavisi od proseka tromesečnih priliva po osnovu redovnih primanja po tekućem računu i kreditne sposobnosti Klijenta. Banka, u toku trajanja dozvoljenog prekoračenja računa, tromesečno prati redovnost priliva po navedenim osnovama i urednost računa. Minimalni iznos dozvoljenog prekoračenja računa je RSD 100,00, a maksimalni iznos RSD 550.000,00.