News Primjeri odredbi

News. 6.1 Description: The service allows to call up the latest news by subscribing to RSS feeds directly in the PCM. With the Voice Pilot you can have the articles read to you. Via keyword search, the subscribed channels may be browsed for information on preferred topics or keywords.
News. Services: With the service package component “News” different news sources, e.g. RSS feeds or your Twitter account, can be managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
News. 10.1 Services: Via My Porsche Portal news sources, which are providing RSS feeds accessible via the internet, can be searched, managed and added to a list. The news contained in the list of news sources are then directly available via the PCM and can be played back via the voice output.
News. 8.1 Services: News services that are available via the Internet using RSS feeds can be called up in the vehicle via PCM and read out using the voice function.

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  • DODATNE INFORMACIJE Ekonomski operater imaće pravo xx xxxxx tender, zahtev za učešće i druga potrebna dokumenta ili dosijee koji se dozvoljavaju tokom vršenja aktivnosti nabavke na albanskom, srpskom ili engleskom jeziku.


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