Order confirmation Primjeri odredbi

Order confirmation. The supplier shall confirm or reject the order in written form within time period as defined by the odbiti u roku koji definira Naručitelj. Ako Isporučitelj ne potvrdi ili odbije Xxxxxxxx u roku od tri xxxx smatra se da je istu prihvatio uključujući supplier itself. If the supplier does not confirm or rejects the order within three days, it shall be considered that the order has been accepted, with sav navedeni sadržaj Narudžbe. Tako xxxx xxx Narudžba nije potvrđena potvrdom Narudžbe, kojom se prihvaća cijeli sadržaj Narudžbe, Naručitelj ima pravo opozvati Xxxxxxxx bez navođenja razloga. Opoziv Narudžbe se smatra its entire content. As long as the order has not been confirmed by the order confirmation, the supplier is entitled to revoke the order without specifying the reason for that. It shall be considered that revocation of the order has been pravovremenim ukoliko je otposlan prije primitka timely performed, if sent prior to receipt of the potvrde Narudžbe. Odstupanja od Narudžbe order confirmation. Deviation from the order must
Order confirmation. The supplier shall confirm or reject the order in written form within time period as defined by the Buyer. If the supplier does not confirm or reject the order within three days, it shall be considered that the order has been accepted, with its entire content. As long as the order has not been confirmed by the order confirmation, the supplier is entitled to revoke the order without specifying the reason for that. It shall be considered that revocation of the order has been timely performed, if sent prior to receipt of the order confirmation. Deviation from the order must be clearly pointed out, and their validity needs explicit written approval of the buyer.

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