Uvjeti isporuke 15.9.1. Delivery terms Primjeri odredbi

Uvjeti isporuke 15.9.1. Delivery terms. Kada se predmet leasinga ne može koristiti zbog: ▪ redovnog servisiranja ▪ nezgode ili požara, ▪ mehaničkog kvara ▪ krađe. U svim slučajevima, Primatelj leasinga mora podnijeti sve isprave koje dokazuju da korištenje predmeta leasinga nije moguće zbog nekog od navedenih razloga. When the leased object cannot be used due to: ▪ regular service maintenance ▪ accident or fire, ▪ mechanical defect, ▪ theft. In all such cases, the Lessee must submit all the documents by which he proves that the use of the leased object is not possible due to the one of the above stated reasons.
Uvjeti isporuke 15.9.1. Delivery terms. Kada se predmet leasinga ne može koristiti zbog:  redovnog servisiranja  nezgode ili požara, When the leased object cannot be used due to:  regular service maintenance  accident or fire,  mehaničkog kvara  krađe. U svim slučajevima, Primatelj leasinga mora podnijeti sve isprave koje dokazuju da korištenje predmeta leasinga nije moguće zbog nekog od navedenih razloga.  mechanical defect,  theft. In all such cases, the Lessee must submit all the documents by which he proves that the use of the leased object is not possible due to the one of the above stated reasons.