Water Supply Primjeri odredbi

Water Supply. Capacity of water treatment plant constructed or rehabilitated m³/day Length of water mains or distribution pipes built or upgraded km House connections created or rehabilitated nr Population benefiting from safe drinking water inhabitants Energy consumption water supply kWh/m³ Non-revenue water % Service level % 2.15.2 Wastewater Capacity of sewage treatment plant constructed or rehabilitated p.e. (population equivalent) Length of sewer and or storm water built or upgraded km Connections to sanitation services created or rehabilitated nr Population benefiting from sanitation services inhabitants Energy consumption sewerage kWh/m³ Provide summary breakdown of budget for the operator (typically the PCE), showing different sources of income and operational and capital expenditure, including for the non-water and sanitation sectors and transfers from/to the municipality. A business plan can also serve for the above purpose. The data should cover ideally the 3 (three) past years plus the 3 (three) coming years (i.e. including the effects of the project).