Market Disruption Event Primjeri odredbi

Market Disruption Event. If at any time from the receipt by the Bank of a Disbursement Acceptance in respect of a Tranche, and until the date falling 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the Scheduled Disbursement Date, a Market Disruption Event occurs, the Bank may notify to the Borrower that this clause has come into effect. In such case, the following rules shall apply:
Market Disruption Event. If at any time:
Market Disruption Event. If at any time (i) from the issuance by the Bank of the Disbursement Notice in respect of a Tranche, and (ii) until the date falling 30 (thirty)calendar daysprior to the Scheduled Disbursement Date, a Market Disruption Event occurs, the Bank may notify to the Borrower that this clause has come into effect. In such case, the following rules shall apply. The rate of interest applicable to such Notified Tranche until the Maturity Dateshall be the rate (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) which is determined by the Bank to be the all-inclusive cost to the Bank for the funding of the relevant Tranche based upon the then applicable internally generated Bank reference rate or an alternative rate determination method reasonably determined by the Bank. The Borrower shall have the right to refuse in writing such disbursement within the deadline specified in the notification and shall bear charges incurred as a result, if any, in which case the Bank shall not effect the disbursement and the corresponding Credit shall remain available for disbursement under Article 1.02B. If the Borrower does not refuse the disbursement in time, the parties agree that the disbursement and the conditions thereof shall be fully binding for both parties. In any case, the Spread or Fixed Rate previously notified by the Bank in the Disbursement Notice shall no longer be applicable.
Market Disruption Event. If at any time (i) from the issuance by the Bank of the Disbursement Notice in respect of a Tranche and (ii) until the date falling either 30 (thirty) calendar days for Tranches to be disbursed in EUR, GBP or USD or in the case of Tranches to be disbursed in any other currency, 2 (two) Business Days prior to the Scheduled Disbursement Date, a Market Disruption Event occurs, the Bank may notify to the Borrower that this clause has come into effect. In such case, the following rules shall apply:
Market Disruption Event. The CEB shall promptly, upon becoming aware of it, notify to the Borrower that a Market Disruption Event has occurred. For the purposes of the Agreement, “Market Disruption Event” refers to the following circumstances:
Market Disruption Event. If at any time (i) from the issuance by the Bank of the Disbursement Notice in respect of a Tranche, and (ii) until the date falling either:
Market Disruption Event. 12 4.11 Payments 13
Market Disruption Event. If at any time from the receipt by the Bank of a Disbursement Acceptance in respect of a Tranche, and until the date falling 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the Scheduled Disbursement Date, a Market Disruption Event occurs, the Bank may notify to the Borrower that this clause has come into effect. In such case, the following rules shall apply: The rate of interest applicable to such Accepted Tranche until the Maturity Date or the Interest Revision/Conversion Date if any, shall be the rate (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) which is determined by the Bank to be the all-inclusive cost to the Bank for the funding of the relevant Tranche based upon the then applicable internally generated Bank reference rate or an alternative rate determination method reasonably determined by the Bank. The Borrower shall have the right to refuse in writing such disbursement within the deadline specified in the notice and shall bear charges incurred as a result, if any, in which case the Bank shall not effect the disbursement and the corresponding portion of the Credit shall remain available for disbursement under Article 1.2.B. If the Borrower does not refuse the disbursement in time, the parties agree that the disbursement and the conditions thereof shall be fully binding for both parties. The Spread or the Fixed Rate previously accepted by the Borrower shall no longer be applicable for that Tranche. The Borrower shall repay each Tranche by instalments on the Repayment Dates specified in the relevant Disbursement Offer in accordance with the terms of the amortisation table delivered pursuant to Article 2.3. Each amortisation table shall be drawn up on the basis that: in the case of a Fixed Rate Tranche without an Interest Revision/Conversion Date, repayment shall be made quarterly, semi-annually or annually by equal instalments of principal or constant instalments of principal and interest; in the case of a Fixed Rate Tranche with an Interest Revision/Conversion Date or a Floating Rate Tranche, repayment shall be made by equal quarterly, semi-annual or annual instalments of principal; the first Repayment Date of each Tranche shall be a Payment Date falling not earlier than 30 (thirty) days from the Scheduled Disbursement Date and not later than the first Repayment Date immediately following the 5th (fifth) anniversary of the Scheduled Disbursement Date of the Tranche; and the last Repayment Date of each Tranche shall be a Payment Date falling not earlier than 4 (fo...
Market Disruption Event. The CEB shall promptly, upon becoming aware of it, notify to the Borrower that a Market Disruption Event has occurred. For the purposes of the Agreement, “Market Disruption Event” refers to the following circumstances: The relevant financial news provider referred to under the EURIBOR definition does not quote any percentage rate or its corresponding screen rate page is not accessible. Under such a Market Disruption Event, the applicable EURIBOR shall be the percentage rate per annum determined by the CEB to be the arithmetic mean of the rates at which loans in Euro, in an amount identical or nearest comparable to the Loan amount in question and for a period identical or nearest comparable to the relative Interest Period, are offered on the Interest Determination Date by three (3) leading banks in the EU interbank market selected by the CEB. If at least two (2) quotations are provided, the applicable EURIBOR for that Interest Determination Date shall be the arithmetic mean of all quotations provided. If only one (1) or no quotation is provided, the applicable EURIBOR shall be the percentage rate per annum determined by the CEB to be the arithmetic mean of the rates at which loans in Euro, in an amount identical or nearest comparable to the Loan amount in question and for a period identical or nearest comparable to the relative Interest Period, are offered on the second Business Day after the beginning of the relevant Interest Period by major banks in the EU interbank market selected by the CEB. The CEB determines that it is not possible to determine the applicable Reference Rate in accordance with paragraph (a) above. Under such a Market Disruption Event, the applicable Floating Interest Rate shall be replaced by the rate that expresses as a percentage rate per annum the cost to the CEB of funding the Loan from whatever source the CEB may reasonably select. At any time between the delivery of a Disbursement Notice and the Disbursement Date the CEB reasonably determines that there are exceptional and unexpected circumstances of an economic, financial, political or other external nature adversely affecting the CEB’s access to its sources of funding. Under such a Market Disruption Event, the CEB shall be entitled to cancel at no cost the scheduled disbursement. In the case of the Market Disruption Events set forth under paragraphs (a) and (b) above: If the Borrower so requires, the Parties, acting in good faith, shall enter into negotiations for a period of n...

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  • ZAŠTITA LIČNIH PODATAKA PUTNIKA Lični podaci putnika, koje isti daje dobrovoljno, predstavljaju poslovnu tajnu Organizatora. Xxxxxx xx saglasan da lične podatke Organizator može koristiti za realizaciju ugovorenog programa putovanja, pri čemu se ne mogu saopštavati adrese, mesto, vreme i cena putovanja i imena saputnika drugim licima, osim licima određenim posebnim propisima.