Data security mintaszakaszok

Data security. The Parties will inform each other of the technical measures and organi- sational arrangements, which they have taken in accordance with the respective law applicable to the Parties, to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss or unauthorised disc- losure, alteration, access or any unauthorised form of Processing. The Parties in particular ensure that only those authorised to access Personal Data can have access to such data. Personal Data will be stored in accordance with the respective laws applicable to the Parties.
Data security. 1. As Insurance secret shall be deemed all the data – not falling into the category of state secret – that are at the disposal of the Insurer, the insurance broker or the insurance consultant/ specialist and that refer to the personal circumstances, financial standing, business operations or contracts concluded with the Insurer of the individual clients (including the party damaged) of the Insurer, the broker or the insurance consult- ant/specialist. 2. The Insurer, the insurance broker or the insurance specialist consultant shall be justified to deal with the insurance secrets of their clients per- taining to the insurance contract, the circumstances of its drawing up, its administration and the insurance services. The aim of data manage- ment shall be restricted to the drawing up of the insurance contract, to its amendment and file management and to the justification of the demands deriving from the insurance contract or any other aim anchored in the relevant law. 3. Regarding the insurance secret – unless the provisions of law are to the contrary – the observance of the insurance secret is obligatory without any restrictions of time for the owners and the employees of the Insurer, the independent insurance broker and the insurance consultant/ spe- cialist and all the persons who could get access to the insurance secrets during performing their activities in any way. 4. An insurance secret can be forwarded to a third person only if a) the client or the legal representative of the Insurer, the independent insurance broker and the insurance consultant/ specialist provides a written exemption from the secrecy obligations containing the pre- cise definition of the insurance secret that can be forwarded
Data security. 23.6.1. Parties state that the system of data security requirements means supporting the protection of personal data through technical and personal measures as well as physical and IT solutions. 23.6.2. The parties declare that the data controller and the data processor acting on behalf of the data controller act in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, data protection rules and case law in the course of their data management and data processing activities, complies with the requirements of the applicable legislation and takes into account the most important international recommendations related to data protection.
Data security. Data is stored anonymously in the Komax cloud and GDPR regulations are applied (to be adapted per region if necessary) Technical data can be used by the supplier for the purpose of analysing the operation of their machines and optimize as well as further develop the service and machines respectively. The customer expressly declares to give consent for the transfer of this data to the supplier and Komax.
Data security. In respect of insurance secrets the Insurer shall observe the regulations of the Insurance Act (Bit), accordingly the Insurer may forward – without vio- lating the insurance secret – the data of its clients to the following institu- tions: State Supervision Agency of Financial Institutions, the chief of the police investigation authority, prosecutor’s office, court of law, notary pub- lic, tax authority, national security service, the Office of Economic Competition and – to protect the interests of the risk sharing community – other Insurers. The Insured and the Contractor acknowledge and approve of the follow- ing: the Insurer shall electronically register all their data relating to the insurance contract and the data relating to the object of the contract and deliver these data to the foreign data manager contracted by the Insurer. The Insurer and the Contractor shall also approve the delivery of their per- sonal data indicated in the contract and the contractual data referring to the performance obligation of the Insurer and/or related to the insured event to Insurer’s agents legally performing outsourced activities in the field of providing insurance services (especially in the assessment and set- tlement of damage, assistance services and any other services specified in the contract) on the basis of the Insurance Act.