Detailed description of the Service mintaszakaszok

Detailed description of the Service. 3.1.1. The service provides you with Driver's Manual content in text and visual form (i.e. images, interactive graphics) in PCM. 3.1.2. Any future changes to the contents of the Driver's Man- ual can be downloaded and updated. 3.1.3. The service also provides proactive references to the Driver's Manual based on the vehicle's warning and infor- mation messages. This provides you with more detailed information on the error messages. 3.1.4. The service also permits device-independent and syn- chronous use of the digital Driver's Manual. This means that pages bookmarked and selected as favourites in the vehicle, as well as those most recently visited, are also displayed on the digital output channels of Porsche AG, depending on country (assuming online availability of the vehicle, as well as login to the output channels).
Detailed description of the Service. 1.1.1 You can trigger the Service either via the Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter referred to as PCM) or via the Porsche Con- nect App. The Service can therefore be triggered by every Primary and Secondary User, as well as by anyone who has access to the vehicle interior. After triggering the Service, a voice and data connection is automatically established from the vehicle to the assigned service cen- ter. The data sent by the vehicle to the service center can include information such as the vehicle identification number (VIN), vehicle model, year of production and op- tional equipment, vehicle location, occurrence of an ac- cident, fuel level, tire pressure, remaining range with the available fuel, vehicle status and error messages (here- inafter referred to as Vehicle Data). If necessary, the service center employee will ask you for your vehicle identification number, so that the Vehicle Data can be retrieved. 1.1.2 During the voice connection, the service center em- ployee will ask you questions to further assess your breakdown situation. Depending on the particular breakdown situation, the service center can offer you va- rious help options as follows: 1.) Service center employees can give advice on how to proceed (such as "Please add oil at the nearest petrol station"); and/or 2.) If troubleshooting via remote repair (Over The Air) is available, the service center employee can con- duct such troubleshooting. The service center em- ployee carries out the fault analysis and/or correction together with you and informs you about the process and its duration. Depending on the extent of the troubleshooting via remote re- pair, preconditions and/or restrictions on use may exist, such as: the engine is switched off, the ve- hicle is at a standstill, immobilizer is active, win- dows are closed, no active charging. It is also pos- sible that the Breakdown Call and/or emergency call functionality does not exist or is limited during the troubleshooting via remote repair. Prior to starting the troubleshooting via remote repair, the service center employee will notify you of any such preconditions and/or restrictions on use, which must then be confirmed by you. This constitutes just an attempt to fix the problem, so further steps may be necessary; and/or 3.) Service center employees can request external support, such as: breakdown assistance or towing the non-functional vehicle. Your call will not be forwarded to other servic...
Detailed description of the Service. Regularly performing the updates means that the vehicle always has the latest software version. The updates are carried out in a similar manner to the update processes that you already know from other media/devices. If an update is available for your vehicle, it will be downloaded in the background. Once successfully downloaded, the update will be available for you to install in your vehicle's PCM. To start the installation, you must carry out the steps listed in the PCM (e.g. park the vehicle, switch on the handbrake, etc.). The vehicle cannot be used while the update is being carried out. You will re- ceive a message in the PCM once the update has been successfully installed.
Detailed description of the Service. 1.1.1 You can trigger the service either via the Porsche Communication Management of a vehicle with Connect capabilities (hereinafter PCM) or via the My Porsche app. Activation can therefore be car- ried out by any main- or secondary user, as well as by anyone who has access to the vehicle interior. After the service has been triggered, a voice and data connection is automatically estab- lished from the vehicle to the assigned Porsche Support instance. The data sent from the vehicle to the Porsche Support instance can contain information such as the vehicle identification number (Vehicle ID), vehicle model, year of production and special equip- ment, vehicle location, occurrence of an accident, fuel level, tyre pressure, remaining range with the available fuel, vehicle status and error messages (hereinafter car data). The Porsche Support instance and/or a dialogue in the My Porsche App and/or in the vehicle infotainment system might ask you for your consent for calling up the vehicle identification number and/or other car data. 1.1.2 During the voice connection, the Porsche Support instance will ask you questions to further assess your breakdown situation. Depending on the particular breakdown situation, the Porsche Support instance can offer you various assistance options as fol- lows: 1.) The Porsche Support instance can give advice on how to proceed (e.g. “Please top up oil at the nearest gas sta- tion”); and/or 2.) The Porsche Support instance can analyse the received car data in more detail and try to identify the problem. The findings gathered can be passed on to the respective Por- sche Centre, which enables them to prepare for the vehi- cle's visit to the workshop or to initiate further measures. If a problem can be solved via remote repair, the Porsche Support instance can carry this out. The prerequisite for this is the fulfilment of various problem-dependent precon- ditions such as: engine switched off, vehicle is stationary, engine immobiliser is active, windows are closed, no ac- tive charging process. If necessary, further car data re- quired for this purpose are read out. In addition, it is pos- sible that the breakdown and/or emergency call function- ality will not exist or be limited during the problem solving via remote repair. Before starting to troubleshoot the prob- lem via remote repair, the Porsche Support instance will inform you of any such preconditions and/or usage re- strictions, which you must then confirm. This is only a trou-...
Detailed description of the Service. Regularly performing the updates means that the vehicle always has the latest software version. The updates are carried out in a similar manner to the up- date processes that you already know from other media/devices. If an update is available for your vehicle, it will be downloaded in the background. Once successfully downloaded, the update will be available for you to install in your vehicle's PCM. To start the installation, you must carry out the steps listed in the PCM (e.g. park the vehicle, switch on the handbrake, etc.). The vehicle cannot be used while the update is being carried out. You will receive a mes- sage in the PCM once the update has been successfully installed. You can deactivate and reactivate the Online Software Update service in the My Por- sche portal at any time.
Detailed description of the Service. 1.1.1 You can trigger the Service either via the Porsche Communication Management of a Connect-able vehicle (hereinafter referred to as PCM) or via the Porsche Connect App. The Service can therefore be triggered by every Primary and Secondary User, as well as by anyone who has access to the vehicle interior. After triggering the Service, a voice and data connection is automatically established from the vehicle to the assigned service center. The data sent by the vehicle to the service center can include information such as the vehicle identification number (VIN), vehicle model, year of production and optional equipment, vehicle location, occurrence of an accident, fuel level, tire pressure, remaining range with the available fuel, vehicle status and error messages (hereinafter referred to as Vehicle Data). If necessary, the service center employee will ask you for your vehicle identification number, so that the Vehicle Data can be retrieved. 1.1.2 During the voice connection, the service center employee will ask you questions to further assess your breakdown situation. Depending on the particular breakdown situation, the service center can offer you various help options as follows: 1.) Service center employees can give advice on how to proceed (such as "Please add oil at the nearest petrol station"); and/or 2.) If troubleshooting via remote repair (Over The Air) is available, the service center employee can conduct such troubleshooting. The service center employee carries out the fault analysis and/or correction together with you and informs you about the process and its duration. Depending on the extent of the troubleshooting via remote repair, preconditions and/or restrictions on use may exist, such as: the engine is switched off, the vehicle is at a standstill, immobilizer is active, windows are closed, no active charging. It is also possible that the Breakdown Call and/or emergency call functionality does not exist or is limited during the troubleshooting via remote repair. Prior to starting the troubleshooting via remote repair, the service center employee will notify you of any such preconditions and/or restrictions on use, which must then be confirmed by you. This constitutes just an attempt to fix the problem, so further steps may be necessary; and/or 3.) Service center employees can request external support, such as: breakdown assistance or towing the non-functional vehicle. Your call will not be forwarded to other service providers. If your vehic...
Detailed description of the Service. 1.1.1 You can trigger the service either via the Porsche Com- munication Management of a vehicle with Connect capa- bilities (hereinafter PCM) or via the My Porsche app. Ac- tivation can therefore be carried out by any main- or sec- ondary user, as well as by anyone who has access to the vehicle interior. After the service has been triggered, a voice and data connection is automatically established from the vehicle to the assigned Porsche Support in- stance. The data sent from the vehicle to the Porsche Support instance can contain information such as the ve- hicle identification number (Vehicle ID), vehicle model, year of production and special equipment, vehicle loca- tion, occurrence of an accident, fuel level, tyre pressure, remaining range with the available fuel, vehicle status and error messages (hereinafter car data). The Porsche Support instance and/or a dialogue in the My Porsche Page 1 of 4 Last updated 04/2024 – Terms of Use „Porsche Connect Care= – Hungary – EN – Version 2.0 App and/or in the vehicle infotainment system might ask you for your consent for calling up the vehicle identifica- tion number and/or other car data. 1.1.2 During the voice connection, the Porsche Support in- stance will ask you questions to further assess your breakdown situation. Depending on the particular break- down situation, the Porsche Support instance can offer you various assistance options as follows: 1.) The Porsche Support instance can give advice on how to proceed (e.g. <Please top up oil at the near- est gas station=); and/or 2.) The Porsche Support instance can analyse the re- ceived car data in more detail and try to identify the problem. The findings gathered can be passed on to the respective Porsche Centre, which ena- bles them to prepare for the vehicle's visit to the workshop or to initiate further measures. If a prob- lem can be solved via remote repair, the Porsche Support instance can carry this out. The prerequi- site for this is the fulfilment of various problem- dependent preconditions such as: engine switched off, vehicle is stationary, engine immobi- liser is active, windows are closed, no active charging process. If necessary, further car data required for this purpose are read out. In addition, it is possible that the breakdown and/or emer- gency call functionality will not exist or be limited during the problem solving via remote repair. Be- fore starting to troubleshoot the problem via re- mote repair, the Porsche Support instance will in...

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