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TERMS OF USE mintaszakaszok

TERMS OF USE. The services of the Lounge may be used by any person with legal capacity if they own a valid retail Mastercard Gold, Mastercard Platinum or Mastercard World Elite bank card registered in their name and issued by any Hungarian bank or financial institution in Hungary, and if they are eligible to enter the premises of Aquaworld Resort Budapest via (i) an All-day (Adult, Child, Student or Senior) ticket, and/or (ii) a 3-hour (Adult, Child, Student or Senior) ticket, and/or (iii) a Family ticket. The price of the entry ticket may be paid via any payment method accepted by Operator, but the services provided in accordance with these Conditions may only be used on presentation of a bank card described in this paragraph, regardless of the chosen payment method. Services provided in accordance with these Conditions may not be used with a Mastercard issued abroad, even in return for payment. Upon entry, Eligible Persons receive a wristband that verifies their eligibility. Above the age of 6, wearing the wristband is obligatory when using the Lounge. The presence of the wristband verifying eligibility may be checked by employees of Provider or Operator upon entry and at any time during the use of the Lounge.
TERMS OF USE. 10.2.1. You take note, that the SmileStone service is based on a security technology that restricts the use of service according to the rules listed below, and you hereby agree to use the Service in accordance with the terms of use set forth below: The use of the SmileStone system is subject to the prior acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice. You do not attempt, encourage or assist another person to bypass or modify the security technology or the software that is part of SmileStone.
TERMS OF USE. The aforementioned services may be used by any person with legal capacity if they own a valid retail Mastercard Gold, Mastercard Platinum or Mastercard World Elite bank card registered in their name and issued by any Hungarian bank or financial institution in Hungary, and if they are eligible to enter the premises of Aquaworld Resort Budapest via (i) an All- day (Adult, Child, Student or Senior) ticket, and/or (ii) a 3-hour (Adult, Child, Student or Senior) ticket, and/or (iii) a Family ticket. The price of the entry ticket may be paid via any payment method accepted by Operator, but the services provided in accordance with these Conditions may only be used on presentation of a bank card described in this paragraph, regardless of the chosen payment method. Services provided in accordance with these Conditions may not be used with a Mastercard issued abroad, even in return for payment. Upon entry, Eligible Persons receive a wristband that verifies their eligibility. Above the age of 6, wearing the wristband is obligatory when using the Lounge, the Outdoor Lounge, the Sauna World, or the Grill Terrace. The presence of the wristband verifying eligibility may be checked by employees of Provider or Operator upon entry and at any time during the visit.
TERMS OF USE. The services subject to these Terms of Participation may be used by any person with legal capacity if they own a valid retail Mastercard® Gold or Mastercard® Platinum, Mastercard® World Elite, or Mastercard® Business Premium bank card registered in their name and issued by any Hungarian bank or financial institution in Hungary (“Eligible Person”) with the proviso that Provider and Operator may change the list of services available to each bank card type in cases explicitly mentioned in these Terms of Participation. The services set out in these Terms of Participation may only be used after completing the Bank Identification Number (“BIN”) confirmation process at xxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxx to verify the eligibility of the Eligible Person and identify the services available to the Eligible Person, and after the on-premise verification of eligibility before using the services. BIN refers to the first 8 digits of the bank card number indicated on the bank card. Provider and Operator have the right to check the BIN upon entry. If the Eligible Person is eligible to use the services set out in these Terms of Participation, they will be redirected to Operator’s website in order to create a user account, or they may use the services set forth herein with their existing MÜPA account. The services not requiring registration under these Terms of Participation (e.g. the Champagne Bar) may be used according to and with the card type defined by applicable terms, without creating a user account.
TERMS OF USE. The services subject to these Conditions may be used by any person with legal capacity if they own a valid Mastercard® World or Mastercard® World Elite business bank card registered in their name and issued by any Hungarian bank or financial institution in Hungary (hereinafter referred to as: “Eligible Person”), subject to the restrictions set forth in these Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of FinalPrice. Both during registration and when making a payment, by bank card under these Conditions, the Eligible Person must use the types of bank cards expressly set out in this paragraph in order to qualify.
TERMS OF USE. 5.1. The Visitor and the Lessee may use the Parking Garage at their own risk and responsibility. Due care must be exercised while traversing the area of the Parking Garage. Persons below the age of fourteen (14) may only be within the area when escorted by an adult. 5.2. It is only allowed to drive into the Parking Garage with the intention of parking a vehicle or charging an electric or hybrid vehicle, and the effective rules of the KRESZ are applicable in the entire area of the Parking Garage, with the following exceptions: a) The maximum speed allowed in the area of the Parking Garage is 10km/h.

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