Navigation Plus mintaszakaszok

Navigation Plus. Services: With the service package component "Navigation Plus” the PCM’s on-board route calculation will be complemented by an online route calculation. The online route calculation will learn from your habits and suggest routes and destinations.
Navigation Plus. Description: With the "Navigation Plus" service, route calculation by the PCM in the vehicle is supplemented by online services.
Navigation Plus. Description: With the service "Navigation Plus", the route calculation of the PCM in the vehicle is supplemented by online services. The PCM's navigation system uses current GPS and traffic data to optimize the route to the entered destination to the minute. In the map view, the roads are marked in color according to the traffic situation. The maps of the PCM navigation system are updated online.
Navigation Plus. Description:With the “Navigation Plus” service, route calcula- tion by the PCM in the vehicle is supplemented by online ser- vices.

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