Történettudományi Folyóirat Sample Contracts
TÖRTÉNELMI SZEMLETörténettudományi Folyóirat • October 31st, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 31st, 2023Based on new sources freshly made available by the Holy See, the study aims to reassess the history of – supposed or real – efforts at rapprochement between the Holy See and the Soviet Union, initiated between 1942 and 1946, with the ultimate goal of identifying the considerations that shaped the eastern politics of the Holy See at the end of World War II. After a thorough investigation of the Orlemanski Action in Spring 1944, of the Flynn Mission in March 1945, and of the negotiations that were opened in 1946 via some Hungarian Jesuits, the author argues that, while at the end of the war there was indeed a moment when Moscow appeared open to cooperation, those efforts at rapprochement that in fact took place generally broke down because of the Kremlin’s basic indifference, while the Holy See remained throughout ready for communications as long as the necessary conditions were fulfilled. As a result, the eastern politics of Pius XII should be interpreted in terms of the paradigm of the
Standard Contracts
TÖRTÉNELMI SZEMLETörténettudományi Folyóirat • July 3rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledJuly 3rd, 2023
TÖRTÉNELMI SZEMLETörténettudományi Folyóirat • October 31st, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 31st, 2023In the period of the Austro–Hungarian dual monarchy (1867-1914) the agrarian population of banal Croatia reacted to their changing living conditions with revolts and riots roughly once in a decade. The abundant historigraphical coverage has identified two basic causes in the background of these tensions: some of a social nature such as the years of low yields and the increase of peasant duties, and some stemming from the growing national consciousness of the peasantry and the emotions thereby stirred up. Alongside these causes, the present paper intends to include a third source of conflict that has rarely been analysed so far: namely the modernising intervention of the state, whose presence, with a force that had not been experienced previously, resulted in a profound subversion of the rural world.