OUTGOING Klausul Contoh

OUTGOING a) Any arrears of service / maintenance charges excluding late penalty interest (if any) which may be due and payable to any relevant authority and / or Developer at the date of successful sale shall be borne by the Assignee / Bank up to the date of sale (subject to a maximum of 10% of the Reserve Price) shall be paid out upon receipt of full auction proceeds, provided that the Assignee / Bank is in receipt of the itemized billing for service / maintenance charges and statement of account issued by relevant authority and / or Developer from the Purchaser within ninety (90) days from the date of sale and any sum due and payable after the date of sale shall be borne by the Purchaser. b) For avoidance of doubt, in the event that such invoices and / or itemized billing are not submitted within the stipulated ninety (90) days from the auction date, any subsequent claims pertaining to the service / maintenance charges will not be entertained by the Assignee / Bank and the same shall be borne by the Purchaser solely. All charges other than service / maintenance charges including but not limited to quit rent, assessment, fees, taxes, rates, sinking funds, adjustment of land area charges and / or any other monies whatsoever outstanding to the relevant authority and / or Developer shall be paid directly by the Purchaser.
OUTGOING. (a) Any arrears of service / maintenance charges excluding late payment charge (if any) which may be due and payable to any relevant authority and / or Developer at the date of successful sale shall be borne by the Assignee / Bank up to the date of sale (subject to a maximum of 10% of the Reserve Price) shall be paid out upon receipt of full auction proceeds, provided that the Assignee / Bank is in receipt of the itemized billing for service / maintenance charges and statement of account issued by relevant authority and / or Developer from the Purchaser within ninety (90) days from the date of sale and any sum due and payable after the date of sale shall be borne by the Purchaser.

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  • HARGA RIZAB Jualan ini adalah tertakluk kepada harga rizab.

  • Ruang Lingkup 1. Ruang Lingkup kerja sama yang disepakati dalam PKS ini adalah:

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