Payment of Charges Klausul Contoh

Payment of Charges. You must pay all our charges, costs and expenses for providing the EB Services and any and all ancillary services in accordance with the scale of charges agreed from time to time between the parties and any other sums which you have agreed to bear under these EB Services Terms and Conditions, with prior notification as stipulated under the prevailing laws and regulations from us to you on the details of the said charges, costs and expenses, and any other sums. You shall make all payments under these EB Services Terms and Conditions free and clear of, and without deduction, withholding or set-off on account of any tax or levy or any other charges present and future.

Related to Payment of Charges

  • MAKSUD DAN TUJUAN Susunan anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris;

  • PAYMENT 8.1 Immediately after the fall of the hammer, the successful bidder (“Purchaser”) shall sign the Memorandum at the foot of these conditions. For online bidders please refer to the Terms & Conditions on for the manner of payment of the same. 8.2 In the event that the Total Purchase Price (“TPP”) is higher than the Reserved Price, the Purchaser declared by the Auctioneer shall immediately pay to the Auctioneer a sum (Differential Sum) equivalent to the difference between ten per centum (10%) of the PD (“Purchase Deposit”) and the Bidding Deposit either in cash or bank draft/cashier’s order drawn in favour of BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD, as payment of deposit and towards part payment of TPP. 8.3 In the event the purchaser fails to pay the Differential Sum or fails to sign the said Memorandum, the Bidding Deposit shall be forfeited by the Assignee/Bank and the property may be put up for sale again at a date and time to be fixed by the Assignee/Bank. The cost and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale together with any deficiency in the price obtained at the resale comparing to the price obtained in the aforesaid sale shall be recoverable from the defaulting Purchaser. A certificate by an officer of the Assignee/Bank as to the costs and expenses of, in connection with, resulting from such resale shall be accepted by the Purchaser as binding, correct and conclusive. 8.4 In the event the Purchaser stops payment or countermands on the bank draft of the Bidding Deposit and/or the Purchase Deposit the property may be put up for sale at a date and time to be fixed by the Assignee/Bank. The costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale together with any deficiency in the price obtained at the resale comparing to the price obtained in the aforesaid sale shall be recoverable from the defaulting Purchaser. A certificate by an officer of the Assignee/Bank as to the costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale shall be accepted by the Purchaser as binding, correct and conclusive. 8.5 The balance of the TPP (“Balance Purchase Price”) shall be paid by the Purchaser within NINETY (90) DAYS without any extension from the date of the sale by bank draft only drawn in favour of BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD. The Purchaser shall at his own costs and expenses apply to the relevant State Authority for the consent to transfer not later than 14 days from the date of sale and procure the consent to transfer from the State Authority not later than 3 months from the date of sale, or such other extended period as may be granted by the Assignee/Lender as its absolute discretion from time to time and the purchaser shall be liable to pay penalty cum administrative charges which will be determined by the bank accordingly. 8.6 In the event that the Purchaser defaults in complying with any of the conditions herein or fails to pay the Balance Purchase Price within the time allowed, then the Assignee may (without prejudice to their rights for specific performance) treat such default as a repudiation of the contract and terminate the sale without notice in which event the Bidding Deposit and the Purchase Deposit paid under clauses 3 and 8.2 above shall be forfeited by the Assignee/Bank and the property may again be put up on sale at a date and time to be fixed by the Assignee/Bank. The costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale together with any deficiency in the price obtained in the resale comparing to the price obtained in the aforesaid sale shall be recoverable from the defaulting Purchaser. A certificate by an officer of the Assignee/Bank as to the costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale shall be accepted by the Purchaser as binding, correct and conclusive.

  • PENDAPAT DARI SEGI HUKUM Lihat halaman selanjutnya

  • Portofolio Efek Portofolio efek terdiri dari efek utang dan instrumen pasar uang. Instrumen pasar uang merupakan deposito berjangka. Sesuai dengan Keputusan Kepala Departemen Pengawasan Pasar Modal 2A No. KEP-04/PM.21/2014 tanggal 7 Oktober 2014 tentang Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx terkait Pengelolaan Reksa Dana Berbentuk Kontrak Investasi Kolektif, PT Batavia Prosperindo Aset Manajemen, Manajer Investasi, adalah pihak berelasi Reksa Dana.

  • RUANG LINGKUP 1. Ruang Lingkup kerja sama yang disepakati dalam PKS ini adalah: a. Peningkatan kualitas dan pengembangan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia bagi mahasiswa dan lulusan Pihak Pertama yang akan diwujudkan dalam kegiatan- kegiatan sebagai berikut: • Pengadaan program magang di kantor milik Pihak Kedua kepada mahasiswa dan lulusan Pihak Pertama yang memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh Pihak Kedua. Para Pihak dengan ini setuju bahwa magang merupakan program yang tidak mengikat Para Pihak dan tidak ada kewajiban bagi Pihak Kedua untuk memberikan penawaran dan/atau mengangkat peserta magang sebagai karyawan tetap maupun karyawan kontrak selama atau setelah masa magang; • Program kunjungan industri mahasiswa Pihak Pertama ke kantor Pihak Kedua dengan metode serta waktu yang disepakati Para Pihak; • Pengadaan seminar/pelatihan/knowledge sharing dengan tema dunia kerja atau tema yang relevan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing pihak; • Program Workshop/Kuliah Umum b. Penyediaan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas yang akan diwujudkan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan sebagai berikut: • Pengadaan proses seleksi dan rekrutmen bagi mahasiswa/lulusan dari Para Pihak; • Publikasi informasi lowongan kerja pada unit kerja Pihak Pertama pada website dan dinding publikasi Pihak Kedua; • Informasi data mahasiswa/lulusan/alumni dari Pihak Pertama yang sudah direkrut oleh Xxxxx Xxdua; • Pihak Pertama secara rutin akan memberikan kepada Pihak Kedua buku wisuda beserta daftar nama wisudawan/wisudawati lulusan terbaik dari seluruh program studi untuk setiap periode tahun kelulusan; c. Pengadaan kegiatan promosi secara bersama yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan usaha dari masing-masing Pihak.

  • Penata Tk I NIP. 19710305 199703 2 003

  • Jangka Waktu dan Opsi Pembaruan Jangka waktu Layanan Cloud dimulai pada tanggal ketika IBM memberi tahu Klien mengenai akses mereka ke Layanan Cloud, sebagaimana yang didokumentasikan dalam PoE. PoE akan menetapkan apakah Layanan Cloud memperbarui secara otomatis, berlanjut berdasarkan penggunaan berkelanjutan, atau berakhir pada akhir jangka waktu. Untuk pembaruan otomatis, kecuali apabila Klien memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis untuk tidak memperbarui setidaknya 90 hari sebelum tanggal habis masa berlakunya jangka waktu, Layanan Cloud akan secara otomatis memperbarui untuk jangka waktu yang yang ditetapkan dalam PoE. Untuk penggunaan berkelanjutan, Layanan Cloud akan terus tersedia dengan basis per bulan hingga Klien memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis 90 hari sebelumnya mengenai pengakhiran. Layanan Cloud akan tetap tersedia hingga akhir bulan kalender setelah periode 90 hari tersebut.

  • Syarat Syarat Tambahan Untuk Perjanjian Layanan Cloud (atau perjanjian cloud dasar yang setara) yang ditandatangani sebelum tanggal 1 Januari 2019, syarat-syarat yang tersedia di xxxxx:// berlaku.

  • Tujuan Penelitian 1. Untuk mengetahui isi perjanjian para pihak (penjual sewa dan pembeli sewa) menurut ketentuan hukum yang ada, dan pelaksanaannya dalam perjanjian beli sewa mobil. 2. Untuk mengungkapkan upaya -upaya hukum yang ditempuh para pihak terhadap penyelesaian sengketa cidera janji dalam perjanjian beli sewa mobil.

  • PRINSIP SYARIAH DI PASAR MODAL Prinsip hukum Islam dalam kegiatan syariah di Pasar Modal adalah prinsip-prinsip hukum Islam dalam kegiatan syrariah di bidang pasar modal berdasarkan fatwa DSN-MUI, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam POJK No. 15/POJK.04/2015 tanggal 3 November 2015 tentang Penerapan Prinsip Syariah di Pasar Modal.