PENGELOLAAN & PENGAMANAN INFORMASI. Setiap Karyawan bertanggung jawab menjaga kerahasiaan Informasi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku karena seluruh Informasi milik perusahaan berstatus proprietary right (hak kepemilikan perusahaan yang The Bank prioritizes security and safety at work environments that must be supported by all Employees by maintaining health, safety, and security in order to avoid risks at the work environment. The Bank provides adequate working tools and facilities that may only be used by Employees for supporting works in the Bank. The Bank has internal guidelines to provide parameters and clarity concerning what can and cannot be accepted on social media behavior, including but not limited to employees are not allowed to use logos/symbols or other Corporate identities in personal social media account, employees are not allowed to provide support/protest/claim in the name of the Company unless it has been authorized by the Company to do so, and must protect Corporate confidential assets and information. Each employee is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Information in accordance with the prevailing provisions because all Company owned information has the status of proprietary tidak bisa dimiliki pihak lain tanpa izin). Karyawan tidak berhak dan tidak diperkenankan menyebarluaskan Informasi perusahaan dan nasabah kepada pihak ketiga dalam kondisi apapun, kecuali memperoleh persetujuan dan kesepakatan dari pejabat yang berwenang, dan/atau diperbolehkan oleh undang-undang atau ketentuan yang berlaku.
PENGELOLAAN & PENGAMANAN INFORMASI. Setiap Karyawan bertanggung jawab menjaga kerahasiaan Informasi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku karena seluruh Informasi milik perusahaan berstatus proprietary right (hak kepemilikan perusahaan yang tidak bisa dimiliki pihak security in order to avoid risks at the work environment. Bank provides adequate working tools and facilities that may only be used by Employees for supporting works in Bank. Bank has internal guidelines to provide parameters and clarity concerning what can and cannot be accepted on social media behavior, including but not limited to employees are not allowed to use logos/symbols or other Corporate identities in personal social media account, employees are not allowed to provide support/protest/claim in the name of the Company unless it has been authorized by the Company to do so, and must protect Corporate confidential assets and information. Every employee is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Information in accordance with the prevailing provisions because all Company owned information has the status of lain tanpa izin). Karyawan tidak berhak dan tidak diperkenankan menyebarluaskan Informasi perusahaan dan nasabah kepada pihak ketiga dalam kondisi apapun, kecuali memperoleh persetujuan dan kesepakatan dari pejabat yang berwenang, dan/atau diperbolehkan oleh undang-undang atau ketentuan yang berlaku.