INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 9.1 Any information, contents, materials, documents, details, graphics, files, data, text, images, digital pictures, or any visual being displayed in the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website shall not be used or published either by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission from ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website. 9.2. In the event of any infringement of intellectual property rights under the Terms and Conditions herein, ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website may use any available legal remedies which may include the demand for actual or statutory damages, solicitors’ fees and injunctive relief.
Transparansi Informasi Manajer Investasi mempunyai kewajiban mengumumkan NAB setiap hari di surat kabar dengan sirkulasi nasional serta menerbitkan laporan keuangan tahunan melalui pembaharuan prospektus.
Pertumbuhan Nilai Investasi Reksa dana adalah kumpulan dana dari investor yang dikelola secara terarah dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, maka dengan akumulasi dana yang terkumpul TRIMEGAH KAS SYARIAH dapat melakukan transaksi secara kolektif dengan efisiensi biaya transaksi, serta dapat dengan mudah mendapat akses ke berbagai instrumen investasi yang sulit apabila dilakukan individu. Dengan demikian Pemegang Unit Penyertaan diberikan kesempatan yang sama untuk memperoleh hasil investasi yang relatif lebih baik sesuai dengan tingkat risikonya.
VACANT POSSESSION The Purchaser after the payment of the TPP shall at his own costs and expenses take possession of the Property without any obligation on the part the Assignee/Bank to give vacant possession. In the event of circumstances existing, which prevent entry or occupation by the Purchaser, such circumstances shall not annul the sale or entitle the Purchaser to rescind the contract or claim reduction in the price or for damages.
Manfaat Investasi BATAVIA PROTEKSI MAXIMA 21 memberikan manfaat dan kemudahan bagi Pemegang Unit Penyertaan antara lain:
Ketentuan Kerahasiaan Dan Keamanan Data Dan/ Atau Informasi Pribadi Konsumen adalah ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai kerahasiaan dan keamanan data dan/atau informasi pribadi konsumen sebagaimana diatur dalam POJK tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor: 14/SEOJK.07/2014 tanggal 20 Agustus 2014, tentang Kerahasiaan Dan Keamanan Data Dan/Atau Informasi Pribadi Konsumen, beserta penjelasannya, dan perubahan-perubahannya dan penggantinya yang mungkin ada dikemudian hari.
Manajer Investasi 3.1 Keterangan Singkat Mengenai Manajer Investasi
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION 7.1 By accessing ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website, the E-Bidders acknowledge and agree that ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website may collect, retain, or disclose the E-Bidder’s information or any information by the e-bidders for the effectiveness of services, and the collected, retained or disclosed information shall comply with Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and any regulations, laws or rules applicable from time to time. 7.2 ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD will process E-bidder personal data such as name, address, NRIC and contact number for registration and E-bidding purposes. E-bidders shall be responsible for the username and password of eZ2Bid and not to reveal the password to anyone. 7.3 E-bidders agree to accept all associated risks when using the service in the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website and shall not make any claim for any unauthorized access or any consequential loss or damages suffered. 7.4 E-bidders shall be responsible for the confidentiality and the use of password and not to reveal the password to anyone at any time and under any circumstances, whether intentionally or unintentionally. 7.5 E-bidders agree to comply with all the security measures related to safety of the password or generally in respect of the use of the service. 7.6 E-bidders accept the responsibility that in any event that the password is in the possession of any other person whether intentionally or unintentionally, the E-Bidders shall take precautionary steps for the disclosure, discovery, or the Bidders shall immediately notify ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD
AFTER AUCTION 6.1 Any successful E-bidders shall and undertake to sign the contract of sale and pay the additional 10% for the difference of the purchase price within two (2) working days to ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD bank account or prepare a bank draft. In the event that the successful E-bidder fail to pay additional deposit, the Bank will forfeit the deposit and the sale will be deemed cancelled/terminated and the property may be put up for subsequent auction without further notice to the said E-bidders.
RISK OF PROPERTY 13.1 As from the time of the sale, the property shall be at the sole risk of the Purchaser as regards to loss or damaged of whatsoever nature or howsoever occurring including by fire or other accident, state of cultivation, non-occupation or otherwise. 13.2 The Purchaser shall be deemed to have inspected and investigated the condition of the property as is where is and shall raise no requisition or objection thereon or thereto. No representation warranty or undertaking whatsoever is made or should be implied as to whether or not the property complies with any relevant by-laws or legislation. The Purchaser shall take the property as is where is and shall not require the connection of water, electricity or other utilities thereto or the removal of any rubbish thereat. The fact (if such be the case) that the property or renovations thereat may contravene building by-laws or legislation shall not annul the sale or entitle the Purchaser to rescind the sale or claim damages or diminution in price. 13.3 Upon the fall of the hammer, all risks of the property shall pass to the Purchaser who shall at his own costs insure the same against damages by fire and usual perils 13.4 The Assignee makes no representation as to the ownership of furniture fittings and fixtures situated at the property, which items may be on hire purchase, lease or deferred sale from third parties. In such cases the Assignee accepts no liability for any payments, which may be outstanding in respect thereof and the property, is sold subject thereto.