Acceptance tests Clausole campione

Acceptance tests. Acceptance tests shall consist of verification calibration on 10 % samples and verification of availability of features as per contract specification on one sample. Supplier shall have acceptance test facilities at the place of inspection. For operating condition OEM certification shall be acceptable.
Acceptance tests. 1. The firm shall have all the testing facilities and instruments to check and verify all the parameters.
Acceptance tests. The Contractor shall be required to supply all tooling, equipment and personnel necessary to execute all tests required in this Technical Specification. The water cooling channels must be tested with maximum pressure of 16 bar (value to be confirmed by CERN). Vacuum tests shall be carried out according to section 9. The acceptance procedure for items supplied to CERN may include the repetition by CERN of any of the quality control procedures performed at the Contractors’ or Subcontractors’ premises. CERN reserves the right to perform any kind of verification to qualify the compliance of the supplied items to the present Technical Specification. The manufacturer will be informed of any part that fails to meet the requirements. Where appropriate, the Contractor may, at his own expense, send an inspector to verify CERN's findings. The parts that are found unsatisfactory will be returned to the Contractor, at his expense, for repair or replacement according to a mutually agreed written schedule.