According to Clausole campione

According to. Art. 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000 plus subsequent additions and amendments, the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as self- certification of included data and enclosed documents. According to Law no. 104 dated 5 February 1992, candidates with a recognized disability must specify in their application any special assistance or additional time they may need during the interview. In case of need of further information or clarification about the application, the candidate may contact the Department (email xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx). In case of technical issue, tha candidate may contact xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx The candidate shall notify the Department of any changes to the contact details listed in the application form.
According to. Art. 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000 plus subsequent additions and amendments, the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as self- certification of included data and enclosed documents. According to Law no. 104 dated 5 February 1992, candidates with a recognized disability must specify in their application any special assistance or additional time they may need during the interview. In case of need of further information or clarification about the application, the candidate may contact the Department (phone number 049/0000000 or 049/8277763 email xxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx). La candidata/Il candidato si impegna a comunicare qualsiasi variazione nei recapiti indicati nella domanda. In case of technical issue, tha candidate may contact xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
According to. Art. 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000 plus subsequent additions and amendments, the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as self- degli artt. 46 e 47 del DPR 445/2000 e xx.xx. dei dati certification of included data and enclosed in essa contenuti e dei documenti allegati. documents.
According to. Art. 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000 plus subsequent additions and amendments, the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as self- certification of included data and enclosed documents. According to Law no. 104 dated 5 February 1992, candidates with a recognized disability must specify in their application any special assistance or additional time they may need during the interview. In case of need of further information or clarification about the application, the candidate may contact the Department (phone number 049/0000000 or 049/8277763 email xxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx). In case of technical issue, tha candidate may contact xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx The candidate shall notify the Department of Information Engineering any changes to the contact details listed in the application form.
According to. Art. 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000 plus subsequent additions and amendments, the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as self- xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx). Per la segnalazione di problemi esclusivamente tecnici contattare il seguente indirizzo e-mail: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx La candidata/Il candidato si impegna a comunicare qualsiasi variazione nei recapiti indicati nella domanda.
According to. Art. 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000 plus subsequent additions and amendments, the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as self- certification of included data and enclosed documents. According to Law no. 104 dated 5 February 1992, candidates with a recognized disability must specify in relazione al proprio status, nonché l’eventuale necessità di tempi aggiuntivi per il colloquio. their application any special assistance or additional time they may need during the interview.
According to. Art. 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree DPR 445/2000 plus subsequent additions and amendments, the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as self- certification of included data and enclosed documents. Le candidate e i candidati con disabilita’ riconosciuta, ai sensi della legge 5 febbraio 1992, n. 104, devono specificare nella domanda l’ausilio necessario in relazione al proprio status, nonché l’eventuale necessità di tempi aggiuntivi per il colloquio. According to Law no. 104 dated 5 February 1992, candidates with a recognized disability must specify in their application any special assistance or additional time they may need during the interview. Eventuali informazioni o chiarimenti in merito alle modalita’ di presentazione delle domande possono essere richieste alla Struttura (email xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx). Per la segnalazione di problemi esclusivamente tecnici contattare il seguente indirizzo e-mail: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx La candidata/Il candidato si impegna a comunicare qualsiasi variazione nei recapiti indicati nella domanda. In case of need of further information or clarification about the application, the candidate may contact the Department (email xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx). In case of technical issue, tha candidate may contact xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx The candidate shall notify the Department of any changes to the contact details listed in the application form.
According to. Art. 46 and 47 of D.P.R. 445/2000 (Italian Presidential Decree 445/2000 as further amended and integrated), the candidate's application will be considered valid for all legal purposes as a self-certification of the data and documents enclosed. According to legge del 5 febbraio 1992, n. 104 (Law no. 104 dated 5 February 1992), candidates with a recognised disability must specify in their di tempi aggiuntivi per il colloquio. Eventuali informazioni o chiarimenti in merito alle mo- dalità di presentazione delle domande possono es- sere richieste al Dipartimento di Matematica "Xxxxxx Xxxx-Xxxxxx" (email xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx ). Per la segnalazione di problemi esclusivamente tec- nici contattare il servizio supporto tramite il link pre- sente in fondo alla pagina: xxxxx://xxxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxx. La candidata/Il candidato si impegna a comunicare qualsiasi variazione nei recapiti indicati nella do- manda.