CONTENTS OF THE TECHNICAL OFFER. The bidder must, under penalty of exclusion from the tender, send to INFN a single Technical Offer document that includes all the information needed to assess that its proposal complies with the minimum characteristics established in the Project and must include any element deemed useful in order to specify the qualitative, methodological and technical characteristics of the supply, parameters that will be evaluated by the tender selection commission. Two detailed technical descriptions must be included as separate chapters in the Technical Offer to access the evaluation points assigned to the two discretionary criteria (I1 and I2 in the following Table 2): • chapter “Improvement Proposal 1 (I1)” illustrating the valve-box system project as per Technical Specifications document chapter 4.1. • chapter “Improvement Proposal 2 (I2)” illustrating the Gas Storage system proposed as per Technical Specifications document chapter 4.2. The economic operator must indicate the name and professional qualifications of the persons in charge of providing the technical services for this specific contract. The technical offer must be signed with a digital signature by the legal representative of the competitor or by his agent. Only in the case of foreign economic operators, if it is not possible to use the digital signature, the offer may be signed on a scanned document and accompanied by a copy of the identity document of the legal representative signed by the same person.