Definizione di The Evaluation

The Evaluation. Committee will grade each candidate with a maximum of 100 points, divided as follows: - 30 points to grade the quality of the CV; - 70 points to grade the quality of the interview. The minimum grade required to pass the interview is 49/70 while, to achieve a valuable ranking, the final evaluation, as sum of the two scores, must be above 70. At the end of the selection process, the final ranking list will be published on the web page of the call. The work of the fellow is carried out under the supervision of the manager of the research, project or experiment which includes the grant. The INFN guarantees equal work access opportunities to men and women in accordance with Law No. 125 of 10 April 1991, Legislative Decree 57/165/2001 and Articles 42 and 48 of Legislative Decree 198/2006. This public selection procedure is funded by Structure of Catania ordinary funds.
The Evaluation. Committee will grade each candidate with a maximum of 100 points, divided as follows: - 80 points to grade the quality of the CV; - 20 points to grade the quality of the interview. Assessable qualifications are:
The Evaluation. Committee will grade each candidate with a maximum of 100 points, divided as follows: - 30 points to grade the quality of the CV; - 70 points to grade the quality of the interview. The minimum grade required to pass the interview is 49/70 while, to achieve a valuable ranking, the final evaluation, as sum of the two scores, must be above 70. At the end of the selection process, the final ranking list will be published on the web page of the call. The work of the fellow is carried out under the supervision of the manager of the research, project or experiment which includes the grant. The INFN guarantees equal work access opportunities to men and women in accordance with Law No. 125 of 10 April 1991, Legislative Decree 57/165/2001 and Articles 42 and 48 of Legislative Decree 198/2006. This public selection procedure is funded by Project CIR01_00020_FAR - “Potenziamento dell'osservatorio di eventi rari dei LNGS all'orizzonte 2030 e oltre - Rafforzamento del capitale umano” – CUP I16J20000950001 - DD 2595 del 24/12/2019, Piano Stralcio "Ricerca e Innovazione 2015-2017" - "PNIR - Programma Nazionale Infrastrutture di Ricerca".

Examples of The Evaluation in a sentence

  • The Supplier agrees with: •PUNCTUALITY: The Evaluation is based on the verification/checking of the delivery of the goods at our warehouse compared to the delivery date indicated in the S840201 – LLS’s internal form.

  • The Evaluation Committee will evaluate the projects according to the following criteria: • use of 5G as an enabling and distinctive factor for the realization of the project; • impact on the city and the citizens of the possible diffusion of the developed solution; • concreteness, applicability and replicability of the solution; • level of technical and / or conceptual innovation.

  • The Evaluation Committee will communicate, 7 days before, the place, date and methods of the interview.

  • The Evaluation Committees (henceforth the Committees) will be set up by a subsequent decree signed by the Faculty Deans and will be composed of professors and administrative staff.

More Definitions of The Evaluation

The Evaluation. Committee will grade each candidate with a maximum of 100 points, divided as follows: - 30 points to grade the quality of the CV; - 70 points to grade the quality of the interview. The minimum grade required to pass the interview is 49/70 while, to achieve a valuable ranking, the final evaluation, as sum of the two scores, must be above 70. At the end of the selection process, the final ranking list will be published on the web page of the call. The work of the fellow is carried out under the supervision of the manager of the research, project or experiment which includes the grant. The INFN guarantees equal work access opportunities to men and women in accordance with Law No. 125 of 10 April 1991, Legislative Decree 57/165/2001 and Articles 42 and 48 of Legislative Decree 198/2006. This public selection procedure is funded by Structure of Perugia ordinary funds.
The Evaluation. Committee will grade each candidate with a maximum of 100 points, divided as follows: - 30 points to grade the quality of the CV; - 70 points to grade the quality of the interview. The minimum grade required to pass the interview is 49/70 while, to achieve a valuable ranking, the final evaluation, as sum of the two scores, must be above 70. At the end of the selection process, the final ranking list will be published on the web page of the call. The work of the fellow is carried out under the supervision of the manager of the research, project or experiment which includes the grant. The INFN guarantees equal work access opportunities to men and women in accordance with Law No. 125 of 10 April 1991, Legislative Decree 57/165/2001 and Articles 42 and 48 of Legislative Decree 198/2006. This public selection procedure is funded by Project CIR01_00028_LIF - CUP I98I20000170001 Data Controller: National Institute of Nuclear Physics: email: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxxx.xx.
The Evaluation. Committee will grade each candidate with a maximum of 100 points, divided as follows: - 30 points to grade the quality of the CV; - 70 points to grade the quality of the interview. The minimum grade required to pass the interview is 49/70 while, to achieve a valuable ranking, the final evaluation, as sum of the two scores, must be above 70. At the end of the selection process, the final ranking list will be published on the web page of the call. The work of the fellow is carried out under the supervision of the manager of the research, project or experiment which includes the grant. The INFN guarantees equal work access opportunities to men and women in accordance with Law No. 125 of 10 April 1991, Legislative Decree 57/165/2001 and Articles 42 and 48 of Legislative Decree 198/2006. This public selection procedure is funded by Project STRONG_2020 GRANT AGREEMENT N.824093 WP18_NA7 CUP I54I19000610005 (for 11 months euro 22.980,70) by Structure of Padova ordinary funds (12 months euro 25.069,85) and by NRC_IMPACT funds (remaining 1 month euro 2.089,15).
The Evaluation. Committee will grade each candidate with a maximum of 100 points, divided as follows: - 30 points to grade the quality of the CV; - 70 points to grade the quality of the interview. The minimum grade required to pass the interview is 49/70 while, to achieve a valuable ranking, the final evaluation, as sum of the two scores, must be above 70. At the end of the selection process, the final ranking list will be published on the web page of the call. The work of the fellow is carried out under the supervision of the manager of the research, project or experiment which includes the grant. The INFN guarantees equal work access opportunities to men and women in accordance with Law No. 125 of 10 April 1991, Legislative Decree 57/165/2001 and Articles 42 and 48 of Legislative Decree 198/2006. This public selection procedure is funded by Project STRONG_2020 GRANT AGREEMENT N.824093 WP18_NA7 CUP I54I19000610005 (for 11 months euro 22.980,70) by Structure of Padova ordinary funds (12 months euro 25.069,85) and by NRC_IMPACT funds (remaining 1 month euro 2.089,15).

Related to The Evaluation

  • Informazioni Riservate si riferisce a tutte le informazioni che la parte rivelante protegge da una divulgazione illimitata a terzi e che (i) la parte rivelante identifica come riservate e/o interne e/o protette da privativa al momento della loro comunicazione o che (ii) dovrebbero essere ragionevolmente considerate riservate al momento della loro comunicazione in ragione della natura dell'informazione e delle circostanze della loro comunicazione.

  • Esclusioni Rischi esclusi o limitazioni relativi alla copertura assicurativa prestata dalla società, elencati in apposite clausole del contratto di assicurazione.

  • Contenuto mobilio ed arredamento per abitazione, apparecchiature elettriche e/o elettroniche ed elettrodomestici quali, a titolo esemplificativo: personal computer (anche portatili) e relativi programmi in licenza d’uso, stampanti, modem, fax, apparecchi telefonici portatili, radio, televisori, videoregistratori, complessi stereofonici, abbigliamento, attrezzature sportive, oggetti pregiati, preziosi, valori e tutto quanto in genere serve per uso domestico e personale, opere di miglioria ed addizionali apportate dall’Assicurato/locatario o dal proprietario/Assicurato al fabbricato quali, a titolo esemplificativo: tappezzerie, moquettes, parquets, controsoffittature, soppalchi, impianti di prevenzione e di allarme, di condizionamento non a servizio del fabbricato, apparecchi radiotelericetrasmittenti, decorazioni, tende esterne purché montate su strutture fissate ai muri del fabbricato ed arredi da giardino, arredamento ed apparecchiature (anche elettroniche) d’ufficio relative allo studio professionale, esercitato dall’Assicurato o da persona facente parte del nucleo famigliare convivente, posto nei locali intercomunicanti con l’abitazione. Il tutto di proprietà dell’Assicurato, dei suoi familiari conviventi, collaboratori domestici e di terzi in genere. Sono esclusi veicoli a motore, i natanti e/o loro parti e le cose che costituiscono oggetto di attività artigianale o commerciale esercitata dall’Assicurato o da terzi nei locali costituenti l’abitazione.