Costs/Rental income insurance shall be afforded in respect of: the costs, as shown below, which arise in connection with in- sured loss or damage to the insured building:
1 The costs effectively incurred on clearing the remains of the insured building from the site of the loss and on taking the same to the nearest suitable landfill site, as well as those incurred on dumping, waste disposal and destruction.
2 The costs incurred on the demolition of building remains identified by the loss adjusters as having no value.
3 The additional costs of alternative accommoda- tion, substantially the same as your existing ac- commodation, which you have to pay for while the home cannot be lived in following loss or damage including costs of move.
4 The effective loss of rental income arising from the unavailability for use of rented space in the in- sured building or condominium unit, for a maxi- mum period of 24 months.
5 Emergency glazing, emergency doors, emer- gency locks; the costs effectively incurred on car- rying through the measures decided upon.
6 Lock replacement costs. The costs effectively in- curred on changing or replacing keys, magnetic cards and the like or locks at the locations named in the policy and on safe deposit boxes rented by the insured persons.