Applicable Law. The purchase ODA will be governed and interpreted by Italian law, save for what is expressly provided for in the ODA.
Applicable Law. (a) In case of the Buyer is a subject having Italian nationality, the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and all the agreements executed between Carapax s.r.l. and the Buyer shall be governed by Italian laws.
(b) On the contrary, in case of the Buyer is a subject having a nationality different from the Italian one, the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and all the agreements executed between Carapax s.r.l. and the Buyer shall be governed by the United Nations Convention of Vienna of 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
Applicable Law. As far as this contract provides nothing to the contrary, the provisions of the Swiss Federal Law concerning the Insurance Contract of 2 April 1908 shall be applicable.
Applicable Law. All of the contracts concluded on the basis of the present General Conditions or the agreed Special Conditions of Sale are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with Italian law.
Applicable Law. This Consortium Agreement and all clauses in the Grant Agreement affecting the rights and obligations between the Parties shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of [Belgium].
Applicable Law. 1. In case of the Buyer is a subject having Italian nationality, the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and all the agreements executed between the Seller and the Buyer shall be governed by Italian laws.
2. On the contrary, in case of the Buyer is a subject having a nationality different from the Italian one, the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and all the agreements executed between the Seller and the Buyer shall be governed by the lativa ai Contratti di Vendita Internazionale di Beni Mobili. Qua- lora l’Acquirente appartenga ad uno stato che non ha ratificato tale convenzione, si applicherà la Convenzione di Roma del 1980 o, subordinatamente, la legge italiana 218/95.
Applicable Law. This contract and any possible relation between parties is ruled by Italian Law and, in particular, articles 1737 and following of Italian Civil Code. Any possible different future agreement, non-compliant with these General Condition, shall be in writing or will be considered null and void (art. 1352 Italian C.C.). In the event that any provision(s) of these General Conditions shall be held invalid, unlawful or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or by any future legislative or administrative action, such holding or action shall not negate the validity or enforceability of any other provisions hereof and, in this case, Parties will cooperate in good faith to substitute any null clauses with valid and effective ones.
Applicable Law. (a) In case of the Buyer is a subject having Italian nationality, the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and all the agreements executed between the Seller and the Buyer shall be governed by Italian laws.
(b) On the contrary, in case of the Buyer is a subject having a nationality different from the Italian one, the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale and all the agreements executed between the Seller and the Buyer shall be governed by the United Nations Convention of Vienna of 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In case the Buyer belongs to a State that didn't ratify that Convention, it will be applied the Convention of Rome of 1980 or, subordinately, the Italian law 218/95.
Applicable Law. 13.1 All supply contracts, including those executed with Purchaser located in foreign countries, shall be governed by these General Terms and Italian law only.
Applicable Law. (a) The preliminary activities and negotiation of the contract and the Contract itself as disciplined by these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and all the agreements executed between the Seller and the Buyer shall be exclusively governed by Italian laws.