PRICE FALL CLAUSE Clausole campione

PRICE FALL CLAUSE. If the contract holder reduces its price or sells or even offers to sell the contracted goods or services following conditions of sale similar to xxxx e of the contract, at a price lower than the contract price, to any person or organization during the currency of the contract, the contract price will be automatically reduced with effect from that date for all the subsequent supplies under the contract and the contract be amended accord ingly. In case of parallel Rate / Running Contracts, if the price of a product is reduced for any supplier due to invocation of ‘Price Fall clause’ or any ot her reason, the same lower price shall also be applicable for the other suppliers who are having parallel RCs against the same tender. If any pa rallel RC holder does not accept the lower price, CIL shall have the right to delete the item from the scope of RC of such firm and procure the sa me from other existing supplier / Reserve RC holders. The provisions of price fall clause will however not apply to the following: i) Export/Deemed Export by the supplier; ii) Sale of goods or services as original equipment prices lower than the price charged for nor mal replacement; iii) Sale of goods such as drugs, which have expiry date; iv) Sale of goods or services at lower price on or after the date of completion of sale/placeme nt of order of goods or services by the authority concerned, under the existing or previous Rate Contracts as also under any previous contracts entered into with the Central or State Government Departments including new undertakings (excluding joint sector companies a nd or private parties) and bodies. NOTE: a. The currency of contract will mean the period till completion of supply. b. The bidder will be asked to submit a copy of the last (latest) purchase order for the tendere d / similar item(s) received by them from any Organization/ Ministry / Department of the Go vt, of India or Coal India Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organi zation, along with the offer. c. It shall be responsibility of the supplier to inform the purchaser of offer to supply / supply o f the ordered / similar item(s) at a lower rate to any Organization / Ministry / Department of the Govt, of India or Coal India Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organization during the currency of the contract. d. The supplier shall submit a certificate along with the bill(s) that it has not offered to supply/ supplied the ordered / sim...
PRICE FALL CLAUSE. The Bidder undertakes that it has not offered to supply/ supplied/is not supplying same or simil ar product/systems or sub systems at a price lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any Organization/Ministry/ Department of the Govt. of India or Coal India Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organization during the currency of the contr act and if it is found at any stage that same or similar product / systems or sub systems was s upplied by the bidder to any Organization / Ministry / Department of the Govt. of India or Coal I ndia Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organization at a lower price during the currency of the contract, then that very price will be applicable to the present case a nd the difference in the cost would be refunded by the bidder to buyer, if the contract has alrea dy been concluded. i. The currency of contract will mean the period till completion of contract. ii. The bidder will be asked to submit a copy of the last (latest) purchase order for the similar/ ordered item(s) received by them from any Organization / Ministry/Department of the Govt. of India Coal India Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organizatio n, along with the offer. iii. It shall be responsibility of the supplier to inform the purchaser of offer to supply/supply of the similar/ordered items) at a lower rate to any Organization/Ministry/Department of the G ovt. of India or Coal India Ltd. and /or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private orga nization during the currency of the contract. iv. The supplier shall submit a certificate along with the bill(s) that it has not offered to supply /supplied the similar/ordered items) at a lower rate to any Organization/Ministry/Departmen t of the Govt. of India or Coal India Ltd. and/ or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other pri vate organization.” General Manager (MM) Materials Management Dept. Post Box No- 60 Seepat Road, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh- 495006 /contradiction between two.


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