Research grant Clausole campione

Research grant. The Department of Chemistry announces one 12 months research scholarship in accordance with Art. l letter A of the University of Turin’s "Regulation for awarding research scholarships" on Surplus Budget funds at the close of 2019 “UA Scholarships: funding accrued in previous financial accounting system” - Managed by Professor Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, on funds from shared resources costs eg. 2018-2022 - Managed by Professor Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and on funds derived from Local Research 2022 - 40% share co-funding of national and European funding opportunities (Academic Senate resolution of 16.02.2022). The grant is worth € 16,800.00 and is paid in deferred monthly instalments of € 1,400.00. The scholarship will support the successful candidate in research in the project: “CRYS@COOL: a portable and safe tool for distance learning on CRYSTAL”, at the University of Turin’s Department of Chemistry labs/premises in xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 7 - 10125 Turin. The research project foresees the realisation of a portable and safe computer tool for the use of the CRYSTAL software (xxx.xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx) for didactic purposes on different platforms, as Virtual Machine and Dockers. This must be achieved by integrating the potential of object-oriented programming (Python) with modern network protocols (GitHub). The tool must be optimised for use with three different teaching modes: remote, in presence in the computer room and in blended mode. The Scientific Co-ordinator and Director of Department will agree when the work starts in accordance with the scholarship holder and based on the Department’s and research needs.
Research grant. The Department of Psychology announces one (1) 6 months research scholarship in accordance with Art. l letter A of the University of Turin’s "Regulation for awarding research scholarships" on funds deriving for a maximum of 50% from the Funds established for Ukraine by the University The grant is worth € 9.600,00 and is paid in deferred monthly instalments of € 1.600,00. The scholarship will support the successful candidate in research in the project: “Predictors of blatant discrimination: from dehumanization to ambivalent prejudice”, at the University of Turin’s Department of Psychology labs/premises in xxx Xxxxx, 00 - 00000 Xxxxx. The research activity consists in examining the influence of intergroup biases and blatant forms of dehumanization and prejudice in the social perception and attribution of competences. The Scientific Coordinator and Director of the Department will agree when the work starts in accordance with the scholarship holder and based on the Department’s and research needs.
Research grant. The Computer Science Department announces one (1) 8 months research scholarship in accordance with Art. l letter A of the University of Turin’s "Regulation for awarding research scholarships" on funds deriving for a maximum of 50% from the Funds established for Ukraine by the University - (Internationalization Services of the Pole of Nature Sciences) - Project Title Funding Body: “Support actions in favour of Ukrainian scholars and scholars” - Owner: Athenaeum, on funds deriving from the Department (Surplus from previous years' management) - Holder Professor Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, funds to be allocated to the Project of the funds established for Ukraine by the University - (Internationalization Services of the Pole of Nature Sciences) - Project Title Funding Entity: "Support actions for Ukrainian scholars and scholars" - Holder Professor Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and on funds transferred from the Central Administration (Research Directorate) - European Union Project - Project Title Funding Entity: "Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxx grant agreement No 754511" - Project MSCA_ COFUND_T4C, funds to be allocated to the sub-project of which Professor Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is the Holder. The grant is worth € 10.400,00 and is paid in deferred monthly installments of € 1.300,00. The scholarship will support the successful candidate in research in the project: “Synthesis and Characterization of functional organic compounds”, either at the laboratories/locations of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Turin located at Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 7 - 10125 Turin, or at the laboratories/locations of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Turin located at Xxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, 00 - 00000 Xxxxx, or at the laboratories/locations of the Department of Historical Studies Xxx Xxxx'Xxxxxxx, 20 - 10124 Turin. The research activity will consist of the use of scientific equipment for determining the composition (including colourants and opacifiers) of archaeological glass by means of invasive and non invasive approaches. Study of the historical context and interpretation of the archaeometric data for Iron Age xxxxx finds from present-day Ukraine, with a focus on the northern part of the Black Sea end its relations with costal and inner regions. with the synthesis and characterization of chromogenes (both intermediates and molecules) for technological application.
Research grant. The Computer Science Department announces one (1) 8 months research scholarship in accordance with Art. l letter A of the University of Turin’s "Regulation for awarding research scholarships" on funds deriving for a maximum of 50% from the Funds established for Ukraine by the University - (Internationalization Services of the Pole of Nature Sciences) - Project Title Funding Body: “Support actions in favour of Ukrainian scholars and scholars” - Owner: Athenaeum, on funds deriving from the Department (Surplus from previous years' management) - Holder Professor Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and on funds deriving from Project n. 826013 EU H2020 “IMPRESSIVE” (General MGA Multi - Joint Action 3) 826013-BAROLO C -
Research grant. The Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences announces two 10-month research scholarships in accordance with Art. l letter A of the University of Turin’s "Regulation for awarding research scholarships" on Research Funds TAVD_AUTOF_22_01 “Borse di ricerca per Afgani”– Managed by Professor Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx and Professor Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. The grant is worth € 15,500.00 (each) and is paid in deferred monthly instalments of €1,550.00. The scholarship will support the successful candidate in research in the project: "Afghan Scholars within the scope of tumor progression and cancer stem cells", at the University of Turin’s Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences and Molecular Biotechnology Centre, in xxx Xxxxx 00 - 00000 Xxxxx. The research activity consists on the analysis of the role of microRNAs and adhesion molecules in the interactions between tumor cells and stroma during the progression of melanoma and breast cancer and in the identification of stem cells responsible for neoplastic progression. The activity will include in vitro analyses with cell cultures and in vivo analyses with wild type and genetically modified mice. The Scientific Co-ordinator and Director of Department will agree when the work starts in accordance with the scholarship holder and based on the Department’s and research needs.