Statements relating to the circumstances of risk Clausole campione

Statements relating to the circumstances of risk. Inexact statements or the reticence of the Contracting Party and/or the Insured Party relating to circumstances that influence the risk assessment may result in the total or partial loss of the right to reimbursement, as well as the termination of the Insurance Policy itself (articles 1892, 1893 and 1894 CC). The occurrence in the Insured Party of one of these diseases or illnesses during the contract constitutes, for the Company, an aggravation of the risk for which it would not have allowed the Insurance Policy pursuant to art. 1898 of the Civil Code; consequently the Company may withdraw from the contract with immediate effect limited to the Insured Party affected by the illness and the claims occurring after the onset of some of the aforementioned pathologies do not give the right to the provision of benefits.
Statements relating to the circumstances of risk. Inexact statements or the reticence of the Contracting Party and/or the Insured Party relating to circumstances that influence the risk assessment may result in the total or partial loss of the right to reimbursement, as well as the termination of the Insurance Policy itself (articles 1892, 1893 and 1894 CC).