Definizione di Commodity Securities

Commodity Securities is as defined in Condition 2.1;
Commodity Securities an amount equal to the official price of the relevant Commodity resulting from the listing made by the Reference Source on the Exchange Business Day; (D)Commodity Futures Contract Securities: an amount equal to the official price of the relevant Future on Commodities determined on the Reference Source on the Exchange Business Day;

Examples of Commodity Securities in a sentence

  • Gli Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities sono muniti di limitati diritti di regresso nei confronti dell’Emittente.

  • In talune circostanze gli Short o Leveraged Commodity Securities possono essere oggetto di un rimborso coattivo - si veda ‘‘Fattori di Rischio’’ (Risk Factors).

  • Options, warrants or certificates on shares, debt instruments or fund shares or units are priced primarily on the basis of the value of underlying securities whilst Currency and Commodity Securities are priced primarily on the basis of present and expected values of the reference currency (or basket of currencies) or commodity (or basket of commodities) specified in the applicable Final Terms.

  • Il Prezzo per ogni classe di Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities si applica sia alle emissioni che ai riscatti.

  • This Condition 16 applies to Index Securities, Share Securities, ETI Securities, Commodity Securities, Currency Securities and Futures Securities only.

  • Né gli Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities né alcun pagamento relativo ad essi sono garantiti da AIG-FP o AIG..

  • I Partecipanti Autorizzati dovranno pagare delle commissioni all’Emittente in occasione dell’emissione o del riscatto di Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities.

  • La somma dovuta all’emissione ed al riscatto degli Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities può essere stabilita in due diversi modi: Prezzo Convenuto (Agreed Pricing) e Prezzo di Regolamento (Settlement Pricing) .

  • Gli Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities saranno supportati da Contratti su Merci con termini corrispondenti a quelli degli Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities.

  • Per il Prezzo di Regolamento, la somma dovuta per l’emissione o il riscatto dei relativi Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities corrisponderà al Prezzo dei Short e Leveraged Commodity Securities calcolato nel relativo Giorno di Determinazione del Prezzo (Pricing Day).

Related to Commodity Securities

  • Series No. of the Securities: Number of Securities the subject of this notice: The undersigned understands that if this Renouncement Notice is not completed and delivered as provided in the Security Terms or is determined to be incomplete or not in proper form (in the determination of the Italian Security Agent), it will be treated as null and void. If this Renouncement Notice is subsequently corrected to the satisfaction of the Italian Security Agent, it will be deemed to be a new Renouncement Notice submitted at the time such correction was delivered to the Italian Security Agent. Expressions defined in the Security Terms shall bear the same meanings in this Renouncement Notice. Place and date: Signature of the Holder Name of beneficial owner of the Securities Signature

  • Broker Marsh S.p.A., iscritta al R.U.I. al n° B000055861.

  • ACQUISITO il parere favorevole del Direttore amministrativo e del Direttore sanitario per quanto di competenza, espresso ai sensi dell’art. 15 dello Statuto dell’Istituto, adottato con delibera del CdA n. 12 del 24 maggio 2021 e approvato con delibera della Giunta regionale del Veneto n. 1308 del 28 settembre 2021.

  • Controllo indica il controllo di oltre il 50% dei diritti di voto o del capitale di una delle parti.