Definizione di Service Order

Service Order. Line: numero totale delle linee relative ad un service order processate dal Programma durante un periodo di 12 mesi. Linee di service order multiple possono essere registrate come parte di un singolo ordine del cliente oppure di un’offerta. Non potrete eccedere il numero di Service Order Line previsto dalla licenza durante ogni periodo di 12 mesi a meno che non acquistiate licenze per Service Order Line addizionali.
Service Order or "Activation Form" or "Form": the prospectus that is an integral part of the Contract containing the description of the individual Service provided to the Client by the Supplier, containing any technical and contractual specifications of the individual Service for which the Client has requested activation.

Examples of Service Order in a sentence

  • The Service requested by the Client specified in the Service Order is activated no later than 90 (ninety) days from C1V Hosting's confirmation of receipt of payment as consideration for the service provided, or any other fulfilment required of the Client by reason of the individual Service to which it has requested to subscribe.

  • These General Terms and Conditions of Contract govern the provision by C1V Hosting of the Hosting and Fiber Services, described on the xxx.x0Xxxxxxxx.xx website and in the Service Order, provided to natural and legal persons.

  • The same Service Order shall also indicate the date of the due date of the payments subsequent to the first.

  • The date by which the Client must make the first payment of the fee for the individual Service provided will be indicated in the Service Order.

  • Each Service is provided by C1V Hosting to the Client on the basis of the technical network solutions available at the time of conclusion of the Contract and the Service Order.

  • If, in line with the Service requested, C1V Hosting provides for the supply of devices necessary for the provision of the Service, the same will be done in the manner described in the individual Service Order.

  • For the Service requested and provided, the Client will pay C1V Hosting the fee as indicated in the Service Order, together with an amount, where applicable, as activation and installation costs.

  • This Contract has a duration of 12 (twelve) months starting from the date of activation of the first Service requested by the Client, the date indicated in the Service Order, with tacit renewal for the same period if no cancellation has been made with at least 30 (thirty) days notice from the expiry of the contract by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, certified e-mail, request sent through the customer area in the "Ticket" section.

  • The Service Order and any other document that regulates the relationship of provision of services between the Supplier and the Customer, to be considered as annexes, are integral parts of this Contract.

  • All payment details can be found on the Service Order and on the website xxx.x0xxxxxxxx.xx.

Related to Service Order

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  • Codice CIG 5517583587

  • Data di Scadenza Data prevista come termine di efficacia delle coperture assicurative relative a ciascuna Adesione al Contratto ed a partire dalla quale cessano gli effetti delle stesse.

  • Consumatore La persona fisica che agisce per scopi estranei all’attività imprenditoriale, commerciale, artigianale o professionale eventualmente svolta.