Force Majeure のサンプル条項

Force Majeure. ProQuest and its information providers and G-Search shall not be liable or deemed to be in default for any delays or failure in performance or interruption of Service resulting directly or indirectly from any cause or circumstance beyond their reasonable control.
Force Majeure. いずれの当事者も本契約に基づく義務の不履行あるいは履行遅延が、暴動、動乱、戦争、ストライキ、禁輸、供給不足、工場閉鎖、国家間の戦争行為、政府による法令、命令、または規制、政府または政府機関による行為、暴風、火災、妨害行為、爆発、あるいは両者および両者の下請け業者の合理的支配を越えたその他のあらゆる偶発事件によるものである限り、その期間に限って相手方当事者に対して責任を負わない。その場合、影響を受けた当事者は、ただちにその状況を証明する文書を添えて相手方当事者に通知する。この状態における義務の遂行は、その事態が存続する間、またその場合における義務の遂行に必要とされる妥当な期間に限り、一時中断される。 Neither Party shall be liable to the other for failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the time and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by force majeure such as, but not limited to, riots, civil commotion's, wars, strikes, freight embargo, shortage of supply, lock-outs, hostilities between nations, governmental laws, orders or regulations, actions by the government or any agency thereof, storms, fires, sabotages, explosions or any other contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the respective Party and of its sub-contractors. In such events, the affected Party shall immediately inform the other Party of such circumstances together with documents of proof and the performance of obligations hereunder shall be suspended during, but not longer than, the period of existence of such cause and the period reasonably required to perform the obligations in such cases.
Force Majeure. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement (except for a failure to pay fees) if the delay or failure is due to unforeseen events, which occur after the effective date of this Agreement and which are beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, such as strikes, blockade, war, terrorism, riots, natural disasters, refusal of license by the government or other governmental agencies, in so far as such an event prevents or delays the affected Party from fulfilling its obligations and such Party is not able to prevent or remove the force majeure at reasonable cost.
Force Majeure. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement (except for a failure to pay fees) if the delay or failure is due to unforeseen events, which occur after the effective date of this Agreement and which are beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, such as strikes, blockade, war, terrorism, riots, natural disasters, refusal of license by the government or other governmental agencies, failure or diminishment of power, telecommunications or data networks or services, malicious attacks or materials shortage in so far as such an event prevents or delays the affected Party from
Force Majeure. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement (except for a failure to pay fees) if the delay or failure is due to unforeseen events, which occur after the effective date of this Agreement and which are beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, such as strikes, blockade, war, acts of civil or military authority, terrorism, riots, natural disasters, refusal of license or other acts by any government or other governmental agencies, (including the passage of laws, regulations or sanctions which impact the delivery of Qlik Products or Services), pandemics, failure or diminishment of power, telecommunications or data networks or services, malicious attacks or materials shortage in so far as such an event prevents or delays the affected Party from fulfilling its obligations and such Party is not able to prevent or remove the force majeure at reasonable cost.
Force Majeure. 10.1 Neither party shall be liable for any failure to perform his obligations under the Contract if the failure results from an event which is beyond the reasonable control of either party Provided Always that the affected party shall resume that obligation as soon as the event ceases or abates. For purposes of the Contract, such acts shall include acts of God, civil or military authority, civil disturbance, wars, terrorism or other catastrophes. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Contract shall remain in force with regard to all other obligations under the Contract which are not affected by the said events. 10.2 If the event shall continue for a period exceeding 1 month, the Buyer may at any time thereafter give notice to the Supplier to terminate the Contract forthwith.
Force Majeure. Neither Licensor nor Licensee shall be responsible for any failure in fulfillment of their obligations due to Acts of God, Governmental orders or restrictions, war, threat of war, warlike conditions, hostilities, sanctions, mobilization, blockage, embargo, revolution, riot, strike, lockout, plague, fire, flood, breakdown, accident or any other causes or circumstances beyond the control of both parties.

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  • 責任の制限 当社の責に帰すべき事由によりインターネット接続サービスが全く利用し得ない状態(全く利用し得ない状態と同じ程度の状態を含みます。以下同じとします。)が生じたときは、当該状態が生じたことを当社が知った時刻から起算して 24 時間以上その状態が連続したときに限り、契約者の損害を賠償します。