Invoicing のサンプル条項

Invoicing. Archiving fees will be invoiced per size block, as specified in the Specific Terms. Any part of a block used will be invoiced in its entirety. Archiving fees will include the online consultation of data stored in their original format for the whole archiving period. In the event that this Agreement expires or is terminated by either party, for any reason, prior to the completion of the archive commitment period, Archiving fees are not refundable. Customer expressly waives its rights to any refund thereof.
Invoicing. The price includes (a) monthly subscription fees, (b) a processing fee per Document, (c) and a signature fee if applicable. The price does not include any Archiving Service. In the event Customer opts for archiving of the copy of the End Client's e-invoice (customer copy of the invoice) in addition to the archive of its own vendor invoice, an archive fee shall apply for both copies (customer copy and vendor copy). Esker shall process e-invoices within 60 minutes of their receipt provided that the volume does not exceed 3000 Documents per hour (600 Documents when an electronic signature is affixed). In the event Customer opts for the AR E-invoicing Service including electronic signature, the size of the Document shall not exceed 4 MB. Esker shall use electronic signature certificates issued by a certification service provider and enabling the signature of Customer's invoices on its behalf. Customer is solely responsible to obtain the End Client's prior acceptance to receive invoices in this form and to inform the latter of the conditions of archiving of e- invoices. Customer is also solely responsible to ensure the authenticity of origin of electronic invoices as processed through the Service. In the event an electronic signature is affixed on the e-invoice, the processing time is calculated beginning with Xxxxx's receipt of the Document and ending with Esker's transmission of the Document to TrustWeaver. Esker provides e-invoicing functionality to Customer or End Clients, among which are the creation and verification of electronic signatures through a third-party: TrustWeaver AB is a company registered under number 556613-6262 in Sweden with its head office at Kungsgatan 27, SE-111 56 Stockholm ("TrustWeaver"). Customer may opt for the international compliance or the domestic compliance of the e-signature. The international compliance ensures the compliance in over 60 countries for both the sender country and the receiver country. The domestic compliance ensures the compliance in one specific country and only applies where Customer and End Client are located in the same country. Customer hereby authorizes Xxxxx to entrust the creation and verification of electronic signature of its invoices to TrustWeaver, and therefore authorizes TrustWeaver to issue said invoices in its name and on its behalf in compliance with the applicable VAT law. Customer hereby authorizes TrustXxxxxx, to receive Customer’s invoice data not yet constituting an original invoice, from...
Invoicing. Pricing includes (a) a usage fees per Document, by increments of 4 pages, increments of less than 4 pages being counted as an entire unit and (b) a monthly subscription fee. Prices do not include archiving fees.
Invoicing. Pricing includes (a) a usage fees per Document, by increments of 4 pages, increments of less than 4 pages being counted as an entire unit and (b) a monthly subscription fee. Prices do not include archiving fees. Customer may opt for the Data extraction and recognition provided by Google Vision (Google Ireland Limited based in Dublin- Ireland), in order to process its incoming Documents. When performing data extraction and recognition (‘OCR’), Google Vision will store temporarily documents and data on its servers. Temporary storage is located in Singapore. Esker will delete Customer data from this temporary storage upon completion of OCR operations and no later than 24 hours after completion.

Related to Invoicing

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  • 個人情報の提供 [1]申込者は、丙が各種法令の規定により公的機関等から個人情報の提出を求められた場合、及びそれに準ずる公共の利益のため必要がある場合、公的機関等に個人情報を提供することをあらかじめ承諾します。 [2]申込者は、本契約が本契約の目的物件に関する申込者と賃貸人との賃貸借契約に立脚しているため、丙が以下の(1)の第三者に対して、

  • 弁済の充当順序 私の弁済額がこの契約から生じる乙に対する債務の全額を消滅させるに足りないときは、乙が適当と認める順序、方法により充当できます。尚、私について乙に対する複数の債務があるときも同様とします。

  • Point 契約時点では、最も合理的な工法として指定したものであるが、地元から要望を寄せられた時点で、発注者は苦情内容を調査し、「周辺住民に振動による悪影響を及ぼさない施工方法を採用すること」という施工の制約を変更特記仕様書に示し、設計変更の対象とする必要がある。

  • 個人情報の利用目的 当社が取り扱う個人情報の利用目的は以下のとおりです。利用目的を超えて個人情報を利用することはありません。

  • 通信経路における安全対策 お客様は、本サービスの利用に際し、公衆回線、移動体通信網、専用電話回線、インターネット等の通信経路の特性および本サービスに関して当金庫が講じる安全対策等について了承しているものとみなします。

  • 補償の制限 第2項にかかわらず、次のいずれかに該当する場合には、当金庫は補償いたしません。

  • 禁止行為 借受人又は運転者は、使用中に次の行為をしてはならないものとします。

  • 賠償金等の徴収 第59条 受注者がこの契約に基づく賠償金、損害金又は違約金を発注者の指定する期間内に支払わないときは、発注者は、その支払わない額に発注者の指定する期間を経過した日から請負代金額支払の日まで年2.5パーセントの割合で計算した利息を付した額と、発注者の支払うべき請負代金額とを相殺し、なお不足があるときは追徴する。

  • 報告および調査 1.借主は、金庫が債権保全上必要と認めて請求をした場合には、借主の信用状態について直ちに報告し、また調査に必要な便益を提供するものとします。