Summary のサンプル条項

Summary. ( 1 ) Classification of the services to be procured: 7 6
Summary.  Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : XXXXXXXX Xxxxx, Di‑ rector General of Tohoku Regional Agri‑ cultural Administration Office  Classification of the services to be pro‑ cured : 41 Ж Subject matter of the contract : Manufac‑ ture and installation works of pumps in Yamato drainage pump station, Moga‑ migawakaryusagan agricultural irrigation and drainage project  Time limit for the submission of applica‑ tion forms : 11 : 30 A.M., 19 April, 2022  Time limit for the submission of tenders and relevant documents for the qualifica‑ tion : 11 : 30 A.M., 27 May, 2022  Contact point for tender documentation : XXXXXX Xxxxxxxx, Project Accounting Coordination Section, Accounting Division, Administration Department, Tohoku Re‑ gional Agricultural Administration Office, 3—3—0 Xxxxxx Xxxx‑xx, Xxxxxx xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 000—0000, Xxxxx. TEL 022—263—1111 ex. 4227 阻害、動物、植物、生態系、景観、人と自然との触れあいの活動の場、廃棄物等について、予測及び評価を実施するとともに、必要に応じて環境保全措置の検討を行い、環境影響評価準備書の素案を作成するものである。 ・計画準備 1式 ・現地踏査 1式 ・予測、評価及び環境保全措置の検討 1式 ・環境影響評価準備書素案作成 1式 ・報告書作成 1式  本業務において技術提案を求める評価テーマは、以下に示す事項とする。  環境アセスメントにおける予測、評価及び環境保全措置検討にあたっての留意点  履行期間 契約締結の翌日~令和5年3月 31日  本業務は資料提出、入札を電子入札システムで行う対象業務である。なお、例外的に電子入札システムによりがたいものは、発注者の承諾を得た場合に限り、紙入札方式に代えるものとする。  本業務は、若手技術者の育成支援を目的とした試行業務である。 る一般競争参加資格の認定を受けていること(会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立がなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立がなされている者については、手続開始の決定後、中国地方整備局長が別に定める手続きに基づく一般競争参加資格の再認定を受けていること)。
Summary.  Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Direc‑ tor General of National Institutes for the Humanities  Classification of the products to be pro‑ cured : 14 Ж Nature and quantity of the products to be rent : Library and Information System 1 Set  Rent period : From 1 January, 2020 th‑ rough 31 December, 2024  Rent place : International Research Cen‑ ter for Japanese Studies  Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures : Suppliers eligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall : A not come under Article 5 and 6 of the Regulation concerning the Contract for Inter‑University Research Institute Cor‑ poration National Institutes for the Hu‑ manities Furthermore, minors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance that obtained the consent nec‑ essary for concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons within the said clause, B have the Grade A or Grade B qualifica‑ tion during fiscal 2019 in the Kinki area in offer of services for participating in tenders by Single qualification for every ministry and agency, C prove to have the ability to rent the products concerned by themselves and by a third party, should the products re‑ quested through this notice be rent by a third party, prove to have prepared a sys‑ tem to provide maintenance for the rent products, D not be currently under a suspension of business order as instructed by Director General of National Institutes for the Hu‑ manities.  Time limit of tender : 17 : 00 24 May, 2019  Contact point for the notice : Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Financial Operations Section, General Affairs Division, Administrative Department, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 3—2 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx‑ cho Nishikyo‑ku Kyoto‑shi 610—1192 Ja‑ pan, TEL 075—335—2026  Please be noted that if it is indicated that environmental conditions relating to the procurement are laid down in its tender do‑ cuments. 次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。平成 31 年4月1日 契約責任者 日本郵便株式会社 近畿支社長 荒若 仁 ◎調達機関番号 431 ◎所在地番号 27 〇第1号(№1)
Summary.  Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Direc‑ tor, Kyoto office of State Guest House  Classification of the products to be pro‑ cured : 26 Ж Nature and quantity of the products to be purchased : Electricity to use in Kyoto State Guest House. contract 800kW. the estimated electricity for the year 2,082,600kWh.  Delivery period : From April 1, 2018 th‑ rough March 31, 2019  Delivery place : As in the tender docu‑ ment  Qualification for participating in the ten‑ dering procedures : Suppliers eligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall :  Not come under Article 70 of the Cabi‑ net Order concerning the Budget, Audit‑ ing and Accounting. Furthermore, mi‑ nors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance that obtained the consent necessary for concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons within the said clause.  Not come under Article 71 of the Cabi‑ net Order concerning the Budget, Audit‑ ing and Accounting. A Have Grade A or B selling of prod‑ ucts, the qualification for participating in tenders by Cabinet Office (Single quali‑ fication for every ministry and agency) in Kinki area for the purpose of procurem‑ ent in fiscal years 2016, 2017 and 2018.  Meet the qualification requirements which the Obligating Officer may specify in accordance with Article 73 of the Cabi‑ net Order.  Time‑limit for tender : 11 : 00 XX, Xxxxx 0, 0000 (In the case of the registered mail until 9 : 00 AM, March 7, 2018)  Contact point for the notice : Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Accounts Section, Kyoto Office of State Guest House, 23 Kyoto‑gyoen, Ka‑ migyo‑ku, Kyoto City, 602—0881 Japan. TEL 075—223—2214 次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。平成 30 年1月 10 日 分任支出負担行為担当官 迎賓館京都事務所長 堀金 真理 ◎調達機関番号 007 ◎所在地番号 26 1 調達内容  品目分類番号 75、78  購入等件名及び数量 京都迎賓館建物管理業務 一式 Ж 調達案件の仕様等 入札説明書による。  履行期間 平成30年4月1日から平成31年 3月31日まで。
Summary.  Classification of the services to be pro‑ cured : 71, 27  Nature and quantity of the services to be required : Extension and maintenance busi‑ ness of video conference system (FY2020), 1set Ж Expected date of the contract award : 11 December, 2020  Reasons for the use single tendering pro‑ cedures as provided for in the Agreement on Government Procurement : d Interc‑ hangeability  Contact point for the notice : Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Accounts Division, Procurement Management Department, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, 0—00, Xxxxxxx‑xxxxx 0‑xxxxx, Xx‑ xxxxxx‑xx, Xxxxx, 000—0000, Xxxxx TEL 03—5344—1100 随意契約に関する公示 次のとおり随意契約について公示します。令和2年 11 月 20 日 発行所 電 話 —03— (3587) 4294 定 価 日本年金機構本部調達管理部長 畑中 和巳 ◎調達機関番号 428 ◎所在地番号 13 〇第 20 号 1 調達内容  品目分類番号 71、27  購入等件名及び数量 情報システムに係るセキュリティ管理等業務 一式
Summary.  Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Di‑ rector, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto.  Classification of the services to be pro‑ cured : 75 Ж Nature and quantity of the services to be required : Clearning Services, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto 1 Set  Fulfillment period : From 1, April, 2017 through 31, March 2020  Fulfillment place : The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto  Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures : Suppliers eligible for Participating in the proposed tender are those who shall : A not come under Article 5 and 6 of the detailed contract handling regulations of the Independent Administrative Institu‑ tion National Museum of Art, B have the Grade A, B or C qualification during fiscal 2017 in the Kinki area in of‑ fer of services for participating in tenders by Single qualification for every ministry and agency, C not be currently under a suspension of business order as instructed by The Ob‑ ligating Officer, D can be a person without goon squads or the terrorist organization persons con‑ cerned and the relations which should be blamed socially, not a goon squad or the goon squad person concerned and vow to
Summary. ⑴ Lease contract for tender: Information system hardware and software for Saitama City’s Children’s Counseling Office ⑵ Date and time of tender: May 9, 2019, 10:00 a.m.
Summary. 報  Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : XXXXXXXXXX Xxxxxxxx, Director of Sanriku National Highway Of‑ fice, Tohoku Regional Development Bu‑ reau  Classification of the products to be pro‑ cured : 26 官 令和  年  月  日 木曜日 Ж Nature and quantity of the products to be purchased : Electricity used in Sanriku Na‑ tional Highway Office, Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, contract 1,359kW and the estimated electricity for the year is
Summary.  Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx of the Fukushima Prison  Classification of the products to be pro‑ cured : 26 Ж Nature and quantity of the products to be purchased : Unit price contract for Heavy oil A (Fourth quarter) About 200Kl  Delivery period : 31 march 2021  Delivery place : Place designated by Warden of the Fukushima Prison   Qualification for participating in the ten‑ dering procedures : Suppliers eligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall : Not come under Article 70 of the Cabinet Order concerning the Bud‑ get, Auditing and Accounting. Further‑ more, minors, Person under Conservator‑ ship or Person under Assistance that ob‑ tained the consent necessary for concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons with in the said clause.  Not come under Article 71 of the Cabinet Order concerning the Budget, Auditing and Accounting. Have a Grade A or B or C in Sales of products in the Touhoku area in terms of the qualification for participating in tenders related to the Ministry of Justice (Unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) in fiscal years of 2019, 2020, 2021. Meet the qualification requirements spe‑ cified by official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity.  Contact point for the notice : Xxxx Xxxxxx, Supply Section, Fukushima Prison,
Summary.  Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx  Classification of the products to be pro‑ cured : 1 Ж Nature and quantity of the products to be purchased : Non‑glutinous brown rice 289,200kg  Fulfillment period : From 1 January 2021 through 31 March 2021  Delivery place : The place will be specifi‑ ed later.