JAPAN OTC EXCHANGE サービス利用規約 本JAPAN OTC EXCHANGEサービス利用規約(以下、「本規約」)は、JAPAN OTC EXCHANGE株式会社(以下、「JOE」)が管理・運営・提供するサービス(以下、「本サービス」)のご利用にあたって遵守すべきルールを定めています。本サービスのご利用にあたっては、本規約を十分ご理 解いただいた上で、本規約をご承認いただくことが必要です 第2条(登録) 本サービスの利用登録を希望する者(以下、「登録希望者」)は、XXXに対して所定の申し込み書類を提出することで、以下の事項について合意 し、本サービスの利用登録者(以下、「登録者」)となる意思を表示するも のとします(以下、「登録申請」)。 (1)本規約に合意し、本規約を遵守して本サービスを利用すること。 (2)本サービスの利用にあたって、株式会社東京商品取引所(以下、 「東商取」)が定める「LNG取引に係るTOCOMウィンドウ利用規約」 (以下「TOCOMウィンドウ利用規約」)に合意し、これらを遵守して、東商取が提供する相対交渉システム(以下「TOCOMウインドウ」) を利用すること。 (3)商品先物取引法第332条第1項の規定に基づく、第1種特定商品市場類似施設への参加登録者となること。 2. 登録希望者は利用希望日より起算して1ヶ月前までに登録申請を行うものとします。なお1ヶ月前が休日及び祝日の場合、休日及び祝日の直前の営業日までに行うものとします。登録希望者が登録の意思表示を行った場合、XXXは以下の登録条件に従って登録を許可(以下、「登録」)い たします。 3. .登録希望者は以下の条件に適合しなければなりません。 (1)設立または組織された国や州の法に基づき適法に設立され現存する会社であること。 (2)銀行と取引している会社であること。 (3)本サービスの利用目的は第三者に代わって取引をするのではなく、 自己のために取引をする会社であること。 | JAPAN OTC EXCHANGE SERVICE RIYOKIYAKU (TERMS OF USE OF SERVICE PROVIDED BY JAPAN OTC EXCHANGE Inc.) Clause 1 (Application of Terms) These terms of use of service contained herein (the “Agreement”) set forth the terms and conditions for the service which is provided, managed and controlled by JAPAN OTC EXCHANGE Inc. (the “JOE”) (the “Service”). Use by a Trader (hereinafter defined) of the Service is subject to compliance with the Agreement. Clause 2 (Registration) 2.1 For use of the Service an applicant for the Service (the “Appli- cant”) must first declare itself to be a trader under this Agreement (the “Trader”) and agrees to the following statements by submitting the designated application to the JOE (the “Application”). (1) The Applicant agrees to be bound by this Agreement for use of the Service. (2) For use of an over the counter negotiation system (the “TOCOM-Window”) which is provided by Tokyo Commodity Exchange, Inc. (the "TOCOM"), the Applicant agrees to be bound by the terms of use of the TOCOM-Window (“TOCOM-Window RIYOKIYAKU” or “TOCOM-Window User Agreement”). (3) The Applicant agrees to be registered to “Facility Similar to Type 1 Specified Commodity Market” in accordance with “Paragraph 1 of Article 332 of Commodity Derivatives Act”. 2.2 The Application must be made one month prior to its desired start date of use of the Service. Where the desired start date is a holiday or non-working day, the Application must be made up to the working day immediately before holiday or non-working day so desired. Where the Application took place XXX may accept such Application of registration (the “Registration”) subject to following conditions of Registration. 2.3 The Applicant must satisfy the following requirements:- (1) The Applicant must be a company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of country/state where it is incorporated or organized. (2) The Applicant must be a company dealing with banks (3) The Applicant must be a company using the Service solely on its own behalf , not on behalf of any third party |
4.登録希望者は以下の項目を表明・保証し、合意しなくてはなりません。(1)登録者として正確な情報が登録されていること。 (2)登録されている情報が常に最新の正確な情報であることを維持す るために、変更があった際その都度更新されること。 (3)登録者が本サービスの利用に必要な機器や適合性のあるハードウェア、設備及びソフトウェアの手配/準備に責任を負うこと。 (4)本サービス中に得た情報や送受信した情報の管理について責任を負うこと。 (5)付属書Ⅰに定める取引対象商品の取引の清算は付属書Ⅲの方法 による。 本サービスは、取引対象商品のオンラインの相対取引の場であるTOCO Mウィンドウの提供であり、本規約及びTOCOMウィンドウ利用規約に従って、登録者はTOCOMウィンドウにアクセスし、利用することができます。 登録者は下記の事項に同意し、登録料及び売買取引手数料 (以下、「手数料等」)をJOEに支払うものとします。 (1)登録者は登録時に所定の登録料を XXX に支払うものとします。当該登録料は本規約の付属書Ⅰに定めます。 (2)登録者は取引の都度、売買取引手数料を JOE に支払うものとします。当該売買取引手数料は本規約の付属書Ⅰに定めます。 (3)登録者は、売買取引手数料を請求書発行日から30 日(支払債務履行日)以内に附属書Ⅰ(3)に従って電信送金により一括払いで XXXが指定する口座に日本円または米ドルで支払うものとします。なお その際に発生する振込手数料などの費用については登録者の負 担となります。 (4)全ての登録料及び売買取引手数料には対象となる付加価値税などの税金が課せられます。 これらの適用される税金は登録者が負担し、登録料及び売買取引手数料に加算して JOE に支払うものとします。 (5)XXX は登録者に通知することにより、本第 4 条に定める登録料及び売買取引手数料を変更することができます。 2. XXX が市場の活性化のため特に必要と認める場合、XXX は本第 4 条 に定める登録料及び売買取引手数料を減免することができます。 | 2.4 The Applicant shall represent, warrant and agree to the following statements:- (1) All proper information is registered in respect of the Applicant. (2) Information registered is continuously updated and accurate and is revised and updated without delay whenever it is modified. (3) Applicant takes responsibility for arrangement and preparation of necessary equipment, hardware, facility and software suita- ble for proper use by the Applicant for the Service. (4) Applicant takes responsibility for the management of incoming and outgoing information handled through the Service. (5) The settlement of Transactions of the Products set out in Ad- dendumⅠ is conducted in accordance with procedures pro- vided in Addendum Ⅲ. Clause 3 (Service) The Service provided under the Agreement is to offer the TOCOM-Window, an on-line trading site for over-the-counter trans- actions (the “Transaction”) of specified commodities, which Traders can access and use subject to the Agreement and the TOCOM-Window User Agreement. Clause 4 (Fees) 4.1 The Trader shall agree to the following statements and pay the JOE Registration fee and Transaction fee (the “Fees”) as set out below: (1) The Trader shall pay the JOE Registration fee upon Registra- tion. Registration fee is listed in AddendumⅠ hereto. (2) The Trader shall pay for each Transaction the JOE Transaction fee, which are listed in AddendumⅠ hereto. (3) The Transaction fees are to be paid in one lump sum in either Japanese Yen or US Dollar subject to Addendum I(3) within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice by way of local or international telegraphic transfers, and addressed to the account designated by XXX. Remittance charges and associated costs for the payment of the Fee shall be borne by the Trader (4) All Fees are subject to taxes where applicable, including VAT. These applicable taxes shall be borne solely by the Trader and shall accompany payment of the Fees. (5) XXX reserves the right to change the Fees provided for in this Clause 4 and any component thereof upon notice to the Trader. 4.2 XXX may exempt Transaction Participant from the Registration fee or Transaction fee where XXX deems it will be an appropriate way |
3.登録者が本第 4 条 1 及び本規約の下で支払債務履行日までに支払いを行わなかった場合、XXX は当該登録者に対して書面にて滞納通知を出すことができます。また XXX は支払債務履行日の翌日から実際の支払日まで当該債務元本に年率 6%の日割り分を乗じた金額を支払遅延損害金として当該登録者に請求することができます。 XXX は本規約のすべて、または一部分を変更または修正(以下、「本規約の変更等」)することができます。本規約の変更等が行われた場合、XXX は以下のいずれかの方法によって登録者に通知します。 (1) 本第 10 条に従ってメールにて本規約の変更等の通知を送信します。 (2) JOE または東商取のウェブサイト上に変更及び修正の通知を掲示します。 但し、本規約の変更等はすでに成約した取引に遡って適用しないものと します。 2.本規約の下で、どのような変更通知が出された場合でも、登録者が変 更通知を受領後、引き続き本サービスを利用した場合、登録者は本規約 の変更等を合意したと見なします。 登録者は、本規約に同意し本サービスを受ける場合、以下の各事項を遵守することとします。 (1)本第6条1及び2の内容に加え、以下の情報を提供及びアップデート することとします。 (i)支払形態とスケジュール (ii)取引と支払いに必要な銀行関連の情報 (ⅲ)連絡先(電話番号、または、Eメールアドレス) (ⅳ)その時々にXXXが合理的な理由により提出を求める他の情報 (2)登録者は、本第6条3(1)の提供及びアップデートしないことによって 生じるXXXの被る損害を補償することとします。 | to stimulate and vitalize a transaction on XXX’x markets. 4.3 If any sum payable to XXX pursuant to this Clause 4.1 and under this Agreement is in arrears after it becomes due and payable, the JOE may, upon written notice to the Trader, charge interest (as contractual and late payment charge) on such sum, on a day-to-day basis, from the date following the due date to the date of actual payment at the annual rate of 6 percent (6%) per year. Clause 5 (Modifications to Agreement) 5.1 The JOE may modify or change all or any part of this Agreement from time to time (a “Change of Terms”). Upon a Change of Terms, XXX will notify the Trader either by: (1) E-mail pursuant to Clause 10; or (2) Posting the changes on the JOE or TOCOM website. Notwithstanding provisions above in this 5.1 a Change of Terms shall not apply retroactively to Transactions already concluded. 5.2 In the event of any notification, whether by means stated in this Clause or in 5.1 above, the Trader’s continued access to JOEP after receipt of such notification shall constitute an affirmative acknowl- edgement by the Trader of these Terms and its modifications and agreement by the Trader to abide and be bound by these Terms and the modifications thereto. Clause 6 (Trader’s Obligations) 6.1 The Trader agrees that by registering for the Service, it agrees and undertakes to be solely responsible for the following: (1) In addition to its obligations under Clause 6.1 above and 6.2 providing, maintaining and updating the following information: (i)payment modes and schedules; (ii)banking-related information needed for trading and pay- ment; (ii)contact numbers ( telephone number or e-mail address); and (iv) other information which XXX may reasonably request from time to time. (2) If there is any non-compliance with Clause 6.3(1) above, the Trader agrees that it shall be solely responsible and liable for any appropriate measures taken in response to such non-compliance. In addition, the Trader agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the JOE for any loss that it may sustain as a result of such non-compliance. |
(3)登録者は、XXXが折々に変更する本規約及び変更に関する利用ガイドラインに従うこととします。 2.本規約の下で買手と売手の間で実施される取引に関わる売買につい ては、本第7条に基づく取引の基本条件(以下、「取引基本条件」)に基づいて行われるものとします。 なお、XXXは成約に基づき、または関連して生じるクレームや紛争に対して一切責任を負わないものとします。 3.XXXでの取引には、日本の法令等が適用されます。 本規約の下で行われる対象商品の取引基本条件は、付属書Ⅱに定める とおりとします。 取引の清算は、付属書Ⅲに定めるとおりとします。 登録者が登録の解除を行う場合、XXXに対して登録解除希望日より起算して2週間前までに解除手続きを行うものとします。なお2週間前が休日 及び祝日の場合、休日及び祝日の直前の営業日までに行うものとしま す。 2.下記に該当する場合、XXXは登録者に対して登録解除の通知を行う権利を有するものとします。なお通知が行われた場合、すでに行っている取引の引渡しもしくは償還が完了次第登録を解除するものとします。 (1)支払停止の状態に陥りまたは破産、会社整理、会社更生手続、民 事再生手続、その他法的整理手続の申立の原因を生じ、またはその申立を受け、若しくは自らこれらの申立をした場合 (2)合併によらず解散した場合 (3)法令等の違反に関して処分等が行われた場合 (4)本規約及びTOCOMウィンドウ利用規約に違反した場合 (5)その他財産状態が悪化し、本規約の履行に深刻な影響を及ぼす、 | (3) Adhering to Agreement and usage guidelines of changes thereof that may be published at any time from time to time by the JOE. 6.2 The contracts for sale and/or purchase of Products shall be gov- erned by basic terms of Transaction agreement (the “Basic Terms”) pursuant to Clause 7 hereof and/or the respective Transaction-based terms outlined in (a) and (b) below .; 6.3 Transactions of Products shall be governed by the laws and regu- lations of Japan. Clause 7 (OTC Transaction for Specified Product) Terms of Transactions for specified Products conducted under this Agreement are set out in Addendum II hereto. Clause 8 (Settlement of Transactions) Settlement of Transactions shall be made in accordance with terms of Products that are set out in Addendum III hereto. Clause 9 (Cancellation of Registration) 9.1 Where the Trader cancels this Agreement it must complete a pro- cedure for the cancellation of Registration at least two (2) weeks prior to the desired date of cancellation. When the date two (2) weeks prior to the desired date of cancellation is a holiday or non-working day, the procedure must be completed by the working day before the holi- day or non-working day. 9.2 Where the Trader meets the following events or circumstances the XXX reserves the right to give notice of a cancellation of Registration to the Trader. However, where a cancellation notice is sent to the Trader the cancellation of Registration will take place at the time when a delivery of Product or payment for Product has been com- pleted. (1) Insolvency or accrual of a cause of petition for or filing or fac- ing file for bankruptcy, liquidation, Corporation reorganization, Civil rehabilitation, or any other legal liquidation; (2) Dissolution without regard to merger and acquisition; (3) Receipt of punishment due to violations of laws and ordinanc- es; (4) Breach of the Agreement; (5) Adequate causes for other worsened financial conditions enough to have or threatened to have a serious impact on its |
またはその恐れがあると認められる相当の事由がある場合 (6)他の登録者より正当な理由に基づいて登録解除の要請が行われた場合 (7)登録者が不合理に、XXXの取引の妨げとなるような行為をしたと見なした場合 3.下記に該当する場合、XXXは登録者に対して何らの通知催告を要することなく、即時に登録者の登録解除を行うことができ、登録者はこれに対して何ら異議を申し立てることができないものとします。 (1)登録者がTOCOMウィンドウ利用規約第10条に規定する禁止行為を行った場合 (2)TOCOMウィンドウ利用規約第12条第2項の規定に基づき、東商取が登録者のTOCOMxxxxxの提供を停止または終了した場合 第10条(連絡) XXXから登録者、もしくは登録者からXXXへ出される通知は、E-mailまたは書面を用いて行われることとします。 2.登録者の通常のメールアドレス、または、最後に登録されたアドレス宛に送られた全ての通知は、受信者がどのような場合であっても、通知が 送信された日の翌日、翌日が休日及び祝日の場合、次の営業日の午前10時に受領されたものとします。 XXXは、法令に基づく要請、取引の円滑化または価格指標の形成に資すると認められる場合、登録者がTOCOM-Windowを通じて行った取引 (売り注文、買い注文、成約等を含む)に関する情報を下記の第三者に 提供することができるものとします。 (1)規制当局 (2)店頭取引仲介業者 (3)価格報告機関 XXXは、火災、洪水、台風、津波、火山噴火、地震、その他自然災害、または天災、主権者や外敵による戦争、侵入、敵対行為(戦争が布告され | continued performance of the Agreement; (6) Receipt by the JOE of appeals from other Traders seeking a cancellation of the Trader’s registration on legitimate grounds; or (7) Unreasonable activities by the Trader being deemed inappro- priate and impeditive for Transactions or trading through the JOE. 9.3 Where the Trader meets the following events or circumstances the XXX may reserve the rights to cancel the Registration of the Trader without any notice to it, against which it is not allowed to raise any protest in whatsoever. (1) The Trader is engaged in any of the prohibited acts stipulated in Clause 10 of the TOCOM-Window User Agreement. (2) TOCOM has suspended or terminated either partly or wholly the TOCOM-Window service to the Trader pursuant to the pro- visions of Clause 12.2 of the TOCOM-Window User Agree- ment. Clause 10 (Notice) 10.1 All notices to either the Trader or the JOE shall be made by e-mail or in writing to the addresses stated in Registration Form or as otherwise agreed by the Parties. 10.2 All notices to either Party sent by e-mail to or left at the last known e-mail address of the Trader in the Registration Form shall be deemed to have been delivered and received 10:00 a.m. on the fol- lowing day of the notice or the next business day where such day is a non-working day for the other or holiday. Clause 11 (Provision of Information to Third Parties) The JOE may provide the information on the Trader’s transactions (including bid, ask, or matched transaction, etc.) on TOCOM-Window to the following third parties in order to fulfill regulatory requirements or where XXX deems it serves the purposes of facilitating transactions or price discovery process: (1) Regulatory authorities (2) OTC brokers (3) Price reporting agencies Clause 12 ( Force Majeure ) XXX shall not be liable for any delay or default in its operation of the website and/or Service under this Agreement caused by circumstanc- es beyond its control including but not limited to; fire, flood, typhoon, |
ているか否かに関係なく)、テロリスト活動、ストライキ、ロックアウト、労働論争、国家の有事、禁輸、封鎖、制裁、その他政府による行為または規 制処置、石油産業、LNG産業、または金融市場の衰弱、一時的な機能停 止、物質的な欠如、共用コンピュータ・サービス、エレクトロニクス、テレコミュニケーション、コンピュータ・システムやネットワークの一時的な機能 停止または中断など、JOEの管理できない事由によりJOEPや本サービスの運営に必要な処置が遅延、または履行できなかった場合は責任を問われないものとします。 登録者は、上記の状況等、登録者の管理できない事由により、本規約上 の義務の履行を遅延し、または履行できなかった場合は責任を問われな いものとします。 登録者は、本規約を承認するにあたり、自社(自社の役員または実質的 に経営に関与する者を含む。)が、暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団員でなくなったときから 5 年を経過しない者、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係企業、総会屋、社会運動等標榜ゴロまたは特殊知能暴力集団その他これらに準ずる者(以下、「反社会的勢力」)に該当しないこと並びに次の各号のいずれにも該当しないことを表明し、かつ、将来にわたっても該当しないことを XXX に対して確約するものとします。 (1) 反社会的勢力が経営を支配していると認められる関係を有すること (2) 反社会的勢力が経営に実質的に関与していると認められる関係を有すること (3) 自己、自社若しくは第三者の不正の利益を図る目的または第三者に損害を加える目的をもってするなど、不当に反社会的勢力を利 用していると認められる関係を有すること (4) 反社会的勢力に対して資金等を提供し、または便宜を供与するなどの関与をしていると認められる関係を有すること (5) 役員または実質的に経営に関与する者が反社会的勢力と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有すること 2.登録者が本第 13 条 1 の確約に反していることが判明したときは、XXX は登録者に対して何らの通知催告を要することなく、即時に登録者の 登録解除を行うことができ、登録者はこれに対して何ら異議を申し立てる ことができないものとします。 | tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake, other natural disasters or act of God, war, invasion, hostility by sovereign or foreign enemy (whether declared or undeclared), terrorists, strike, lockout, labor dispute, national emergency, trade embargo, blockade, sanction, other governmental action or control measures, decline or temporary sus- pension or shortage of goods in oil industry, LNG industry or xxxxx- cial markets, temporary outage or interruption in shared computer services, electronics, telecommunications, and computer systems or networks. A Trader shall not be liable for any delay or default in the perfor- mance of its duties under this Agreement caused by circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to the foregoing situa- tions. Clause 13 (Elimination of Anti-social Forces) 13.1 The Trader represents and warrants to JOE that it (and its offic- ers including a person virtually involved in its management of com- pany) is not and will not be an organized crime group, an organized crime group member, a person having been an come a an organized crime group member in the past five (5) years, a quasi- organized crime group member, a company related to an organized crime group, corporate extortionist, a quasi-social activist rogue, nor an organized smart criminal group, or the like, (“Anti-social Forces”) and it also gives assurance to the JOE that none of the following applies to it at present and in future: (1) Maintaining a relationship with Anti-social Forces who control it; (2) Maintaining a relationship with Anti-social Forces who effectively control it; (3) Maintaining a relationship with Anti-social Forces which it uti- lizes for the purposes of gaining dishonest profits for itself, its company or a third party or of damaging a third party; (4) Maintaining a relationship with Anti-social Forces to which it provides money or facilities; or (5) The officer or management virtually involved in the Trader’s company operation maintains an unethical relationship with Anti-social Forces. 13.2 If it is discovered that the representation and warranty given under this Clause 13.1 is not true or is inaccurate, the JOE may re- serve the rights to cancel the Registration of the Trader without any notice to it, against which it is not allowed to raise any protest in whatsoever. |
登録者は本規約を日本語以外の言語に自らの費用で翻訳することはで きます。しかしながら本規約と日本語以外の言語の翻訳文の解釈に齟齬が生じたときは日本語の本規約が優先します。 本規約の解釈、適用は国際私法の原則によらず、日本国法に準拠する こととします。本規約に関し、紛争が生じた場合には、東京地方裁判所または東京簡易裁判所をもって第xxの専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。 附則(施行期日) 1. 本規約は、商品先物取引法第332条第1項及び同法第342条第1項の規程に基づき経済産業大臣許可の日の2014年5月20日より施行する。 2. 本改訂は2017年4月3日から施行する。 第4条付属書Ⅰ(3)中、以下の契約種別の売買取引手数料について、当分の間、以下のとおり読み替えるものとし、2017年4月3日よりこれを実施する。 1) Physical/LNG US$300 /lot ( 税 別 ) 2) Physical/LNG(JKM-differential) US$300 /lot( 税 別 ) 3) LNG JKM Swap US$ 0.002/mmBTU (税別) 4) LNG DES Japan Swap US$ 0.002/mmBTU (税別) | Clause 14 (Language) The Traders shall be entitled to have this Agreement translated, at their own cost. However, this Agreement in the Japanese language shall prevail in the event of inconsistencies, if any, over subsequent translations, including any English version Clause 15 (Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution) The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be in all respects subject to, governed by and construed in accordance with the sub- stantive laws of Japan without reference to its conflicts of laws prin- ciples. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agree- ment shall first be submitted to the exclusive original jurisdiction of Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court. Supplementary provisions (Enforcement date): 1. This Agreement came into force as from 20th May 2014, the date when Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry approved it in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 332 and paragraph 1 of Article 342 of the Commodity Derivatives Act. 2. These revised parts of Agreement come into force as from the 3rd of April 2017. Supplementary provisions (Transaction Fee): The Transaction fees set forth in AddendumⅠ(3)pursuant to Clause 4.1 shall be deemed to be replaced with the following until further notice: 1) Physical/ LNG US$ 300/lot (not including consumption tax) 2) Physical/ LNG (JKM-differential) US$300 /lot (not including consumption tax) 3) LNG JKM Swap US$ 0.002/mm BTU (not including consumption tax) 4) LNG DES Japan Swap US$ 0.002/mm BTU (not including consumption tax) These supplementary provisions shall come into force as from the 3rd of April 2017. |
付属書 Ⅰ 当付属書Ⅰは本規約第2条(登録)4(5)、同第4条(手数料等)に基づいて取引対象商品、登録料及び売買取引手数料を定める。 (1) 取引対象商品及び契約の種別は以下のとおりとする。[本規約第 2 条(登録)3(5)関連] 取引対象商品: 第1種: LNG(液化天然ガス) 契約の種別: 1) Physical/LNG 2) Physical/LNG(JKM-differential) 3) LNG JKM Swap 4) LNG DES Japan Swap (2) 登録料(本規約第 4 条) 登録者あたり 20,000 円(税別) (3) 売買取引手数料(本規約第 4 条) 1) Physical/LNG US$3,000 /lot ( 税 別 ) 2) Physical/LNG(JKM-differential) US$3,000 /lot ( 税 別 ) 3) LNG JKM Swap US$ 0.005/mmBTU (税別) 4) LNG DES Japan Swap US$ 0.005/mmBTU (税別) 請求書の金額はロット単位とし、上記1)及び2)については、1カーゴ=1 ロット、上記3)及び4)については、50,000mmBTU=1ロットとする。 但し日本円で支払う場合には次の算式に基づく。 月末請求日時点のxxx銀行の公表するTTMレートによって円換算した金額。月末請求日が休日または祝日の場合は、直前の銀行営業日に公表されたTTMレートで円換算する。 本付属書の効力は本規約の効力発生日に発生する。 | Addendum Ⅰ This Addendum sets forth Products and Registration fee and Transac- tion fee pursuant to Clause 2.4(5) (Registration) and Clause 4 (Fees) of the Agreement. (1) Products and contract types for trading are as follows ; [Clause 2 (Registration)3(5)] Product: Commodity Type 1: LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Contract Type: 1) Physical/ LNG 2) Physical/ LNG (JKM-differential) 3) LNG JKM Swap 4) LNG DES Japan Swap (2) Registration fee (Clause 4) ; 20,000 Japanese Yen per Trader (not including consumption tax) (3) Transaction fee; [ Clause 4 ] 1) Physical/ LNG US$ 3,000/lot (not including consumption tax) 2) Physical/ LNG (JKM-differential) US$3,000 /lot (not including consumption tax) 3) LNG JKM Swap US$ 0.005/mm BTU (not including consumption tax) 4) LNG DES Japan Swap US$ 0.005/mm BTU (not including consumption tax) INVOICE is prepared on a lot unit basis; For 1) and 2) above, one cargo = one lot; For 3) and 4) above, 50,000mmBTU=one lot. Where Transaction Feeis paid in Japanese yen the conver- sion formula is as follows; Amount converted from US Dollar to Japanese yen by TTM rate published by Mizuho Bank Ltd. as of the date of INVOICE. When the date of INVOICE is Saturday, Sunday or national holiday amount converted by TTM rate published by the Mi- xxxx Bank Ltd. on a previous banking day. This Addendum Ⅰ shall be effective as of the effective date of the Agreement. |
付属書 Ⅱ 当付属書Ⅱは本規約第7条(取引について)に基づいて、取引対象及び契約の種別ごとに取引の基本条件について定める。 取引対象商品: 第 1 種: LNG(液化天然ガス) LNG取引の各契約種別は、清算方法によって、取引参加者間で清算するAタイプ、CME Clearingにより清算するBタイプとする。 本取引のABタイプ及び清算については下記の付属書Ⅲ及び本規約の別表「タイプ別LNG取引の基本条件」に定めるものとする。 本付属書の効力は本規約の効力発生日に発生する。 | Addendum Ⅱ This Addendum II sets forth the terms of specified Transactions pur- suant to Clause 7 (OTC Transactions for Specified Product) of the Agreement. Product: Commodity Type 1: LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Each Contract type of LNG Transaction is categolised into two types, A and B, on a way of settlement as follows: “A Type” is used for the Transaction settled bilaterally between Traders partic- ipating in the Transaction and “B Type” is used for Transaction cleared by CME Clearing. Particulars of A and B Types and set- tlements for LNG Contracts are provided in Addendum Ⅲ(2) be- low and Attached table, “Specifications of LNG CONTRACT by Type” annexed to this Agreement. This Addendum Ⅱ shall be effective as of the effective date of the Agreement. |
付属書 Ⅲ 当付属書Ⅲは本規約第2条(登録)4(5)、同第8条(取引の清算)に基づいて取引の清算方法について定める。 取引対象商品: 第 1 種: LNG(液化天然ガス): 上記付属書Ⅱ のAタイプ(取引参加者間)の清算については、取引参加者が交渉により合意した条件に基づき取引参加者の責任において行うこととする。 上記付属書ⅡのBタイプ(CME Clearing)の清算についてはCME Clearing が定める方法で行うこととする。 本付属書の効力は本規約の効力発生日に発生する。 | Addendum Ⅲ This Addendum Ⅲ sets forth the Settlement of Transaction pursuant to Clause2.4(5) and Clause 8 (Settlement of Transaction). Product: Commodity Type 1: LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) The Settlement for A Type of Contracts provided in Addendum Ⅱabove shall be conducted at Transaction Participants’ own re- sponsibility in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed through negotiations between the parties concerned. The Settlement for B Type of Contracts provided in Addendum Ⅱ above shall be subject to rules CME Clearing provides. This Addendum Ⅲ shall be effective as of the effective date of the Agreement. |
別 表 : タ イ プ 別 LNG 取 引 の 基 本 条 件 Attached Table: Specifications of LNG CONTRACT by Type
Contract Type | Physical Contract(Bilateral Set- tlement) –A Type | Physical Contract(Bilateral Set- tlement) –A Type | Financial (cash-settled) Contract (CME-cleared) – B Type | Financial (cash-settled) Contract (CME-cleared)– B Type |
Contract Name on TOCOM-Window | Physical/LNG | Physical/LNG (JKM-differential) | LNG JKM | LNG DES Japan |
Object of Trade | LNG Physical Cargo | LNG Physical Cargo | OTC Swap(Transacted OTC on JOE Platform and given up to CME NYMEX for clearing as its “LNG Japan/Korea Marker (Platts) Futures’” position. Other settlement method is available on negotiation.) | OTC Swap (Transacted OTC on JOE Platform and given up to CME NYMEX for clearing as its “LNG DES Japan (RIM) Futures” position. Other settle- ment method is available on negotia- tion.) |
Delivery Method | Specific delivery conditions (*) will be negotiated between seller and buyer utilizing “TOCOM-Window”, a bulletin board for registered users. Negotiable conditions include the fol- lowing items: - Heating value (Supply source) - Delivery day (specific day within the half-month delivery period.) - Unloading port (*may be those lo- cated outside of Japan) - Vessel - Quantity, etc. | Specific delivery conditions (*) will be negotiated between seller and buyer utilizing “TOCOM-Window”, a bulletin board for registered users. Negotiable conditions include the fol- lowing items: Heating value (Supply source), Deliv- ery day (specific day within the half-month delivery period.), Unload- ing port (*may be those located out- side of Japan), Vessel, Quantity, etc. | N/A | N/A |
Contract Unit | 1 cargo (Ship and cargo size are ne- gotiable. See Note 2 below.) | 1 cargo (Ship and cargo size are ne- gotiable. See Note 2 below.) | 50,000MMBtu (10,000MMBtu/lot *5lots) CME Minimum block thresh- old: 5lots | 50,000MMBtu (10,000MMBtu/lot *5lots) CME Minimum block threshold: 5lots |
Price Quotation | U.S. Dollars and Cents per MMBtu | U.S. Dollars and Cents per MMBtu: CFD (Premium or Discount : Dif- ferential against JKM) | U.S. Dollars and Cents per MMBtu | U.S. Dollars and Cents per MMBtu |
Trade Execution Method | Over the Counter Transaction. A trade is executed upon notification that a buyer and a seller have reached agreement in an independent negotiation utilizing | Over the Counter Transaction. A trade is executed upon notification that a buyer and a seller have reached agreement in an independent negotia- tion utilizing “TOCOM-Window”. | Over the Counter Transaction. A trade is executed upon notification that a buyer and a seller have reached agreement in an independent negotia- tion utilizing “TOCOM-Window”, a | Over the Counter Transaction. A trade is executed upon notification that a buyer and a seller have reached agreement in an independent negotia- tion utilizing “TOCOM-Window”, a |
“TOCOM-Window”. | bulletin board for registered users. | bulletin board for registered users. | ||
Trading Hours | 16:30-17:30 JST (Core Time)* *May be traded anytime between 9:00-17:00JST. Please be advised that the transactions matched during the core time are reflected on the same day’s assessment for RIM DES Japan and Platts JKM. | 16:30-17:30 JST (Core Time)* *May be traded anytime between 9:00-17:00JST. Please be advised that the transactions matched during the core time are reflected on the same day’s assessment for RIM DES Japan and Platts JKM. | 17:00-17:30 JST | 16:30-17:00 JST |
Minimum Price Fl uctuation | $0.001 per MMBtu | $0.001 per MMBtu | $0.001 per MMBtu | $0.001 per MMBtu |
Listed Contracts (Contract Month s) | Four consecutive half months (A New half Month contract will be added following the termination of trading of the prompt half month.) | Twelve consecutive months (A New Contract Month will be generated on the first TOCOM business day of the month one year prior to the said New Contract Month. On the day when a New Contract Month is generated, there will be 12 consecutive months starting from the month which the said day belongs to.) | Twelve consecutive months (A New Contract Month will be generated on the first TOCOM business day of the month one year prior to the said New Contract Month. On the day when a New Contract Month is generated, there will be 12 consecutive months starting from the month which the said day belongs to.) | Twelve consecutive months (A New Contract Month will be generated on the first TOCOM business day of the month one year prior to the said New Contract Month. On the day when a New Contract Month is generated, there will be 12 consecutive months starting from the month which the said day belongs to.) |
Settlement Method | Physically Settled (Bilateral settlement between seller and buyer.) | Physically Settled (Bilateral settlement between seller and buyer.) | Financially Settled (Cleared by CME. Alternative settlement method availa- ble on buyers/sellers’ agreement through negotiation.) | Financially Settled (Cleared by CME. Alternative settlement method availa- ble on buyers/sellers’ agreement through negotiation.) |
Settlement Price | <Contract Price> The Contract Price agreed by seller and buyer on “TOCOM-Window”. | <Contract Price:CFD> The Contract Price:CFD agreed by seller and buyer on “TOCOM-Window”. | <Floating Price> The ‘Settlement Period’ for a speci- fied contract month shall be the one month period that starts on, and in- cludes, the 16th calendar day of the month that is two months prior to the contract month, and ends on, and in- cludes the 15th calendar day of the month prior to the contract month. The Floating Price shall be deter- mined following the publication of the DES Japan/Korea daily LNG marker | <Floating Price> The "Settlement Period" for a speci- fied contract month shall be the one month period that starts on, and in- cludes, the first Japan business day following the 15th calendar day of the month that is two month prior to the contract month and ends on, and in- cludes, the 15th calendar day of the month prior to the contract month. The Floating Price shall be deter- mined following the publication of the |
(JKM) by Platts on the last publication day in the Settlement Period. If such day is not an Exchange business day, the Floating Price shall be determined on the following Exchange business day. The Floating Price for each contract month is equal to the arithmetic aver- age of the DES Japan/Korea Marker (JKM) published in respect of the con- tract month by Platts in LNG Daily for each day that it is published during the Settlement Period. | Spot LNG DES Japan by RIM on the last publication day in the Settlement Period. If such day is not an Exchange business day, the Floating Price shall be determined on the following Ex- change business day. The Floating Price for each contract month is equal to the arithmetic aver- age of the "DES Japan" Spot LNG prompt month assessment published in respect of the contract month by RIM in the RIM LNG Intelligence Daily for each day that is published during the Settlement Period. | |||
Termination of Tra ding (Last Trading Da y) | The 15th or the last calendar day of the month prior to the contract half month. If such date is not a Japanese business day, trading shall terminate on the business day immediately pri- or. | The 15th or the last calendar day of the month prior to the contract half month. If such date is not a Japanese business day, trading shall terminate on the business day immediately prior. | The 15th calendar day of the month prior to the contract month. If this is not a business day, the preceding busi- ness day. | Trading terminates on the 15th cal- endar day of the month prior to the contract month. If such date is not a Japanese business day, trading shall terminate on the business day imme- diately prior. |
Note 1: PRA’s dail y assessment’s clo sing time | Platts: 17:30 JST(16:30 Singapore Time) RIM: 15:00(17:00*) JST *for DES NEA | Platts: 17:30 JST (16:30 Singapore Time) | Platts: 17:30 JST (16:30 Singapore Time) | RIM: 15:00(17:00*) JST *for DES NEA |
Note 2: | Ship and Cargo size: Assuming average capacity of 160,000 cubic meters (approximately 3,000,000 MMBtu)) . Platts defines the current standard ship and cargo size as 135,000-175,000 cubic meters (Apprx. 2,531,250 - 3,281,250 MMBtu). RIM assumes 1 cargo as roughly 60,000mt, which can be loaded on standard-sized vessels with capacity around 135,000cbm. In addition, Rim may also take into account relatively | Ship and Cargo size: Assuming average capacity of 160,000 cubic meters (approximately 3,000,000 MMBtu)) . Platts defines the current standard ship and cargo size as 135,000-175,000 cubic meters (Apprx. 2,531,250 - 3,281,250 MMBtu). | Trading(Clearing Notification)hours at CME/NYMEX Sunday - Friday 6:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Chicago Time/CT) with a 60-minute break each day beginning at 5:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. CT) JST: 9:00-8:00(Following Day) | Trading(Clearing Notification)hours at CME/NYMEX Sunday - Friday 6:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Chicago Time/CT) with a 60-minute break each day beginning at 5:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m. CT) JST: 9:00-8:00(Following Day) |
larger Q-Flex and Q-Max vessels for the DES Japan assessment. |